When you knew..


Well-Known Member
Watching the "The Wonderful World of Disney" I think on Saturday nights, (or was it Sunday). I would see clips from Walt Disney World and just knew that some day I would go. I didn't get there until I was MUCH older, but now I feel I have to get back there as often as possible.....


Active Member
When I was young probably around 6 or 7. I would come home and sing pirates all day and its a small world :) I would build fake rides for my barbies and could not wait to go back. :) This has continued on , me and my hubby got married there and we have passed our love of disney to our kiddos :)


Well-Known Member
I went on my first trip in 1983 at 6 months old. The next year went was 1984 and my Mom told me I kept asking when we could go back as soon as I started talking. All we watched in our house was the Disney channel (with a little Nickelodeon here and there) We went every year up until I was in 5th grade and then my parents separated and the trips became every 2-3 years when my Mom could afford to take us. Still my love for Disney never died. So I guess I've been a Disney-holic since 1984 :)


Well-Known Member
When I was young probably around 6 or 7. I would come home and sing pirates all day and its a small world :) I would build fake rides for my barbies and could not wait to go back. :) This has continued on , me and my hubby got married there and we have passed our love of disney to our kiddos :)

We used to build rides for our Barbies too!! We also had a really big yard with a long driveway so when they plowed there were lots of snowbanks. My sister and I used to make our own Splash Mountain where we would kneel in our sleds and pull ourselves around a path we made and up and down the hills and pretend we were on Splash Mountain, going down the biggest snowbank last like the big drop into the briar patch :) we both remember this so vividly too!


Well-Known Member
I 1984 when I vacationed in Florida by my self in 1984. It was my first time in EPCOT Center. My kids are the hooked also. DD16 and DS20) When planning our vacation for this passed January I kept saying DLC they replied WDW they won.


Active Member
I grew up watching Walt's Wonderful World of Disney on Sunday nights. When they started talking about DL and showing drawings, etc. I was amazed. My first trip to WDW was in 1985. I was 25 years old. I fell in love instantly. Growing up my Dad worked in a steel mill and we didn't have much money for vacations, etc. Our big vacation was to drive up to Lake Erie for a few days. Since then I have been there more than 50+ times. My kids (adults) love it as much as I do.


Well-Known Member
My first trip back in 2003. It was a school trip since our high school chorus performs in the Candelight Processional every four years. Not a bad deal - being backstage at EPCOT during my first visit!


Active Member
Original Poster
We used to build rides for our Barbies too!! We also had a really big yard with a long driveway so when they plowed there were lots of snowbanks. My sister and I used to make our own Splash Mountain where we would kneel in our sleds and pull ourselves around a path we made and up and down the hills and pretend we were on Splash Mountain, going down the biggest snowbank last like the big drop into the briar patch :) we both remember this so vividly too!
Sounds like something me and my little brother use to do with our wagon, except for with dirt left over when we got our pool.


Active Member
First trip to Disney Land was 1972 when I was 7 but I was already obsessed with Disney as my sister and I plus my best friend and his siblings would sit and watch Wild Kingdom followed by Wonderful World of Disney every Sunday night from as early as I can remember (I think around age 4).

Castle Dreamer

Active Member
I became obsessed after our third trip to Disney in 2006, for our 10th wedding anniversary. We only went for four nights, but it was so magical and perfect that it started us off on going once a year. We have been eight times now and I'm still hooked!! :)


Well-Known Member
It's funny reading about how many of us grew up watching "The Wonderful World of Disney" on Sunday nights. My wife and I were just talking about it this past Sunday while watching "Cinderella" around supper time on CBC up here in Canada. I said how it brought back memories of sitting around as a family on a Sunday night watching classic Disney. Ahhh, the memories! :)


Well-Known Member
It was back in 97. Pink Cake castle.

