Well-Known Member
The Bond movies were coming out when I was a semi-rebellious teenager. I was raised in a very Catholic household and that meant that the entertainment bible was the organization called The Legion of Decency. They had banned all Bond movies from being seen and because of that my parents absolutely forbid me from seeing them. So, of course, I saw them all. Hey, drugs weren't a big thing back then, or at least they weren't in Vermont, so that is how we "put it to the man" in those days. We saw every movie we were not supposed to see. Moral of the story... never tell a teenager that they can't do something cause that is exactly when they will do it. However, now that I think about it, I would have seen them anyway so I guess it really doesn't matter. The only solution is to lock them in their room, I guess!I cant remember ever watching a whole Bond movie only bits of them