We alll know that there have been mny very good lie action disney movies, not all of them have been big hits but have been pretty good movies, I wanna know what are soem of your favorite disney live action movies, modern and old.
TOP 5:
1.Cool Runnings-I just saw this one once and I have always lovd it from that moment on.
2.Remember the Titans-What can I say, sport movies always get me especiallly when there are good actors in it, Denzel you da man:lol:
3.Who Framed Roger Rabbit?- I guess you could count it, I love this movie!
4.The original Parent Trap-Haley Mills is a good actress.
5.Mary Poppins- Great, great, great...Julie Andrews, and my personal favorite ________ Van I just think he's awasome.
Live Actions hopefuls favorite:
I haven't seen Pirates of the Carribean yet, but I always have heard good things, so Im' sure it'll be an instant favorite.
Haunted Mansion, I'm kinda optomistic about this one but I think just from the trailer it has a good look to it and looks like it stays true to the attraction, and many people prolly won't agree with me but I think Eddie Murphy is really funny, even in a family sense so we'll see what happens.
now your favorites please?
TOP 5:
1.Cool Runnings-I just saw this one once and I have always lovd it from that moment on.
2.Remember the Titans-What can I say, sport movies always get me especiallly when there are good actors in it, Denzel you da man:lol:
3.Who Framed Roger Rabbit?- I guess you could count it, I love this movie!
4.The original Parent Trap-Haley Mills is a good actress.
5.Mary Poppins- Great, great, great...Julie Andrews, and my personal favorite ________ Van I just think he's awasome.
Live Actions hopefuls favorite:
I haven't seen Pirates of the Carribean yet, but I always have heard good things, so Im' sure it'll be an instant favorite.
Haunted Mansion, I'm kinda optomistic about this one but I think just from the trailer it has a good look to it and looks like it stays true to the attraction, and many people prolly won't agree with me but I think Eddie Murphy is really funny, even in a family sense so we'll see what happens.
now your favorites please?