I can do teacups with pretty much no problems, spinning and all.
Loved Body Wars and love Star Tours. No problems.
I've done M:S orange as many as 3 times in a row, back-to-back, walk-on, and have never had a problem.
I've done tons of other thrill rides and never had a problem.
But, once back in HS on a class trip to Six Flags in Arlington, Texas (basically Dallas) I did one of those older rides, that was similar to the Gravitron, called The Roundup. I didn't toss, but, felt like carp for pretty much the rest of the trip.
The first time I ever entered the room with the ride vehicles in M:S, I looked up, saw it was basically a centrifuge, and said to myself "OH S***!!!"
Didn't have problem one.
Maybe, in my case anyway, it has something to do with seeing the actual spinning, whereas, you can't in M:S...?