Knocked me out completely too, as the dental surgeon had to smash three of the teeth to bits and then remove the shards one by one. This was my fifth general anaesthetic, by the age of 22. Have been out two more times since.
I go out nicely, but wake up hysterically. Once, when I was 14, I woke up restrained. And once when I was 12, I woke up stark naked, as I had thrown up 4 times, and they were in the midst of changing me.
Just this past April, I came to retching violently and they were shoving alcohol swabs up my nose. I also remember bawling for my mom (don't we all in such situations?) and the nurses were telling me that they would bring her in in about 1/2 hour. I then said, "You can't. She's dead", and then mercifully was out for a while again.
Son #2 does not come to nicely either. When he had his tonsils and adenoids out (not quite 4) they had to give him four morphine shots to knock him unconscious, as he was he was violently hysterical, screaming like a fool, causing blood and foam to bubble up from his throat. They had me in recovery, physically restraining him, because they didn't want to tie him down. They gave him so much morphine that it took six hours for him to wake up.
Hubby only had freezing when they took two of his wisdom teeth out. They were not impacted. Just a straight forward extraction.