Whats the latest on Disney & Harry Potter


Active Member
LOTR was a fine example of a trilogy done well.
The storey line was set and the overall aspect of the epic was well defined.
Star Wars however is another kettle of fish.
How many times does a director and producer want to milk a story line that they let die for 15 years.
Even though the technology and the special effects were up-graded it was still an attempt for the men in suits to drag more money from us once they realised they were all out of hits.
George Lucas never quite lived up to the hype once he forgot the Star Wars game.
Suddenly he thinks "I Know lets re-run it and go back in time".
If he had done it all at once the man would be a genius, a legend, stuff of folklore........................rather than a jumper on the band wagon.
At least Ms Rowling has anounced from the start 7 books and 7 films....end.
The young of our era will make HP the biggest seller and most popular and its about time we lived with the past and not resurect it.

the first batch of moives where stunning the problem is - well he invented sodding jar jar binks - it went down hill from there :fork:

Astronaut Jones

New Member
I'm really behind on the latest Disney gossip. Sorry to change the subject from Harry Potter, but is there any chance of an actual Chronicles of Narnia ride or is that little pavilliony thing in MGM all we're gonna get? These two seem to have been tied together in the past in terms of rumors so I was just curious.


Well-Known Member
Yes I'm pretty sure the "first" one was always IV: A New Hope.

It wasn't there when it was first released, it was added to the re-release right before The Empire Strikes Back came out. It was always a multi part story but he thought that he wouldn't be able to make all of them. Once the first movie was a huge hit he went on with the others. He stopped after Jedi, preferring to take that time to raise his three children.

Also, it probably wouldn't have been possible to make the prequels back then, even though the story was already realized. There was a summary of it in the original Star Wars movie tie in novel right in the beginning.


Well-Known Member
Now that this has become trilogy talk, HP is not a trilogy in any way 7 is way to many;-) I would say the ranking of Trilogy goes Star Wars #1 Indy #2(for atleast a little while longer it is still a trilogy) BTTF #3 then LOTR #4.

While I enjoyed LOTR and was amazed at how epic it was, it just gets REALLLLLLLLLLLLLY long at times. I have fallen asleep in each of those in the theater. I would not say they were not good films, but a avarage kid would go insane having to watch those.



New Member
Yes I'm pretty sure the "first" one was always IV: A New Hope.

Not always, but close. It was a few months after release that the "Episode IV: A New Hope" was added, when it became obvious the movie was a hit and the sequels would sell.

I don't know why this is such a hot topic in this thread, but I'll clear it up.

The original plot that George Lucas wrote for Star Wars contained NINE different volumes. The last three are the story of Luke's son, that Luke then redeems from the dark side. (He never fleshed this part of the story out well, it was meant as "comes full circle" type of thing)

The first movie released was done so that it could be a one-off if it didn't catch on. (In the first version, the Death Star wasn't destroyed then, which is why they built a second one in Return of the Jedi. But it would have been difficult to have a one-off movie with the Death Star staying around, so it was changed.)

Most of the major plot points from the prequel trilogy were well known before the movies were made, especially the Anakin gets burned by lava by Obi-Wan part. That is written into the novelization of episode IV. The story stayed pretty true to what he wrote in the 70s.

Now, as far as limited by technology being part of the reason that Lucas started with episode IV, thats not true. He started with IV because it was the most interesting part of the story, the intersection of the two different timelines, and the turn around after the "darkness" of episode III. Technology WAS the major reason that Lucas has gone back to edit the original trilogy multiple times to put scenes the way he originally envisioned them.


On topic: Universal STILL hasn't completely secured the rights to Harry Potter. However, yes, they will be the ones to get them. Disney doesn't want to be part of it because of one of Rowling's terms of the agreement.


New Member
Just ONE? Hah. I understand there was much about dealing with JKR that had prople biting their tongues...

Oh...and just to poke at the Star Wars fans....SERENITY just beat it in a poll for best sci-fi movie ever. Nice! :sohappy: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/6517155.stm

Well I'm talking about the obvious one ... dealing with the ... shall I say ... quantity of Potter. Hopefully thats vague enough.

