When Are the Quietest Times to Visit WDW?


Hi all, :wave:

I am eagerly trying to plan a trip for 2008, and would be very grateful if any of you can pass on your advice, as to when are the quietest times to visit the magical WDW? :shrug:

We have been in July & August which were hectic as you can imagine, so we would like to try a less busier time.

Many thanks in adance for your help in this matter.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
In reality, there are no "quiet times" in WDW any more... Only some ever-so-slightly not insanely crowded times! :eek:

Best approximate gauge of when it's least nuts IMO is to look at the booking "seasons" for the resorts, peak season is a time to avoid, value season is a better choice. I've found late-January/early February to be reasonably good times [park hours are reduced though]. A friend suggested the week following the American Thanksgiving week is the quietest time, but I have no empirical data to back that up.
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New Member
Ive been to Disney a few times about two weeks before Thanksgiving and its been great...so quiet! We've even experienced the Disney magic of going to bed and waking up to Christmas decorations! Those people must work alllll night!!
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New Member
The first full week after Labor Day. We have gone every year for the past 10 years and it is wonderful! We used to go in June of each year.....but never again!
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Well-Known Member
3rd vote for after Labor Day.. last year we arrived at WDW on the Saturday after Labor Day for a week's stay, and we didn't wait longer than 10 minutes for ANY ride, and never needed to get a fastpass. Although it was quite hot, and the parks close earlier than during the busy season. This was fine w/us, though, because we were traveling with a 3 y/o and a 13 month old, and since there were no lines to speak of we didn't need to be in the parks late to see what we wanted to see and do want we wanted to do. (now due to hubby's work schedule we have to go in late April.. grrr, much busier!) :hammer:
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Active Member
We went the first week in February 2006 and had very little wait time for the rides. The parades were still pretty crowded but not intolerable. The weather was on the cool side (upper 60's, 70) so it wasn't great for swimming but very nice to walk around the parks. Going back the same time in 08!
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kirst_al UK

Our last two visits from the UK have been April-May time.....just after the easter hols here which is more than likely to be also just after the spring break over in the US.

Saying that the first time we went in April it was a week or so after the kids easter holidays here so ended up catching the last week of the Spring Break - it was ok as we were there for two and by the 2nd week it had ended.

We now find out both sets of dates before we book anything.

Weather is fab in april too - mind you isnt it always if you compare it to sunny england !!???

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New Member
I would say that the first couple weeks after labor day and January as a whole...minus the holiday weekend. I've been both times and have really enjoyed it. January is a beautiful time to go actually. It's cooler and on the days I was there, the sky was clear blue and the sun was shining. It will always be one of my favorite trips.:)
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New Member
Something else you could do: get yourself a copy of the unofficial guide and check out the crowd calendar. I think it will basically tell you what others here have said (after Labor day, around--but NOT DURING--Thanksgiving, early Jan). Also, as someone else mentioned, Disney tells you a lot by their peak/value seasons. They want rooms full and have to lower prices, etc. at certain times of year to draw people--there's a reason they've offered free dining in Sept!
In 1998 (a long time ago), wife and I went to WDW in late August... I guess AFTER school started and BEFORE labor day... it was pretty quiet. For example, Space Mountain was pretty much a walk-on. Then, we went in 2005 in April--much different! I know it had been 7 years, but I think time of year was the biggest difference. This year, we're going in Sept, and I'm hoping it will be much more like our 1998 experience.
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New Member
Almost anything would be better than what you have been doing.

If you avoid July and August, Christmas week (Dec. 25 week), the week between Christmas and New Years, Thanksgiving week (fourth Thursday in November), Presidents Day week, and Spring break time (which varies), then you should be OK.

If you can swing it, try September or October, the week after Thanksgiving, or December except for the first full week and Christmas Day forward.

Good luck.
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Well-Known Member
We went the first week of February this year and while the parks seemed crowded, the wait times were very short, usually less than 20 minutes (except for Everest and Space.)
The best part of that time of year for me was that since it was chilly, Splash was walk-on the whole time. We got to ride so many times =)
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Well-Known Member
We love going in October. This past Oct there were more people than I had remembered but they had offered free dining for the people from the UK, from what I understand. It was still a wonderful time to go. :)
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Well-Known Member
i really dont know why people think august is so bad..i went there in august of 2005 and 2006...the weather wasnt too hot and im from new york so i dont really like hot weather...plus the wait times weren't bad...the only things with wait times over 30 mins were peter pan, tot, e:e, soarin and tt and none were longer than an hour except for soarin...and using fastpasses we never waited in line for more than 20-25 mins...plus we got free dining so it saved money..after the first week of august most schools in the south are back in session, so that eliminates alot of people.

rich =)
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