There's only three more weeks of summer until I officially go back. And this week I still have summer school. Then I'll have a week and a half off until I have two full-days of professional developments. My principal pretty much asked me to be on a PLC (Professional Learning Community) team that we're starting this year. Then the following week is when I officially start back.
I can never believe how fast summers go. This one especially. I think the combination of two weeks in Florida, then the three weeks of summer school made it feel really short. And I know, Florida is definitely part of summer break, but you guys know how Disney vacations go. They aren't the most relaxing of destinations, and they fly by.
I can never believe how fast summers go. This one especially. I think the combination of two weeks in Florida, then the three weeks of summer school made it feel really short. And I know, Florida is definitely part of summer break, but you guys know how Disney vacations go. They aren't the most relaxing of destinations, and they fly by.