When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
It has been hotter here than in Florida daily for a couple of weeks, with even higher humidex readings. That’s hot, by any metric.Not to single you out, but all I have heard from the "north" is how hot it is. All I heard for months previous was how cold it was. You folks are seriously confused. Pick one or the the other. It's in the 90's and above all part of spring, summer and part of fall down here. We may complain if it snows, and dress funny if there is even a minor chill in the air (40 degrees F) but, we almost never complain about the heat because that is what is expected in the south. So, it's ok to be upset about the heat as long as all we hear is joy about cold weather.
To the best of my recollection (keeping in mind that I spent a lot of it on the couch, with my leg elevated and wrapped in ice), winter was a non-event this year.
I was freezing all winter because I came home from the hospital with a fever, so we dropped the thermostat to 65, and no one ever re-adjusted it.