When it's just adults, how do you handle Character dining and other interactions?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Sorry for the long Thread title, but I wanted to get straight to the question.

My backstory on this:

Over the years, my anxiety levels have gotten slightly higher when it comes to meeting characters (or new people in general). Yes, as kids, you don't really care about meeting them but this kid...erm...adult here has always had slight social anxiety. But don't worry, I always fought it so it wouldn't stop me from living. :) Anyways, I love the character dining specific restaurants like the Garden Grill, Akershus, O'hana, etc. BUT (and that's a big but), the character interaction gets to me. Why? Awkwardness. Don't get me wrong it is kind of cool to get a nice interaction with one of your favorite Disney characters (shout out to the CM who played Jasmine that day at Akershus and complimented my jewelry:happy:), but after awhile, I kind of just want to eat my food without having to pick up my phone to take a picture of characters posing with my husband or vice versa.

Is there a way to deter the characters from coming to your table, nicely?

(I don't mind them walking around and waving to me, but they always seem to find me and want to interact right after the moment I took a big fork full of food and shoved it in my mouth:facepalm:)

Moderators - I wasn't sure if I put this in the right section of the website. Feel free to move it to Dining if it needs to be. Thanks!


Premium Member
First, do not get up from your seat or even look like you are going to get up, since character will expect you want a photo.
Acknowledge the character with a wave and “Hi (say name)! Nice to see you! We’re really enjoying this food so feel free to go visit others. Bye (say name)!”

Repeat as needed even if the same character comes back. If it is a non-face character the chance is good it’s a different person inside anyway.

If you are at a character buffet, get up and linger at the buffet when you see characters approaching the area where your table is located.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
First, do not get up from your seat or even look like you are going to get up, since character will expect you want a photo.
Acknowledge the character with a wave and “Hi (say name)! Nice to see you! We’re really enjoying this food so feel free to go visit others. Bye (say name)!”

Repeat as needed even if the same character comes back. If it is a non-face character the chance is good it’s a different person inside anyway.

If you are at a character buffet, get up and linger at the buffet when you see characters approaching the area where your table is located.
Thanks for the suggestions! I will definitely try those next time. :)


I'm Just A Tourist!
Premium Member
Sorry for the long Thread title, but I wanted to get straight to the question.

My backstory on this:

Over the years, my anxiety levels have gotten slightly higher when it comes to meeting characters (or new people in general). Yes, as kids, you don't really care about meeting them but this kid...erm...adult here has always had slight social anxiety. But don't worry, I always fought it so it wouldn't stop me from living. :) Anyways, I love the character dining specific restaurants like the Garden Grill, Akershus, O'hana, etc. BUT (and that's a big but), the character interaction gets to me. Why? Awkwardness. Don't get me wrong it is kind of cool to get a nice interaction with one of your favorite Disney characters (shout out to the CM who played Jasmine that day at Akershus and complimented my jewelry:happy:), but after awhile, I kind of just want to eat my food without having to pick up my phone to take a picture of characters posing with my husband or vice versa.

Is there a way to deter the characters from coming to your table, nicely?

(I don't mind them walking around and waving to me, but they always seem to find me and want to interact right after the moment I took a big fork full of food and shoved it in my mouth:facepalm:)

Moderators - I wasn't sure if I put this in the right section of the website. Feel free to move it to Dining if it needs to be. Thanks!
You can always call them by some other character's name. I called Meeko Timon once...that put him in a snit and he avoided me the rest of the meal.


Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to be rude; I'm confused. Why are you going to a character meal - and paying for it - if you don't want to meet the characters?

Maybe they like the feel of that particular restaurant, but I initially thought the same as you. As others have said, a polite decline as they approach should work just fine. Other than that, perhaps the op could find restaurants they like without characters as there's plenty of them.


Active Member
There are TONS of adult dining at WDW that don't have characters. If your anxiety is that much of an issue, then don't go to places that may trigger that.