I think they would overlook (most) of the other stuff if it wasn't for the part above.


Active Member
Harry Potter just dont belong at Disney. Great story but just not "there", in terms of Disney. Awful lot of stories, and sub plots and all. LOTR, again great stories, just not Disney. Star Wars was always thought to be a multi part series. Lucas has said that before. Just read some of his first drafts. I'd be happy seeing an updated Star Tours. I can dream though.


New Member
Harry Potter just dont belong at Disney. Great story but just not "there", in terms of Disney. Awful lot of stories, and sub plots and all. LOTR, again great stories, just not Disney. Star Wars was always thought to be a multi part series. Lucas has said that before. Just read some of his first drafts. I'd be happy seeing an updated Star Tours. I can dream though.

An updated Star Tours wouldn't be Lucas' style. He doesn't like working with old technology.

A new Star Wars attraction, however, well, that might be pretty close to the bottom of the light.


Active Member
Not always, but close. It was a few months after release that the "Episode IV: A New Hope" was added, when it became obvious the movie was a hit and the sequels would sell.

I don't know why this is such a hot topic in this thread, but I'll clear it up.

The original plot that George Lucas wrote for Star Wars contained NINE different volumes. The last three are the story of Luke's son, that Luke then redeems from the dark side. (He never fleshed this part of the story out well, it was meant as "comes full circle" type of thing)

The first movie released was done so that it could be a one-off if it didn't catch on. (In the first version, the Death Star wasn't destroyed then, which is why they built a second one in Return of the Jedi. But it would have been difficult to have a one-off movie with the Death Star staying around, so it was changed.)

Most of the major plot points from the prequel trilogy were well known before the movies were made, especially the Anakin gets burned by lava by Obi-Wan part. That is written into the novelization of episode IV. The story stayed pretty true to what he wrote in the 70s.

Now, as far as limited by technology being part of the reason that Lucas started with episode IV, thats not true. He started with IV because it was the most interesting part of the story, the intersection of the two different timelines, and the turn around after the "darkness" of episode III. Technology WAS the major reason that Lucas has gone back to edit the original trilogy multiple times to put scenes the way he originally envisioned them.


On topic: Universal STILL hasn't completely secured the rights to Harry Potter. However, yes, they will be the ones to get them. Disney doesn't want to be part of it because of one of Rowling's terms of the agreement.

Well, that's not exactly how it happened.

Star Wars was one story: The Star Wars. George Lucas realized he couldn't make the whole thing because it was simply too long. So he took most of the story and put in on the shelf in case he was ever to make the rest of the story. He took the first 1/3 of the story and made Star Wars. (But it is true that the Death Star was originally supposed to take part in the later part of the story but was introduced in the beginning.) But there was not 9 volumes. However in order to write the original Star Wars story, he had to have a lot of back story for where everyone came from, thus what the prequels would eventually be based on.

He always wanted to call it Episode IV, because Star Wars is based off all the old serials. But the people in charge of the time thought people would be too confused so they didn't allow him to do it. However, after the success and the confirmation that a sequeal would be made (The Empire Strikes Back) George Lucas rereleased the original Star Wars movie as Episode IV: A New Hope.

Lucas did at one point intend to eventually make 9 movies, but now feels he's getting too old and decided that the first 6 movies really are what the story is about: the life of Anakin Skywalker. (Though I trully doubt that it is the definate end of Star Wars films).

As for Lord of the Rings being the greatest trilogy ever...............................................................................I don't think so.

They are so boring, have too much backstory, side story, and other story that is relevant to the movie, too many funky names, and finally takes WAY too long.

I attempted to watch the end of the final movie, and was like "What are they waiting for, just end it!"

Lord of the Rings cannot stand on their own. One must watch the first to understand the second, and watch the second in order to understand the third.

It definately wouldn't fit in a Disney park.

Although, if Harry Potter ever was made an attraction, I would assume that it wouldn't follow a particular story, and be sort of a seperate story or spin-off that doesn't necesarily follow the story line.


