imagineer boy
Well-Known Member
LouisMustDie, if the reputation system was still around, I'm sure you would have atleast 3 red boxes under your name by now. So for once, could you just STOP being such an arrogant know-it-all jerk?!
imagineer boy said:LouisMustDie, if the reputation system was still around, I'm sure you would have atleast 3 red boxes under your name by now. So for once, could you just STOP being such an arrogant know-it-all jerk?!
Pumbas Nakasak said:I think weather may be an issue and price. DLP stands testimony to that.
The thing is Orlando does have a hell of a lot on offer, which is why I posted in the first place. It is competing for those 3.9865 days, and the right to empty your wallet in that time.
But before this heads off in a new direction (what DOES Disney represent to you) ill close safe in the knowledge that im an undervalued yearly visitor with too high an expectation and a unquenchable thirst for fun :drevil:
Pumbas Nakasak said:No Im Scottish, which means Im from Scotland. It is listed in an Atlas that’s a book that lists places outside the US.
Pumbas Nakasak said:First of all how surprising to see a post on here that straight away criticises the opinion of another poster. Oh how I wish I were as perfect. Im sorry for not making sense, must be the accent.
No Im Scottish, which means Im from Scotland. It is listed in an Atlas that’s a book that lists places outside the US. A minor point but something I feel needs correcting.
Pumbas Nakasak said:We have several expressions over here, but this board is not the place to generalise. Again I know that travel is not exactly normal in the US but having the same attraction in every park is not the best way to get visitors to try something new.
Pumbas Nakasak said:Paris is nearer but the park has very few attractions that are new or improved on WDW it also costs are proportionally higher than a trip to Florida. So think of it in reverse, why should I go to Paris when Florida has it all?
Patience, my friend. Patience.martinthesparta said:Now with the completion of stitch, Lmax, soarin', and everest on the way in Jan., I just want to know when they might announce more new attractions and rehabs. I have a feeling we have another larger wave comin, just when will we know, after everest?
stitchcastle said:i don't know... your points sound a little too selfish for me...
So basically the whole reason you posted all these rants is because of your
utterly delusional selfishness...
Pumbas Nakasak said:I admit it Im sellfish. sue me. I just hope that if ever you have a poor experience at WDW your not so selfish as to come on here complaining.
(meant in a non offensive way of course.) GIRUY. :animwink:
stitchcastle said:and in case you were wondering: i don't complain as much.
And, since the majority of WDW's visitors (and the group they are targeting) are families that visit every 3-5 years, what do they want? New attractions every 3-5 years! Which is exactly what I said in the first place.
Respect returned, but your reffering to whom?marni1971 said:c`mon guys, PM eachother - this is page 4 now!
With all due respect of course.
As well as Wishes!CSOM said:Again, I find myself agreeing with Lois quite a bit, but I won't go there...
What I have wanted to say though is:
In recent history they've added:
and we will soon see
100 Acre Woods (or so I hear)
But when are they ever gonna build something new?!?!?! <sarcasm> :brick:
A thousand pardons if my opinions offend you. For your convenience, the moderators have placed a handy-dandy "ignore" button for times such as this. Or, you could not resort to second-grade lunchroom insults and just ignore my posts altogether. I don't see how you think that this little statement is helping YOUR reputation any.imagineer boy said:LouisMustDie, if the reputation system was still around, I'm sure you would have atleast 3 red boxes under your name by now. So for once, could you just STOP being such an arrogant know-it-all jerk?!
And...who's being self-important? It would be helpful to your cause if you had any ACTUAL counterpoints, rather than your "big heavy dose" throughout this entire post. Do you think you're convincing anyone by resorting to 100% sarcasm? Based on the responses I see, obviously not. If you have anything intelligent to say, PM me. I'm not about to waste more people's time by talking to the human equivalent of a brick wall.Pumbas Nakasak said:Yes it was and no they weren't
Oh dear you are struggling with that one.
