When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
As I have shared before, I am a non-drinker, although I have had a few drinks in my younger years.I know someone who hates every alcoholic drink except for that. I can't get past the disgusting name and peach schnapps, which is also disgusting.
One weekend when I was 19 or 20 (legal drinking age here), there was a big dance out at hubby's (then boyfriend) parent's trailer park. Hubby drank beer and I consumed two Fuzzy Navels throughout the evening.
The next morning, his dad prepared the usual "revenge" breakfast - fried eggs, fried bacon, fried sausages, fried tomato, and fried toast. While everyone else was green and miserable, and trying to choke down tiny bites, my future FIL and I gobbled up every single bite on our plates. (Except the tomato. I don't eat un-cooked or un-processed tomato.)
I later learned that this was FIL's punishment to his kids for over-indulging. He never yelled or berated them or took away their booze. He let them make their own decisions and drink themselves stupid sometimes. But all seven of them (and their respective dates/mates) learned that they would face the breakfast fry-up the next morning.
Not sure why, but I haven't had a Fuzzy Navel since. I think Hubby's green countenance turned me off forever. I can't even tolerate that synthetic peach smell. Fresh peaches = good. Fake peaches =