When will the Indy stunt show give it's last run?



I was about to ask about the attendance because I never see a line outside of it (like fantasmic) nor do I see anyone going into it, although I dont know the attendance levels because I never attend. Too old, outdated, repetative, and indiana jonesy for my taste.

TOO INDIANA JONESY!? There is no such thing!




Active Member
Last time I was there (Summer 2007), it was near impossible to get into the stunt show without a fastpass. The whole of the extended queue was completely full half an hour before the show started.
I personally would be disappointed to see the Stunt Show go. Raiders of the Lost Ark is a classic movie and the stunt show shows off some great moments in the movie superbly well.
Its just a pity that there is no land behind or to the side to build an Indiana Jones ride beside the Stunt Show and get both, that way the Stunt Show could become the fast pass line for the ride. I.E everyone in the theatre who watches the show leaves via a special exit bypassing standby and onto the ride.


Wow, SBKLINE, who whizzed in your Wheaties?? If you can't spot a troll post, and get so upset when someone points one out, you might want to seek professional help(You should really learn to control your temper)...


New Member
Okay, genius, let me give you a little dose of reality. The OP posted an opinion of an attraction. He didn't come on here flamming an ethnic group, or advocating a controversial political position. This is a WDW fansite, dedicated to the discussion of all things WDW related, and we all have our favorite and least favorite attractions. The only reason a dislike for a particular attraction would create controversy is because of pathetic fanboys who are so obsessed with WDW that they take it as a personal insult if you diss "their" attractions. Any reasonable, intelligent person would take it simply for what it is: a person expressing a dislike of an attraction and speculating as to when, or if it would be or should be replaced.

And as far as this so intelligently well thought out statement "Not to mention the OP(As well as many 'new members' who have posted inane topics recently that have been discussed ad nauseum in the past) has only posted once, unlike you, certain others may not live 24/7 in front of their computers and may actually have a life outside of DisneyWorld and the internet (and as a result, would not get their feelings hurt over someone not likeing the same attractions). He may have posted that, and then went off to work, and hasn't had a chance to get back on here. Or, he may have no desire to come back on after the less than warm welcome he's received here. And if the poster is new here, it stands to reason that he has no idea how many times in the past that a particular topic has been discussed.

Oh, and one other thing. As far as this part of your definition of troll from above "trolls often resort to innuendo or misdirection in the pursuit of their objective, which is to create controversy for its own sake, discredit those with whom they disagree, or sabotage discussion by creating an intimidating atmosphere., I suggest you look in the mirror, slim.

You've done a pretty good job derailing the subject of this thread from a legitimate discussion of the Indiana Jones attraction to your little temper tantrum about someone disliking an attraction you like. Rather than argue intelligently your reasons why you disagree with the OP, you instead try to discredit his POV by accusing him of being a troll, and you've done a good job creating an intimidating atmosphere.

So in conclusion...go away, troll. :rolleyes:
feel free to re-read the definition of a troll and see if you apply

"a person who posts messages that create controversy or an angry response without adding content to the discussion"

Yes or no?

I dont know about everyone else, but I have a bigger problem with someone acting like a er then someone who tosses around jokes, just my opinion


Well-Known Member
Wow, SBKLINE, who whizzed in your Wheaties?? If you can't spot a troll post, and get so upset when someone points one out, you might want to seek professional help(You should really learn to control your temper)...

No, I don't consider a troll post to be one in which a person expresses a dislike of a ride/attraction, wishes it would be replaced, and invites others to give their thoughts on the matter.

Granted, two or three days later, and still no further posts from this guy, seems a little odd. But you never know why he hasn't posted again. Could be because of the rude reception he got from a few of you. Could be he doesn't have a computer at home and can only get to a library once a week to get on the internet. Could be he is tied up with real life. Heck, it could be that he's dead. Ya just never know. But just because a person chooses to make his first post a question of whether an attraction will be or should be replaced, that doesn't make him a troll, nor does the fact that he doesn't make any posts after that. Sheesh, you'd think that the guy came on here calling for the reinstatement of apartheid or something. It's just an attraction folks. At a theme park. How can something like that possibly be controversial?

If he is a troll (one who seeks to stir things up by posting controversial threads), then it is only because he knows that some folks around here are so attached to a particular ride and so wrapped up in their obsession with WDW that he knows that he can rile them up by something so trivial. It doesn't speak well of someone that he/she can get offended and riled up just because someone doesn't like the same attractions that they do. So as far as seeking professional help, it seems to me that the ones needing professional help are those who consider criticism of an attraction and a preference to see it replaced as troll-like behavior, rather than simply a statement of opinion.

I just seem to be noticing a trend around here that if a person doesn't see eye to eye with someone, he is labeled as a troll. And since this is the definition of troll that I was given: "On the Internet, a troll is a person who posts messages that create controversy or an angry response without adding content to the discussion, often intentionally, merely as a ludibrium." I am not understanding how asking how much longer Indiana Jones show will be there can possibly create controversy or an angry response. Why would somene be angry about someone else wondering if it's about time to replace an attraction?
I think they should update it (as in take everything out of the show) and put in new scenes from Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. But with exception of the cgi laden stuff I wonder if they can pull some of the newer scenes off. I think it would be possible for the actors to pull off some of the motorcycle stuff, the Dovchenko fight, and possibly somehow the Dig Fight.

In any order: Dig fight, Dovchenko fight, Motorcycle action?

Could anybody else see this? Or care to reply with their own ideas?


New Member
You might want to check the batteries in your troll detector :lookaroun..

PLEASE STOP THIS KIND OF CRAP!!!! i love reading here but i get tired of the name calling!!! If you don't agree with someone do we really need to start acting like a 4 year old???
The op expressed their opinion if you do not agree with it i understand but please stop the childish name calling!


Well-Known Member
PLEASE STOP THIS KIND OF CRAP!!!! i love reading here but i get tired of the name calling!!! If you don't agree with someone do we really need to start acting like a 4 year old???
The op expressed their opinion if you do not agree with it i understand but please stop the childish name calling!

Thank you! :sohappy::wave:

Perhaps I was a little rude in my replies, but you pretty much summed up what I was trying to say, although I worded mine in much stronger language. :eek::lol:


Active Member

I was about to ask about the attendance because I never see a line outside of it (like fantasmic) nor do I see anyone going into it, although I dont know the attendance levels because I never attend. Too old, outdated, repetative, and indiana jonesy for my taste.
It has a nearly full theater every show? I just saw it last year and it was packed. Personally I love the Indy stunt show, I always have, I don't think it needs to go because there is still not enough attractions in the park to warrant its closure.

Skipper Dan

Active Member
The Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular is one of the two reasons I became interested in the film industry, and am the person I am today. It completely sets the tone for Disney-MGM- excuse me, Disney's Hollywood Studios.

Though it would be nice to have an update, especially a script adjustment. :lol:

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I just dont understand how its survived this long. Its not very repeat worthy, and the action is wooden and stilted. Yes, we want an Indy attraction, and yes stunt shows can be good, but this isnt.

As for Trolls, they need love too.


New Member
It has a nearly full theater every show? I just saw it last year and it was packed. Personally I love the Indy stunt show, I always have, I don't think it needs to go because there is still not enough attractions in the park to warrant its closure.
True but indy from cali>indy show, so most people want a replacement scenero.

I mean if they make lucas land and find a place for an indy RIDE, keep it if its bringing in the masses!

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