Premium Member
Leaves! Spit my coffee. I'd love Jack.
Walt has 3 barks. 1, wandering anywhere in the house when he is not tired, needs more exercise and wants attention from someone or someone he likes arrived. 2, He sees something out the front window including a blowing plastic bag or any pastry on the counter 3, there is something wrong, stranger, inner guard dog. That bark always makes me hop to my feet or run down the stairs.
So, Walt has something going for him—three distinctive bark triggers. That's amazing. He sounds balanced, sure of himself, and in touch with his inner puppy. He sounds like a wonderful family dog. Meanwhile—
Ha! Yah, Jack is something alright—a legend in his own mind. He's entitled, delusional, territorial, and can be outright stubborn at times. He's also a sneaky food bandit. The other night I had a slice of pizza on a plate on the table. The phone rang, and I went to answer it for maybe 30 seconds, and came back to the kitchen. No pizza on plate. When I sternly questioned him about it, he wouldn't even look me in the eye and ran upstairs! (No respect . . . ) But despite his boorish behavior, I love him and he loves me!
One more thing--I just reread you 2nd post about Walt trying to eat your burrito, by planning an attack from under the table! I think that Jack and Walt would be great pals!
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