Here in Ontario, liquor and beer are only sold in gov't owned stores, named appropriately The Beer Store, and the LCBO (Liquor Control Board of Ontario).
Hubby's work partner keeps giving him LCBO gift cards, and one (with a substantial balance) has turned up missing. Hubby is furious.
Son #1 doesn't live at home, and is a non-drinker, so we're pretty sure it wasn't him. Besides, if he had wanted it, he would have just asked, and his father would have given it to him, seeing as how he just turned legal last week.
Son #2 has a problem with alcohol and weed. He swipes any libation that is not locked up. And gift cards too, from the looks of things.
Oh well, time to go home and face the battle. Sometimes, every once in a while, I wish I drank. Sadly, I come from a long line of alcoholics so I never touch the stuff.