In a sense of growing the company and increasing the bottom line, Iger has knocked it out of the park, and I completely respect that, and him, for doing so. In a sense of adding/allwoing quality of magic in the parks (on the level of Imagination from the originals), he gets a D- . I dont give him an F because he has allowed some things to happen. All be it poor of what they are capable of , imo (carsland being the exception)I agree wdw was neglected by Iger and the bottom line trumps everything these days. That part I agree 100% but to say that mine train started as a d ticket and is now an e ticket is craziness. It's a minute and a half kiddie coaster! Show scenes were removed and if any thing was a blue sky e ticket and is now a D ticket at best.
Iger is not seeing any light. He just sees the bottom line, nothing more.
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