Anyway...we went to the Magic of Disney Animation....and I was hooked. I bugged my parents until they broke down and bought me the Disney art set. (basically a wooden case with charcoal pencils, color pencils, erasers and pastels.....you could get one at Hobby Lobby for $15, but this one was $60 because it had Animator Mickey Mouse on it)

(EDIT -- Oh, Look, here's one sans Mickey on Amazon for $21.)
I already had made a hobby of oil painting and decided at age 13 that wanted to work in animation.....

Unfortunately that was when Hercules came out. And it was all downhill from there....I got disenchanted (I mean, really, how does one even look at Cinderella and say "hey, you know what this needs? Time Travel!". Who came up with THAT idea?)

Then they closed down the Florida studios, which was a major bummer. By high school, I had pretty much quit painting...other things had taken my interest (marching band, girls, etc.)

Too bad I didn't pursue the animation route, though. With the background in animation, I could have been a shoo-in for concept and design with Imagineering like so many others in the past.


Well-Known Member
Since some of you thought it was interesting to know that I am a 15 year old boy who loves Disney, I thought it would be intresting to know when you knew were obessed with the Disney Parks? I think I knew when I was 7 after my second trip, I would come home everyday and stare at the MagicKingdom map for forever and watch YouTube vids alot, etc.
I fell in love with Disney on my 1st trip as an 8 yr old kid in 82'. Fast forward 27 yrs to my 3rd trip in 09' & I became OBSESSED! We(husband & I talk about Disney at least once a day! We went on our last trip in September. We're hoping to make it back this Dec.!


Well-Known Member
I knew the moment I stepped on Disney Property in 2001 when I was 19. Yep my first trip to Disney was when I was 19! I have been there 15 times since that trip and don't plan on stopping from going yearly as long as I can afford it! There is just something about Disney that makes you feel like the outside world doesn't exist. Disney truly is a magical place in my eyes.


Since some of you thought it was interesting to know that I am a 15 year old boy who loves Disney, I thought it would be intresting to know when you knew were obessed with the Disney Parks? I think I knew when I was 7 after my second trip, I would come home everyday and stare at the MagicKingdom map for forever and watch YouTube vids alot, etc.
I'm a 65 year-old boy. As I remember it, Walt's first weekly TV show was actually called "Disneyland," and he used it to promote the park even before it opened. Each month typically featured a program "from" one of the four initial sections of the Park (Fantasyland, Adventureland, Tomorrowland, and Frontierland). I have been obsessed since 1955. My wife and kids and I have been to Orlando several times, but I finally made it to the original obect of my desire (with my adult children) in 2003. We'll go again to WDW with the grandchildren soon, but I'm hoping to get back to Anaheim before my time is up. And yes, I still stare at the changing maps on the various Disney Resort websites.


Well-Known Member
Oh boy, I went two times during my 'childhood.' At 9, and 16. I loved the parks and couldn't wait to go back. But it probably wasn't until a best friend of mine took me to Disney World at 20 that I was fell in love with it. There was just something about it. The resort, the magic. The way everything in the world just seemed to melt away for that brief moment in time, and while I thought it may dissipate, It has only grown and has now worked its way into both my husband and my son's heart.

But if we are talking about Disney in general...well that my friend has been a lifetime for me.....


Well-Known Member
I just turned 30, and have been a fan since I was 3 and went during the 15 year anniversary. Ive been a Disney Nerd since about 10 when I started reading about Walt and all the history behind the parks and the company itself.


New Member
My first trip was in 85, I was a bit too young to remember, but knew I had to go back. On my 21st birthday, my bff asked me where I would like to go, anywhere in the US and it was on her (she was a travel agent) I chose WDW. I had an amazing time! In 2008, DH and I took our 2 young boys to DisneyLand, and on our last night there we watched the Fireworks show at MK - I cried - and that's when I knew. :) It truly was just so magical and I was just so happy to be there experiencing that with our boys.

Finally will surprise our boys with a trip to WDW this summer. I don't plan on telling them till the day we leave.... So Excited!!!!!

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