Trip Report When can we do this again? A Fractal family Odyssey. *COMPLETED*

Definition of odyssey:
  • : a long journey full of adventures

  • : a series of experiences that give knowledge or understanding to someone
Not too long ago I had a lot of doubt this trip would ever happen. The financial cost of higher education, the fact my wife Val wanted to go anywhere BUT Disney, the crazy and conflicting schedules of the kids, made the odds of keeping our 2-year WDW trip tradition a large long-shot. But maybe things do happen for a reason...

A great deal came our way and before we knew it we were on our way back to the World. Not without a major sacrifice however as my eldest daughter Alexandra had to miss the trip due to her schooling ( she graduates this Friday as an Registered Nurse!). She is a bit of a kindred spirit to me with a personality closer to mine than the other two, so I knew I would miss her dearly on the trip.

Here she is at Christmas with my Mom (Yia-Yia).


Speaking of Yia-yia; she will join us again at WDW! We had a great time with her on our 2013 trip at the Poly. We would meet up with her, my Sister Marina (here with me)...


and my two nieces; Courtney...


and Mia...

at the Yacht Club on the second leg of our journey. The first part of our trip took us to my in-law's (Al & Sue) who moved to Florida (Tampa - St. Pete area) last year. They would also join us at WDW!

Here they are from a 50th anniversary party we had for them last Winter...


It was early evening Thursday July 20th when we began our Odyssey. My good friend Wally picked us up to take us to the Baltimore (BWI) airport.


Excitement was building for our trip but the real Disney excitement would come later.

Sterg and Toni occupied the back seat. They were almost late for the pickup as they decided a last second Starbucks run was in order. Sterg ended up paying for that about an hour later as his bladder protested strongly.


Val was next to me and could barely contain her enthusiasm.


Not only was she not fully in favor of another Disney trip, she was (rightfully) concerned with the potential problems, complications, and stress of merging these 3 parts of the family together in the already chaotic environment of managing reservations, room assignments, getting to the parks, fastpasses and dinner plans. I had much of the same worries, which were also amplified by the fact Yia-Yia and Al would be using electric scooters during our time at the World. But hey, it's Disney, what could go wrong?
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Original Poster
Your photos are absolutely amazing.
thank you @Weather_Lady !

Haha! Sure, you make it easy. For fun, here's some more comparisons







You even make Pandora look better!


Lol! Thanks for the research (and the Princess Bride reference!) :D

Caught up again and still loving it. Had to close my eyes and do some blind scrolling to avoid spoilers. Really like the long exposure shots of YC at all night. When the starbursts form around the lights, beautiful. This trip is the embodiment of Walts idea. A place built to be enjoyed by young and old alike.


Poor Sterg with that rash! I hope that his medicine kicked in quickly. It's awful to be uncomfortable and sick on vacation.
He didn't have a fun morning.

Argh, Boy's Day started out so well (hard boiled eggs!) only to come to a crashing halt. :banghead:

My mom's favorite attraction is the Tiki Room. She most recently visited in 2014 for her 80th bday, just the two of us. There was no question of her getting an ECV--I pushed a wheelchair. ;) You are fortunate to have such a big family group at WDW. :)
Not a good start, but things got better. Thanks @Tiggerish !

Before I found this thread, I could really care less about going back to WDW. Your pictures have me considering a return.
I hope you get back!

That's the power of a positive message that Fractal shares. That's why he has a big following here. I was just looking at his Main Street USA photos and they made me happy--they look so colorful, and are just delightful to view here this morning, prior to 6:00 AM (I'm always up early). Welcome to the fan club! :)
thanks for that @MinnieM123 ! Now if only I can get Val to agree...:D

@fractal is great at both telling a story and photography. His trip report is actually helping me. I decided on doing a year without Disney between my last trip to the World and next year's trip to Disneyland. It's definitely been hard and at times I've thought about taking a least a few days down there. But, living vicariously through Fractal's family via their trip report, it really has helped.
thank you @imthewalrus79 ! Glad I can help! I've done the same my self between trips.

Feel bad for Sterg. Not a way to feel on vacation especially in the hot FL sun. Hope that rash disappears and he gets relief soon.
Stunning pictures again! Some of the best I've seen anybody take of WDW.
Thanks @mousefreak ! Things would get better for Sterg.

Never too early for a Dole Whip!

What a drag for Sterg to have to continue to deal with that rash. Not the best way to spend a vacation, that’s for sure.
Never! He just couldn't shake it.