New Member
Harry Potter is something that I like, but would not want to see it in a Disney Park...considering it has absolutely nothing to do with Disney.
There're an awful lot of things in the Disney parks that had nothing to do with Disney to begin with.
Star Wars.
The Twilight Zone.
The Muppets.
Indiana Jones.
Journey to the Center of the Earth.

Harry could fit in if they wanted him to.


Active Member
Agreed, PencilTest.

I don't understand the idea that HP has no place at Disney because it's not original to the company. Disney has relationships with other franchises that didn't originate within the company. I thought Star Wars and Indiana Jones were brought to Disney to appeal to a younger demographic. I see the same thing with HP (of which I'm a big fan).

Bottom line is that I'll go to whichever park has the attraction, assuming anyone gets it at all. But, being such a big fan of both, I'd really like to see Disney get it.


New Member
Yeah I could see it now....here is a 9 hour attraction about 4 short guys going to drop a ring off. Oh but wait then a few years later they could update it with the deleated stuff and make it 13 hours:snore: .. Yes much better then Star Wars. Yeah I guess you are right, I always see kids playing with there Hobbit sticks in the parks and those LOTR action figures still are hot sellers:lookaroun . But the other merch they could come out with.....oh hairy Disney Crocs to look like hobbit feet and....well....umm...I guess that would be it. LOTR was a good trilogy, but nothing will ever top Star Wars (see Clerks 2 for more info on LOTR vs. Star Wars) :ROFLOL:


Wow, I really struck a nerve there!:lookaroun Like I said in my original post, I love Star Wars, even the prequels but there's no denying that the Lord Of the Rings films have a much more cohesive storyline and you get waaay more emotionally invested in the characters. NO ,the LOTR films haven't had the cultural impact that the Original Star Wars trilogy or even the Harry Potter films have but the original writings by JRR Tolkien that the movies were based on had a HUUUGE cultural impact and actually changed the face of fantasy writing. Without Tolkien(and CS Lewis for that matter) I dare say we probably wouldn't have Harry Potter, Star Wars or any of the other popular fantasy stories of today(Eragon series, Shannara Series, Pern Series).

You didn't see more merchandising and marketing of LOTR (product wise) because Peter Jackson realized that LOTR didn't need all of the toys and such to help sell the movie, unlike a certain other director who slaps his characters on everything he can get his hands on, because he realized that his prequels needed all the help they could get.
I bought alot of that stuff too(action figures,posters,lightsabers) but Lucas just goes way too far and marketed the prequals to an insane level. I seem to remember seeing tons of reduced merchandise at Wal Mart because there was just so much of it and it wasn't selling like Lucas thought it would. I work in a grocery store and even as a huge Star Wars fan I got incredibly sick of seeing Jar Jar Binks and Boss Nass on half of the product I was putting on the shelf. The Lord Of the Rings merchandise didn't sell well because the movies don't have the "kid" appeal that Star Wars does. LOTR is much darker and adult oriented than Star Wars.

Having said all of that...I can't wait to get my custom lightsaber at Downtown Disney in LESS THAN TWO WEEKS!!!:sohappy:


New Member
I'd be happy seeing an updated Star Tours. I can dream though.

An updated Star Tours wouldn't be Lucas' style. He doesn't like working with old technology.

A new Star Wars attraction, however, well, that might be pretty close to the bottom of the light.

All of the money Lucas wasted on merchandising could have went a long way toward updating Star Tours AND/OR creating a new attraction for one of the parks. I love Star Tours but must admit it needs a massive reworking IMHO. I would love to see a Star Wars attraction using the Soarin' technology. Imagine zigzagging through the "streets" of Coruscant, gliding over Naboo, tailing Anakin as he whips through the Tatooine desert in his podracer, piloting a Bongo(tee-hee)through the Gungan city and the "planet core",whipping through the trees of the wookie home planet Kashykk. I think it would be awesome!


