The nice thing about my school district: the policy is if you take an AP test for an AP course, you don't have to take a final for that course unless you're in between grades (you get a B for two quarters and an A for two quarters, you take a final to determine if you get the B or the A). They've really increased the difficulty level even since my uncle took them 12 years ago. For example, in economics, if you get a 85% on multiple choice and don't completely blow the free response, it's considered a 5 because the test is so hard.
I just really don't want to have to sit through Economics again if I can at all avoid it (it's a required part of my degree program). Or Spanish. Or English. So I need 4's or 5's on all of the tests. And it's freaking me out because the first one is on Tuesday. UGH! Spanish is probably going to be the hardest, but my teacher has been amazing. She makes us work our butts off, but she's also an AP grader and gives really good feedback. And she's been giving me nice high scores on my speaking and written free responses recently, so I'm feeling confident. It's the multiple choice that is going to screw me up. I figure at this point with English and Spanish, I either know it or I don't and practicing up until the exam is the best thing I can do. My other grades I only half care about. I just don't want to lose my scholarship.
Your brother must be pretty dang smart. And a bit of a perfectionist.
Lol, nice.
Don't transfer school districts until your kid reaches college.
That's my advice. (Mind you, I went to 10 schools in 12 years)
I got a 1250 on my SAT to having no college scholorships because the GA State Dept of Education wouldn't accept high school credits I earned (by actually attending those high school classes in person via a bus in Fairfax, VA)...
GA decided that my 8th grade Biology and English credits were not acceptable.
When I graduated high school, I had scholarship offers out the rear, until they pulled my transcript, and saw that the State of GA had decided that I wasn't "college prep"...even though I graduated with 28 credits and their stupid program required 21 at the time...
I could rant long and hard about how this ruined my future plans, but I will step back, and say, remember, for every child, there is an administrator out there who loves to ruin their lives and doesn't care.
I had to take remedial friggin Engish in college, to "earn" my right to get into college, and that prof let me skip the final.
As I said, 1250, and I took it before you could use calculators.
I don't think I'm super smart, rather, I think I'm an idiot. But, it still upsets me, and still upset my life.