Where in the World Isn't Bob Saget?


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I just found my way to the weird part of YouTube where everyone thinks 911 was a hoax/inside job.

How can people be so stupid?

Arthur Wellesley

Well-Known Member
Millions of people think the moon landings were faked.
And shows like 'Finding Bigfoot' and 'Ghost Hunters' actually draw large audiences.

There will never be any more hardcore evidence on those shows other than "credible" eyewitness accounts, random noises, and tiny shadowy images that are impossible to decipher clearly. There. I just ruined every episode from now 'til the end of time. You're welcome. :)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
And shows like 'Finding Bigfoot' and 'Ghost Hunters' actually draw large audiences.

There will never be any more hardcore evidence on those shows other than "credible" eyewitness accounts, random noises, and tiny shadowy images that are impossible to decipher clearly. There. I just ruined every episode from now 'til the end of time. You're welcome. :)
I remember when someone saw something in the mirror. Was it themself? Was it the object behind them that they couldn't decipher because it's dark? No. It must have been a ghost!

Arthur Wellesley

Well-Known Member
I remember when someone saw something in the mirror. Was it themselves? Was it the object behind them that they couldn't decipher because it's dark? No. It must have been a ghost!
Any given teenager with any given digital camera can zoom in clearly on an ant many feet away & film it's eyeballs...yet those popular TV shows with a hefty budget still have yet to invest in quality filming equipment that can capture images coherently. What a shameful coincidence. :(


Well-Known Member
Another one is the constant bombardment of Alien shows. I don't know if it's true or not. I suppose on some level it is possible, however, armed with the information that it was indeed Aliens, what do we do with that information. Attack random planets until we find the offending civilization.

Assuming that they were Aliens, they must have figured out that we aren't worth the cost of exploring because they don't do anywhere near the spectacular things that they used to do. Seen any gigantic pyramids pop up lately? Some toothless person from Mississippi or Arkansas occasionally spots an Alien, but, the Aliens probably were just making a quick trip to get the bottle return money from the snacks they picked up on their last trip. Or perhaps to buy a lottery ticket. Power Ball will buy a lot of rocket fuel.


Well-Known Member
Another one is the constant bombardment of Alien shows. I don't know if it's true or not. I suppose on some level it is possible, however, armed with the information that it was indeed Aliens, what do we do with that information. Attack random planets until we find the offending civilization.

Assuming that they were Aliens, they must have figured out that we aren't worth the cost of exploring because they don't do anywhere near the spectacular things that they used to do. Seen any gigantic pyramids pop up lately? Some toothless person from Mississippi or Arkansas occasionally spots an Alien, but, the Aliens probably were just making a quick trip to get the bottle return money from the snacks they picked up on their last trip. Or perhaps to buy a lottery ticket. Power Ball will buy a lot of rocket fuel.
Attacking random planets won't do any good since we the aliens might still be here controlling everything behind the scenes.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Attacking random planets won't do any good since we the aliens might still be here controlling everything behind the scenes.
That's actually one of the videos I watched this afternoon before I got sucked into the infuriating part of YouTube:
10 Reasons Why We Still Haven't Met Aliens (turn your sound down !)

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