New Member
All of the money Lucas wasted on merchandising could have went a long way toward updating Star Tours AND/OR creating a new attraction for one of the parks. I love Star Tours but must admit it needs a massive reworking IMHO. I would love to see a Star Wars attraction using the Soarin' technology. Imagine zigzagging through the "streets" of Coruscant, gliding over Naboo, tailing Anakin as he whips through the Tatooine desert in his podracer, piloting a Bongo(tee-hee)through the Gungan city and the "planet core",whipping through the trees of the wookie home planet Kashykk. I think it would be awesome!

Wasted on merchandising? Is that supposed to be a joke?


New Member
Original Poster
There're an awful lot of things in the Disney parks that had nothing to do with Disney to begin with.
Star Wars.
The Twilight Zone.
The Muppets.
Indiana Jones.
Journey to the Center of the Earth.

Harry could fit in if they wanted him to.

We all seem to forget the biggest addition to Disney isn't his creation either.
Were would all the children be without Winnie the Pooh and Tigger, they are possibly the most loved characters in a young childs eyes.


New Member
Original Poster
One thing that seems to come from all these posts is that everyone is an expert on Star Wars, we are all happy to say how "you are wrong, this is the real story" routine.
No two storys are the same other than you all believed right from the start it was going to be a series of films...........................yeah right :ROFLOL: ......pants on fire.
George Lucas is no different than any other film script author he had imagined a full story line in his mind and he picked the bit which would make him the biggest box office hit.
He did not ever say I've got 9 films which I'm going to release in an out of order sequence thats going to take the world by storm.
J K Rowling has said from day one. 7 books 7 films then I'm outta here.
Why didn't he release film 1 first and then build up to the biggy...............no faith eh.
Probably no different than the faith behind Pirates or Matrix, loads of support and ideas after it breaks box office records.
And how come you all manage to class Star Wars as a Trilogy when he has released 6 films..............................derrrr.:brick:
Its a bit odd as you said Harry Potter can't be a trilogy cuz it has 7 films in the set.:shrug: :confused:
My wishes are that Disney stays as Disney.
BUT they must secure the Harry Potter rights and have another way of showing them, dont let the opposition get them and drag away millions of potential new Disney fans. ANOTHER PARK PLEASE.


Well-Known Member
Wow, I really struck a nerve there!:lookaroun

I am guessing you didn't see Clerks 2????

You didn't see more merchandising and marketing of LOTR (product wise) because Peter Jackson realized that LOTR didn't need all of the toys

But as far as Jackson and the marketing I would not say it was because he didn't want too, I would say it is more because they didn't sell. I remember seeing after the first one a TON of hobbit toys still on the shelf.

LOTR is much darker and adult oriented than Star Wars.

Which again is a perfect reason why making a Theme Park attraction out of it would be a BAD idea.

As far as the Lightsaber check at your local Target because other then the pin you get for making your Lightsaber, the delxue "make your own" from the stores are almost a better savings.



New Member
I am guessing you didn't see Clarks 2????

But as far as Jackson and the marketing I would not say it was because he didn't want too, I would say it is more because they didn't sell. I remember seeing after the first one a TON of hobbit toys still on the shelf.

Which again is a perfect reason why making a Theme Park attraction out of it would be a BAD idea.

As far as the Lightsaber check at your local Target because other then the pin you get for making your Lightsaber, the delxue "make your own" from the stores are almost a better savings.


No, I haven't seen CLARKS 2 nor have I seen either of the CLERKS movies(sorry, couldn't resist:D ) because I despise Kevin Smith movies. Do I think a Lord Of The Rings attraction would be a bad idea? Absolutely not. Do I think it would fit in at a Disney Park? Now that I have thought about it more, probably not. I hate to say it but it would probably be a better fit for Universal and were they to build some type of LOTR attraction I might even consider going there, but I am one of those pesky "Disney Loyalists" and if anyone is going to build it I would definitely rather it be Disney. I feel the same way about Harry Potter. I also would love to see Disney do more with the Narnia license. A quality Narnia attraction(instead of an elaborate movie trailer)would be amazing, it's a great story that's very ripe for the picking.

As for the lightsaber, thanks for the advice.:wave: Are the ones at Target really that similiar to the ones at Disney? Is it worth it to go ahead and get one at Disney instead of Target just so I can get the pin?

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