Really? They don't have them here in the Netherlands either, but there was always one at every school I ever went to or taught at. I was sent to the school nurse many times for scraped knees, fevers, getting sick, etc...and the school nurse administered mouthwash once a week in each class, checked for polio and lice once a year, and she taught us all about what to expect in puberty when we were in 5th or 6th grade.
I asked my husband what kids do here if they get sick, because we were always sent to the nurse's office to go lie down and she would check our temp, give us aspirin, etc. He said they just call you and you come pick them up. I asked where they waited because our nurse's office had 2 of those paper-lined beds that doctors' offices always have. He said you just had to go wait by the front doors. Yikes...I can't even imagine having to stand there while you feel awful. I was usually sound asleep by the time my mom came to pick me up. Sure enough, every time one of my kids got sick, it was the teacher who called and they had to stand by the door to wait for me.
What do you do in Canada if you get sick at school?