Or if you are in a group then inform the cast member/ waitress that you don't want characters to your table.


Well-Known Member
This is exactly how I feel about the Garden Grill. I'd love to eat there, but the fact it's a character meal puts me off.

I'd give it a try if you want to eat there. As has been said just politely say something "Hi Mickey, I'm ok not having a picture today I'm just here for the food", I'm sure they'll just move on to somebody else if you say that.


Well-Known Member
DW and I enjoy watching the kids excitement when characters interact with them so we book character dining even though we arent looking for them to visit us. When they do come to the table we wave, smile, thank them and just politely say we dont need a visit and they will move on. Sometimes alerting the character friend thats along with them can head them off before they get to the table.


Well-Known Member
I might do that, because I love that it overlooks one of my favorite attractions. :cat:

It looks great doesn't it? My wife and I are going to try the breakfast there this year for the very first time. The last 4 or 5 years we've done the Crystal Palace character breakfast in the MK but thought we'd have a change this year (at those prices we only do it once a trip). When we first tried the Crystal Palace it was purely to get in the park before it opened for photos, being in our 40's and having no kids we did think it would feel awkward having characters approach us. After the first character visited we realised it wasn't, they seem quite good at picking up from your body language how much or little you want to interact with them. My wife now takes pictures of them, hugs them and generally has a laugh with them and it feels pretty natural. I know it sounds odd but give it a try and if you don't want to try the interaction part then just politely refuse, you won't be the first or last to do so.


Well-Known Member
I'd certainly like to eat at the Akershus (for the food and ambiance) without the characters floating around (or the inherent uptick in little children), but I don't think it's an option, so I see the OP's point.

I did that not long ago with a friend, as we missed being able to dine here. What a zoo, the food was delicious and we loved it for that and felt so good to go back to one our favorite spots, but the whole place is complete chaos, its one thing to have characters but having the ridiculous parade in the middle of the restaurant is insane. Its a shame because it use to be a great location, still would be if they would just ditch the princess mess and maybe actually have it about Norway again, but that's not going to happen.


Premium Member
I did that not long ago with a friend, as we missed being able to dine here. What a zoo, the food was delicious and we loved it for that and felt so good to go back to one our favorite spots, but the whole place is complete chaos, its one thing to have characters but having the ridiculous parade in the middle of the restaurant is insane. Its a shame because it use to be a great location, still would be if they would just ditch the princess mess and maybe actually have it about Norway again, but that's not going to happen.

I imagine that they could divide the place into character/no character sections, or make lunch one way and dinner another, but I'm guessing it's hard to measure 'lost traffic' due to people not wanting a character meal, especially if the place is booked months in advance. I also miss the quiet and delicious food experience of yesteryear. :)


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the long Thread title, but I wanted to get straight to the question.

My backstory on this:

Over the years, my anxiety levels have gotten slightly higher when it comes to meeting characters (or new people in general). Yes, as kids, you don't really care about meeting them but this kid...erm...adult here has always had slight social anxiety. But don't worry, I always fought it so it wouldn't stop me from living. :) Anyways, I love the character dining specific restaurants like the Garden Grill, Akershus, O'hana, etc. BUT (and that's a big but), the character interaction gets to me. Why? Awkwardness. Don't get me wrong it is kind of cool to get a nice interaction with one of your favorite Disney characters (shout out to the CM who played Jasmine that day at Akershus and complimented my jewelry:happy:), but after awhile, I kind of just want to eat my food without having to pick up my phone to take a picture of characters posing with my husband or vice versa.

Is there a way to deter the characters from coming to your table, nicely?

(I don't mind them walking around and waving to me, but they always seem to find me and want to interact right after the moment I took a big fork full of food and shoved it in my mouth:facepalm:)

Moderators - I wasn't sure if I put this in the right section of the website. Feel free to move it to Dining if it needs to be. Thanks!
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