So weird day today. It started off normal. I did my pre-student teaching in the morning, and had class at noon. Then we went to the library to look for books for a project. After we left the library, there were a bunch of people standing outside a building. We asked what everyone was doing. They said a building had been evacuated, and they were told to get away from it. Being curious, me and a couple of friends stood around and wanted to see what was going on. Then came a report of a firearm in the building. Still, there was no real police presence or anything. There was one girl in an orange jacket kind of blocking people off. Nothing more. Then a professor walked by, and someone asked what was happening. She said "there's an active shooter." So once we heard that, my friends and I decided to leave the area. I went to the student center where some of my other friends were. I was talking to them, and then over the speakers someone said "_________ building has been closed due to reports of a firearm. Please do not go near this building." That was all. Then a little bit later they came back over the speakers and said, "Campus is closing immediately for the remainder of the day due to safety concerns." Everyone then left campus, as it was being evacuated. It's kind of crazy how many people are on campus at once. So many people walking and trying to drive away. My car was across campus and near the building with the potential active shooter, so I got a ride home from a friend. Then one of my friends messaged me saying apparently someone was seen walking into a bathroom with a rifle.
Due to the lack of police/security present, I don't think it was a truly dangerous situation, but you never know. They're still in the process of figuring it out now.