I wondered about that too. I know the right over here is not anywhere NEAR the right in the US. We have our extremists, but they are not as prevalent as in the US, I guess. And I think for the most part, people trust the media, but there has been some spill over here from the BLM protests...they've been having protests here even though there aren't many cases of police brutality here. It's more in solidarity. But there was also a protest against corona regulations the other day, which is weird because things are opening up here. Restaurants are open again, masks are only required for public transportation, schools are back open though they can only have as many kids in the class as they can safely socially distance for lessons in High School, but the elementary schools are not required to distance. So it kind of doesn't make sense that people waited to protest until everything was already opening back up, and it seems like it might have started more from the protests in the US, that they wouldn't have thought to protest until they saw Americans doing it. Our regulations aren't as strict and people didn't protest when they were really cracking down.
I did see on our news this morning that flights are set to open up on July 1st, but that the US will still be banned from entering here because there are still so many cases there. I'm not sure if that's in Europe as a whole, or just to the Netherlands, but the reasoning was that the US still doesn't have a strong hold on the situation, and they said it was ironic because Trump is using the same argument to keep people from the Schengen area from entering the US.
I've noticed here that people aren't necessarily following the regulations, and that men in particular don't bother. When I went to pick up my new glasses, every woman that came in followed the distancing and you had to use a little tray thing...if the trays are gone, they are at maximum capacity. Women all grabbed a tray, but none of the men did. They all had to be asked to go get a tray or wait outside. Same with grocery store carts...a lot of men will take the required cart at the door, but then leave it parked in the store while they shop. And there was an article in the paper last night about a woman who made her first pilgrimage in months out of her house to visit the library and a man had a sneezing fit all over her, without covering his face and he was way too close to her, so she's having to quarantine herself again. I don't know if these men are just oblivious to the rules, or are flauting them on purpose, and it's possible that it's just in my neighborhood/town, but there's been a significant step back in following the guidelines here.