A few years back a board called Laughing Place used to have group meets in DL once a year where they gave out awards to posters pretty much as described by the OP. They stopped doing that when the "old gang of mine" started to peel off one at a time. That happened because new people started to post there as well, thus occasionally disagreeing with them causing them to get all depressed, angry and rebellious. Also because the owner of the board moved from California to Florida and kind of messed it all up as far as bonding was concerned.
I suspect that whomever the OP is, they were part of that system back then. We are going back some 10 years or so, at least. BTW, Laughing Place is still an active board, just not as much as it once was. It has a few regulars that post there all the time, but they are very cliquish, so it is hard to get in the door. Although I must say that they have a section (World Events) where politics, religion and so on are discussed (as in argued, yelled and all kinds of name calling happen daily).
It's a very basic site that doesn't have graphic capabilities, no edit feature so any mistake made is carved in stone and has just not kept up with technology. It's not a bad site, just primitive by today's standards.