Youve got me nailed there how can i argue the” new to me” argument unless I was talking about me, which I was, wasn’t I and therefore it isn’t, is it not?
Opinion, my opinion is that there is several dobbers on this board, now it may be impossible to prove one way or the other that I am wrong, but it doesn’t stop it being my opinion. As with what was originally posted. But you knew that.
We weren’t discussing Universal your correct however I used Universal as an example of changing competition, your post indicated that you needed some clarification in why I had formed said opinion of Universal, which I gave. Now having had your error pointed out you have tried to change tack. Sorry if that scares you. I forget that young people use the board.
I misunderstood; sorry it must be your accent as no doubt your misunderstandings are down to mine and not with any attempt at axe grinding. And again i was posting my opinion as an international tourist.
Ive looked back at the original posts, and me if it doesn’t say that a new attraction should be announced at EE s opening and who posted it you. Now somewhere between there and my original post that said Id like a new attraction every year or two you seem to have found a whole chasm of things Im wrong about and for you to get worked up about and generally pontificate over. However and again it’s a reminder of my opinion, 4 parks with a ride every year or two does mean that something new should be opening every year in WDW. Or are you now saying that it could be up to nine years before a park qualifies for a new attraction.
Why is that so shocking, plenty of posts on here comment on new attractions being pants and the same posters moan that the Studios and AK are half day parks. Is it the criticism or the fact that the criticism stems from me?
Im sorry I should have known better than get into a discussion with such an expert on all things Disney, I failed to realise that your posts and opinions were beyond contestation. I have well and truly learned my lesson.
And before you ask yes it is in a big heavy dose.
First of all Steve, thank you for posting something intelligent and answerable. You have no idea how happy this makes me.TownSquareSteve said:I don't chime in very often as I love to hear everyones opinions and ideas on these boards as to what they think is going to come next. Since NONE of us works for WDI right now, the fact that people come off like they run the place and exactly know what Disney's next move will be kind of frustrats me. I have found flaws with a little of everones (at the big 3-4 that are arguing in this post) arguements, but the last thing I want to do is use these boards to alienate myself from people like myself who love to read the threads, and use this stuff for fun, not to prize fight for who knows the most about Disney.. To many are self proclaimed Disney know it alls (i myself included) but the truth I don't know everything about everything and use these boards to learn more about the company that I plan on making a career with. But everyonce in a while I see something that I have to chime in on.
For the first part, you are correct. If you can believe me, I did mean to say that this was not the only target market. However, it IS the main target market. Why is this? Well, first of all, the families that travel to WDW every 3-5 years spend far, far more than any of the local families, which I'll get to in a second. Second, they are targeted more than families who travel once a year because they know that most of the families that travel to WDW once a year will ALWAYS travel to WDW once year...these are hardcore Disney fans. Heck, if they kept coming during the Pressler years, it will take something drastic to convince them to stop coming. So, for Disney, these families are money in the bank. But, for the families that travel every 3-5 years, they are not hardcore Disney fans, and if they are, they don't have the money or the means to travel to WDW once a year. So what does this mean? It means that these families are more susceptable to vacationing somewhere else...somewhere cheaper and closer...or, more specifically, local parks. So these are the families that WDW has to convince, hence these are the families that are targeted most heavily.TownSquareSteve said:First what's wrong with this is that you say that Disney's main target market is families coming every 3-5 years. Which is a target market, just not "the" target market. The target market is Families period.
I agree 100%. As I said before, I know I should have specified that the families traveling every 3-5 years were not the only target.TownSquareSteve said:Disney's marketing team is HUGE and does concentrate on just one area. If you think they don't promote and market Disney to the population of Central Florida, then you are just crazy. Disney promotes and advertises to their own cast members very heavily (they have marketing division just for that), as they do to people living down in Florida. Just look at the people that are on these boards and you will see a tremendous amount of people who live in Central Florida, heck Florida in general, but DO NOT WORK FOR DISNEY and visit the parks quite often.
