Whats up with fantasmic?


Original Poster
sissa216 called me last night. They went to fantasmic, the backdrop was changed, (something about being painted with trees?) At the end of the show when the characters come out on the big show boats...they didn't. They all just stood on the mountain and waved flags. Are the boats being refurbished, or are they cutting out that part of the show? My kids always love to see the boats go by, it was a pretty ending. Anyone know anything about the show?


Well-Known Member
sissa216 called me last night. They went to fantasmic, the backdrop was changed, (something about being painted with trees?) At the end of the show when the characters come out on the big show boats...they didn't. They all just stood on the mountain and waved flags. Are the boats being referbished, or are they cutting out that part of the show? My kids always love to see the boats go by, it was a pretty ending. Anyone know anything about the show?

They are adding a loop.... jk


Well-Known Member
The Steamboat may be getting refurbished or it may have been 101. The backdrop has been changed for awhile. I think it got changed on the last major rehab.


Well-Known Member
Does Fantasmic have a "B" mode? The last time I saw Fantasmic (I can't remember if it was Dec or April), the big show boat at the end had to be pushed by flat barge-like boats.


Well-Known Member
Does Fantasmic have a "B" mode? The last time I saw Fantasmic (I can't remember if it was Dec or April), the big show boat at the end had to be pushed by flat barge-like boats.

As with most shows on property, there are a number of work arounds for broken, or missing effects/ performers.

FOLK for instance can be missing 1 equity performer (kind of funny when it is Kiume as it sounds like a big booming god from heaven).

But yes... Fantasmic has a number of work arounds.


Active Member
I went to fantasmic last night as well & was wondering why they didnt have the steamboat out. I then remembered that it had been lightning the entire time we were waiting, so that might have something to do with it. It was only the second time I had seen the show, but the first time had the steamboat. Im sure I'll know soon enough what wass going on, I start working at fantasmic next tuesday!


New Member

the boat is actually just sitting backstage behind splash mountain at magic kingdom. i was wonedring about that, it doesent look like its being worked on though, it's just sitting there outside

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
the boat is actually just sitting backstage behind splash mountain at magic kingdom. i was wonedring about that, it doesent look like its being worked on though, it's just sitting there outside
Sure you've got the right riverboat? Up until recently, the Liberty Square Riverboat was out for refurbishment. Or might you have seen the riverboat parade float? It looks similar to the Fantasmic boat and is usually stored outside, behind Splash near the parade float storage building.

It just doesn't make sense for the Fantasmic riverboat to be hauled over to MK for maintenance.
When we went in April, they were having trouble with the large boat, and it was being pushed by a black tug boat sort of thing. I discussed with my family later, that I would have rather seen the characters parade about the Mountain instead of seeing the eyesore tugboat, so I guess the boat is finally getting worked on.


Well-Known Member
I love the boat will the character & flags as well but Disneylands version is ALOT BETTER! Hopefully they will bring the Disneyland Boad to WDW. It seems to be like 50 characters on the Disneyland boad vs. 10 to 15 at WDW.

DeLorean Rider

New Member
We were there last night. The back drop is always like that. It just ALWAYS looks different if you see it while it's still light out. I remeber having the same reaction the first time I actually saw it during light hours.

We've seen Fantasmic many many times and this is the second time we've seen it without the boat at the end. The first time it was because of bad weather. Last night I assume it had to do with the fact that there was a lightning storm going on in the clouds near the stage all night. It was pretty intense. The show was delayed a couple of minutes. The clouds gave a pretty good pre-show light show to the crowd before Fantasmic started.


Well-Known Member
The Liberty Belle was taken out for a bit in wet dock behind Frontierland. The other riverboat back there is the riverboat float from the parades which is parked by the parade storage building. The Fantasmic riverboat is still behind the mountain and seems to just be 101. I watched the show a few days ago and you can see it from the left side of the theater behind the scrims when the pyro goes off.


New Member
The steamboat is out for refurb. The 101 is some of the characters coming out onto the Mountain. This is only temporary and the boat will be back before you know it.


Original Poster
Thanks all of you...We will be there in December (80 days to be exact!) and I sure hope it is back by then. I love the ending with the characters on the boat. Glad to hear that they didn't do away with it.
Thanks again.:wave:


New Member
the ending!

yeah i was there 2 mondays ago for vacation and was like um where's the boat. they did not even have anyone on the mountain for the cloasing and they left out Malifient (sory for the spelling issue) dragon on the stage it was realy weird! i was kinda bummed by it


Active Member
yeah i was there 2 mondays ago for vacation and was like um where's the boat. they did not even have anyone on the mountain for the cloasing and they left out Malifient (sory for the spelling issue) dragon on the stage it was realy weird! i was kinda bummed by it

Same thing happen on the September 8 show


New Member
The boat was just 101 - in disney speak it means it wasn't working or couldn't be taken out because of weather. And the "boat" you have seen behind splash mountain parked next to the parade building is the old showboat float from the old christmas parade.

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