So, not that it matters, but here's how my morning has gone so far:
5:30 - bathroom time - I get up and open the bathroom door.quietly.
5:31 - Mom: "Is it time to get up?"
me: "Not yet"
Mom: "Well don't I go to work today?"
me: "No, Mom, no you don't"
Mom: "Then what time should I get up?"
me: "about 9" (we tell her this, but she actually usually gets up around 8, except when we need her to get up early, then she sleeps 'til 9:30 or later)
5:45 Mom: "Is it time to get up yet?"
me: "No"
Mom: "well I'm going to be late"
me: "No, no you don't, and it's not time to get up yet"
Rinse, lather repeat this cycle 3 more times, til I caved and let her get up at 6:30 ish, made breakfast, cleaned the commode, got her clothes out for the day.
Meanwhile Thelma and Louise were crying because they hadn't been fed yet, so I picked their dish up off the kitchen floor to find it surrounded by hundreds of tiny ants. Cleaned that up just in time for Thelma to barf under the kitchen table. Cleaned that up.
I keep a dispensing container of water in the fridge all the time for cold drinks. Our water has a slightly chemical taste to it, so I filter it with my Brita before putting it in the container. So I had filtered a pitcher full earlier this morning and eventually dumped it into the refrigerator decanter only to see a large earwig climbing INSIDE the filtering pitcher when I was done pouring. So I had to dump out the refrigerator container, bleach both containers, and refill the filter container. Now we have drinking water that probably tastes like diluted bleach, and isn't all that cold.
Meanwhile, Mom finished her breakfast and washed up for the day, so I helped her back to the bedroom and assisted her getting dressed. I try to have her do as much as possible for herself, but she needs a little help with dressing, especially socks and shoes. She usually makes her own bed though, and gets insulted if I offer to do that for her. So as I left her room this morning I said "OK, just make your bed now and you'll be all set for the day." Her response? "Well, I'm a little tired, could you do it for me?"