When you have a delayed start, do you have to go later in the day, too? Or do the kids just miss their morning classes? I don't ever remember having a delayed start when I was in school....we had early release sometimes when it got bad and kids needed to get home before it hit. But usually it was just an out and out cancellation because we had a lot of bus kids from the ranches who couldn't make it in on the dirt roads. It takes a lot to cancel school in Wyoming, but if they do, they just cancel it, not delay it. Over here they've never canceled school for weather for my kids. DS got out early once in....December, I think? When he was first at the new school, because we got a big snow storm and most of the kids at this school don't live in our town, they are bussed in from other towns, and we don't have school buses. If you live too far away from the school to ride a bike, the city pays for a taxi van...that day, the vans refused to drive after like...1:00, and that meant most kids were picked up by the vans early, so they closed the school for the afternoon and I had to leave work and go pick him up in the snow. But that's the only time one of my kids had a changed schedule. Even a few years ago in July, when it was over 100 degrees for days on end,( no air conditioners in the schools) nearly every school in the whole country altered their schedules, starting up to 2 hours earlier so the kids could go home before the hottest part of the day, or they canceled school or shortened the day....our school told the kids they could have extra water breaks. My DD's teacher took a picture of the thermometer in her classroom....43.3C (109F)...she was on the side where the sun came directly into her classroom. And they didn't cancel school or let the kids out early. One of the dad's was so angry, he went and bought popsicles for his kids' classes. (Have I mentioned I will be SO glad to be done with that school at the end of this school year?)