All the above is precisely why I seek out multiple (and I mean, multiple . . .) news outlets daily, both here and abroad. My pet peeve is that news reports now are not always vetted; all they care about is being the first with a sensational sound bite. I know we're living in a world of "instant" everything . . . but, I'd rather wait for the real facts on a story than the "Entertainment Tonight" version. I'm at the point where I trust maybe 60% of the news reporting.
I know what you mean about Cronkite and some other reporters (note: reporters, not "on air personalities" as they refer to them now, at least on the local news . . .
), of his era. They got the stories right, way more than they got them wrong. And that was without some of the fancy communication tools that we have nowadays. There used to be actual news "bureaus" in major cities here in the U.S. and overseas--Paris, Rome, Brussels, to name just a few. It was "boots on the ground" credible reporting that came back to the U.S. to the home bureau of the major networks.
Sorry for the rant. You guys just hit a sensitive nerve, but I'm glad I'm not the only one who's disgusted here.