Actually no. The tourist families spend A LOT more than the locals. Here's why:TownSquareSteve said:Although the average family of 4 from Fla (who visits a single park on a single day) might spend a little less then another family of the same size who flew in from somewhere visiting the same park on the same day, the piont is they spend money just the same.
Speck has already answered this very insightfully, so there is little need for me to reiterate.TownSquareSteve said:Have you ever been to Disney during the off season when kids are in school? Do you know who makes up the majority of the attendance during those slower times? Thats right locals do. They do a tremendous amount of marketing and special events just for people who are their locally (i.e Food and Wine Festival, Flower and Garden Festival, tie ins with the Atlanta Braves and Tamba Bay Bucs ( I mean how many people form oversees planned their Disney Vacation around the Braves Spring Training games?)) These are events that are designed to bring locals onto Disney property where hopefully they will stay and spend some money even just for evening. If people who on regular vacations happen to catch these events, then more power to them, but they are not the target markets.
To put it bluntly, no, I do not think Disney would try to market something new every year. They don't have to. What did WDW market in 1987? 1990? 1993? How about 1995? Or even 1996? From what I could tell, they did just fine those years.TownSquareSteve said:I brought that point up to make this point, you say the target range for new E ticket rides is every 3-5 years, there are 2 things that doesn't make sense with that theory. First, by using that theory you are saying that Disney is only target a block of families in that certain time period, for instance, if Disney marketed a new attraction in 2000 for a families who wanted to visit that year, they would have new attraction/marketing campaign in 2003, then 2006, and so on, but what about the famililes who are visiting every 3-5 years starting in 2002? Without putting words in anyones mouth, you think Disney would not try to market something new everyyear to get a new audience down in the parks?
Really? Living hundreds of miles from WDW (but still in the US), the only commercials I've seen are the ones that either a) promote another 18 month-long celebration or b) just says "come to Disney and have a magical time." I don't recall a time where I have ever seen a commercial for a single new attraction. And the commercials I've seen aren't replaced for a year and a half.TownSquareSteve said:Disney's marketing team thinks up new ways every couple months to try to get new guests to come to the park on a regular basis, both locally, nationally and internationally.
I live closer to WDW than Colorado, yet I have never seen the Magic Your Way commercial. But that's neither here nor there. And in terms of the marketing, they are obviously marketing the MYW tickets to the families that visit every 3-5 years. Why would they advertise this to families who will visit every year anyway? Or to locals who don't even buy the MYW tickets?TownSquareSteve said:For instance the new commercial out here in colorado markets magical express which targets people who might just hate having to go through the hassels of the "check-in day" which i would fit into that category. That right there might be a reason a family makes the trek down to Disney. Disney is ever changing, as Walt wanted it to be, and will have new attractions before the determined 3-5 years, why because there is always a group that wants something new and exciting when they come and visit, whether it be their 100th visit or their first, it doesn't have to be big just new.
1) Seeing that the Winnie the Pooh playground should be announced soon, and that Tarzan Rocks has just been confirmed as closing, I'd say that it's a definite possibility.TownSquareSteve said:1) I think you will hear something about (a) new attraction(s) within the next 6 months, not fact, not coming from any sources, just a gut feeling
2)You don't have to have a new e-ticket to get people to the park, the magic of the parks do that for you, all you want is something to help enhance the magic and it comes in all shapes and sizes and it touches us all in a different way, that is why we write in these boards becuase it has touched us all at some point or another.
As always Steve, we appreciate your matter how long-winded (yeah right...look who's talking, eh?)TownSquareSteve said:Have fun discussing, I can't wait to read what you all have to say :kiss: !!!
Pumbas Nakasak said:Unless by some strange quirk the moderators decide to bar me Im not going anywhere so best use that ignore.
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