Poor Sterg :cry: I've had random allergic reactions before, it's no fun, especially when you're not totally sure what it is. Glad he at least had some medicine to help out!
Yes, the medicine did start to kick in. It's strange because he's never had any food issues before.

I hope Sterg got better sooner than later. What a bummer. Again--wonderful pictures!!
He does make a recovery. Thank you @riverside !


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My prayers and thoughts this morning to all those effected by Hurricane Harvey, including a number of folks I "met" on WDWMagic and now call friends.


With Dole Whip in hand I entered the line for the Tiki-Room. In Disneyland I saw it twice but never in WDW. I discovered that WDW has changed their policy and just like DL, now DO allow you to bring a Dole Whip into the show. My poor Dole Whip however, never got a chance to see Jose, Pierre and the other birds as it was consumed well before the doors opened. :rolleyes:


During your wait, the waterfall "turns off" and the rocks open up to reveal a little pre-show. I video taped this and once I find it and upload I'll share.


Before long the show began.



If you are any type of Disney fan this show is a must only because of the history behind the Tiki Room. It was the first attraction to utilize audio-animatronics and as a Walt original features music by the Sherman Brothers. The WDW version is an almost identical copy of the first in Disneyland. Knowing the history behind it certainly makes it much more enjoyable for me as I sang like the birdies sing.

Good show fellows and ladies!

On this day, where I was going at a slower pace, I really noticed that the exterior of the building, the queue line and the show room all looked to be in excellent condition, which matched the rest of MK.


After Tiki-Room I checked in with Val. She said Sterg was feeling better and his rash was slowly retracting but he was still tired so he went back to sleep. This was good news!

More temptation from the Tiki's.


After 3 days of being the group leader, trying to foster peace and tranquility, and feeling responsible for everybody's overall pursuit of happiness, it sure felt good not having to carry that on my back. I wasn't happy with the circumstances that made being alone happen but I was "just happy".

Hmmm, what next? Something I normally wouldn't do... I know!

The last time I did this Alex was 6 and Sterg was 4 and Toni was yet to come.


I got in line for the first trip of the day.


I was genuinely excited to be starting another attraction that harkened back to the golden age of the Parks.


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Remember when you were a little kid, when your imagination was at it's peak and you played "make-believe"? I have fond memories of sitting on a swinging bench on my friend's porch and we and his brother would pretend it was a boat and we were on the hunt for great white sharks. The next day the bench was the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon and after arguing over who was going to be Han Solo we would go off and fight the Empire. Tom Sawyer Island was built for that little kid. The pathways, the caves, the bridges, the mills, the fort, all create a stage where an endless number of imaginary adventures can play out. Adventures created in one's mind in contrast to modern attractions like Flight of Passage that are already created for you. This was what I thought about as I explored the many little nooks, crevices and hideouts.

Unfortunately as we age our imagination fades away and is discolored by our time and experiences in the "real world", but I couldn't help but feel the tug of a younger me. Being alone and not in "Dad mode", certainly helped fuel this.

Two rocking chairs or a command center for a starship?


Are we looking at Big Thunder or an alien planet?


here's passage to the villain's lair or entrance to our secret hideout.


A windmill or is this the power generator of our enemy that we need to take down?



More props to feed imaginary tales.



I found the warp-drive engine.



Are there pirates on this boat? Is it a ghost ship? Is it sinking and we have to save the passengers from the shark infested water? Is it an Imperial Star-destroyer? Yes to all the above.



The caves! I was blown away first of all just how dark they are, forcing you to respect them. It's not just a "walk through", these caves challenge you physically and psychologically. They are dark, twisty and cramped and it's not long before you forget about "what's next after this", replaced by "how do I get out of here?". After "escaping" from my first cave I looked back at it in amazement and greatly appreciated the fact the Disney, in today's litigious society, keeps them open.


A bridge over quicksand, a fiery pit, a dragon's lair or, most likely, hot lava.

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Premium Member
I don't think I have ever done Tom Sawyer Island !

Oh, I hope you fit this in during your next trip to MK. It's truly a classic Walt Disney attraction, and it's everything Fractal mentioned. (If you've read the story of Tom Sawyer, you'll get all the references on the island.) It really is a place to let your imagination guide you around. Once you take the raft ride over to it, you really feel like you're in an entirely different place and time. Enjoy!

P.S.: If you do go, try to avoid mid-afternoon, as that's when (in my experience) the Florida thunder storms pass through, and they stop the raft rides until the storm passes--which can be quite a while, sometimes.


