Disney Irish
Premium Member
The issues with WDI taking forever with projects is well known. It shouldn't take 5+ years on a project, which has been the standard with WDI for years. So yeah from the business side its understandable why some decisions were made to get some quick projects into DCA to refresh it. Its understandable why the fan boards don't like the projects due to perceived quality issues. But DCA needed some help injected into it and Disney provided that. Now whether it helps DCA overall we'll see. But so far it appears to be working. Marvel Super Hero Land should be the counterbalance to SW:GE when its completed in a couple years. Then DCA should be a full day park. Now I hope they don't stop there and add more, like replace Goofy's and the add a dark ride into the other side of the pier. But that we'll have to wait and see if that happens.Understanding it from a business side would mean actually fixing the business’ huge problem regarding project delivery. Guardians of the Galaxy —Mission: BREAKOUT! and Pixar Pier are about Chapek doing what Lasseter could not (attractions opening with movies), and getting “new” projects completed faster and cheaper without having to actually address those problems.
No one said anything about running DLR day-to-day operations. But from what I understood and read TDO had been made decisions for large Capex projects and the "One Disney" projects for both DLR and WDW (giving us the Disney Parks merch) since the late 90s/early 00s. It wasn't until earlier this year with the reorg and Catherine Powell's taking over the "Western Parks", that decisions for Capex and park marketing/merch was made out of TDA. The rumors had been that Chapeak found that TDO was slow and inefficient compared to TDA which is the reason why Powell will be out of TDA and Burbank offices instead of Orlando.Team Disney Orlando was not running Disneyland Resort until recently nor was there any issue with Universal.
The issues with the Marvel/Universal contract are WELL known. So to say there were not problems is just plain wrong. WDW is very limited with the characters they could use. And since Disney wanted to use the MCU as a jumping off point for the parks experiences. They couldn't just say lets build Iron Man because the contract wouldn't allow them to in WDW. I wouldn't be surprised if Kevin Feige was part of the decision to find a set of characters that could be use in the parks, and then he added them into the MCU. Anyways the point is that the UNI contract delayed things a lot in terms of adding Marvel into the domestic parks.