We have some interior rooms, too. I think only one is being used as a regular ed classroom this year. They typically use those for interventionists or spec ed, because kids aren't in there all day long.No windows to the outside. I have windows that look into another classroom that used to be the computer lab. There are four classrooms in my section of the school that do not have windows to the the outside. On a positive note if there is a tornado I have an ideal classroom for shelter.
Oh and I have a sink in my classroom, but it hasn't been used in years. My request on moving to this classroom was that the sink be working. Well, I talked to my principal Friday and it turns out that the sink will probably stay out of order. Why? The water has been shut off to it, the water shut off is in a small tunnel under the maintance area and that tunnel has asbestos in it.So my options are either a portable water stating, getting water from the bathroom which is right next to me (actually that is a positive of this new room), or getting a key to the janitor's closet to access their bigger sink. I think the janitor's closet is the best idea. Another teacher used to do asbestos removal when he was in college and he joked that they might still have his gear and he can go down and remove it.
My admins are gearing up for a referendum on the spring ballot for facilities & grounds updates. So AC for the building would be on it and I'm going to see if asbestos removal & a return to plumbing in my room can be on the list of updates too.
My room has a sink, too, but pretty much all of our rooms do. At least the regular ed rooms. I can't imagine not having a sink in an elementary classroom. But, they redid the sinks a few years back, and the ones they chose aren't great. They're like bathroom sinks, and the faucet is way too low. If I ever want to fill something up, I can't get the container underneath.
As far as construction, the front office is being worked on right now. We never had a secure entrance, so they're fixing that. Brand new front office, entryway, and a new staff lounge. We never really had a lounge. Just a couple tiny rooms with copiers. And we'll have a staff bathroom, sink and fridge in the lounge. It'll be really close to my room, too. So I'll have that near me, and the old staff bathroom is directly across the hall from me. It's a busy area in our school, but I'm also close to pretty much everything.