Well-Known Member
@fractal I love your Tom Sawyer experience. (Photos are awesome too!) When thinking of Tom Sawyer Island I get a little sad because my family didn't even know it existed until just a few years ago. I think about all those times we walked right by it and I never noticed it was there. When my son and daughter's were little they would have loved it and I missed that opportunity to let them run around makes me feel bad. I hope that they never get rid of it.

Geez now I'm depressed o_O time for another post Fractal with some spectacular photos


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A few more photos from my stay on Tom Sawyer's Island.







I finally decided it was time to leave the world of Tom Sawyer's Island and head back to the hustle and bustle of the Magic Kingdom.


The Becky Thatcher was ready.


and our fine captain got us back smoothly and without incident.


Where to next?


As I contemplated my next move, this girl (with an Australian accent), astonishingly picked up a duck and held it as if it were a house cat. I asked if I could take a photo and she agreed.


After the duck photo I turned for a great view of the castle.

I decided to head that way and found this great little detail on the walkway along the river - a reference to Tom Sawyer.


Harper's Mill - from the other side.


More characters "out and about". This lady had on my favorite shirt I saw during our trip. It read "I'm So Fly...I Neverland."


The bears being cuddly.


As I was taking photos of the Diamond Horseshoe...


"Big Al" came up from behind me and grabbed my shoulders. I grabbed a photo of him and later regretted not getting one of the both of us!


After my close encounter with Big Al, I noticed the new Muppet Show in Liberty Square had begun. Away I went with camera in tow.



Up Next - My Main Street USA photo stroll, The Comeback Kid, First ride in a MinnieVan, and another FoP fastpass.
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Premium Member
With Dole Whip in hand I entered the line for the Tiki-Room. In Disneyland I saw it twice but never in WDW. I discovered that WDW has changed their policy and just like DL, now DO allow you to bring a Dole Whip into the show. My poor Dole Whip however, never got a chance to see Jose, Pierre and the other birds as it was consumed well before the doors opened. :rolleyes:


During your wait, the waterfall "turns off" and the rocks open up to reveal a little pre-show. I video taped this and once I find it and upload I'll share.


Before long the show began.



If you are any type of Disney fan this show is a must only because of the history behind the Tiki Room. It was the first attraction to utilize audio-animatronics and as a Walt original features music by the Sherman Brothers. The WDW version is an almost identical copy of the first in Disneyland. Knowing the history behind it certainly makes it much more enjoyable for me as I sang like the birdies sing.

Good show fellows and ladies!

On this day, where I was going at a slower pace, I really noticed that the exterior of the building, the queue line and the show room all looked to be in excellent condition, which matched the rest of MK.

Quoting for @sshindel


Well-Known Member
A few more photos from my stay on Tom Sawyer's Island.







I finally decided it was time to leave the world of Tom Sawyer's Island and head back to the hustle and bustle of the Magic Kingdom.


The Becky Thatcher was ready.


and our fine captain got us back smoothly and without incident.


Where to next?


As I contemplated my next move, this girl (with an Australian accent), astonishingly picked up a duck and held it as if it were a house cat. I asked if I could take a photo and she agreed.


After the duck photo I turned for a great view of the castle.

I decided to head that way and found this great little detail on the walkway along the river - a reference to Tom Sawyer.


Harper's Mill - from the other side.


More characters "out and about". This lady had on my favorite shirt I saw during our trip. It read "I'm So Fly...I Neverland."


The bears being cuddly.


As I was taking photos of the Diamond Horseshoe...


"Big Al" came up from behind me and grabbed my shoulders. I grabbed a photo of him and later regretted not getting one of the both of us!


After my close encounter with Big Al, I noticed the new Muppet Show in Liberty Square had begun. Away I went with camera in tow.



Up Next - My Main Street USA photo stroll, The Comeback Kid, First ride in a MinnieVan, and another FoP fastpass.

Small world! I have that Peter Pan shirt. It's actually a men's t shirt from target, I cut mine into a tank top and it appears she did as well :hilarious:


Hello There
Premium Member
In the Parks
Oh, I hope you fit this in during your next trip to MK. It's truly a classic Walt Disney attraction, and it's everything Fractal mentioned. (If you've read the story of Tom Sawyer, you'll get all the references on the island.) It really is a place to let your imagination guide you around. Once you take the raft ride over to it, you really feel like you're in an entirely different place and time. Enjoy!

P.S.: If you do go, try to avoid mid-afternoon, as that's when (in my experience) the Florida thunder storms pass through, and they stop the raft rides until the storm passes--which can be quite a while, sometimes.

I will add it to my ever growing list of things to do in Oct lol

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