Although, I commented just recently on how we, as English speaking people, were treated, remember that was in 1972 and the climate there was not unlike the climate here right now. But over the 50 years since then that is no longer a problem. One thing you can count on is that the population of Montreal are all bilingual. They have to conduct business with the rest of Canada and the world, so it would not be good for business to stubbornly continue to insist on French. The world doesn't have to bow down to Quebec. That was something that the separatists did not think about during that time. They did gain a lot though and forced a lot of English speaking tyrants (and their money) out of Quebec and they mostly went to Ontario, however, the French speaking folks gained a lot more status and were more free to speak English after the fact. I went to Montreal many, many times (my wife was from Montreal) and in the last three decades, at least, it was never a problem again. My wife was English speaking, but she trained in Nursing in Montreal, there she had to know some basic French to work in the hospitals there. That said, I never heard her speak a word of French the entire 29 years we were married.