What's the funniest thing that happened to you at DW


Well-Known Member
I mentioned this a couple of years ago in a thread somewhere.

In November of 2007, my husband and I were on our honeymoon. The first day we were there, we went to MK (naturally!). We were walking down Main Street and DH said "You know these trolley tracks are real dangerous, someone could get their foot caught in them", and of course, I replied sharply "Well if they pay attention it won't happen"... little did I know then.

A couple of days later, we were back at MK for MVMCP. I was so excited to take pictures Main Street all lit up for the holidays... and it happened... I turned my camera on, and next thing I know, I'm kissing pavement. I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking and got my foot stuck in the tracks. My foot twisted good enough that it hurt for a couple of weeks afterward. I lost some skin on my hands. I went to first aid just to get some antiseptic spray (aka stings like *beep*) spray on my hands and got some bandages to avoid infection as they were pretty good digs.

To this day, DH still tells me to "pay attention" when we get to MK :lol:


Well-Known Member
My father-in-law and I are the only ones who will ride Tower of Terror. It's our bonding time! We are seated on the ride with my father-in-law on the isle seat about middle ways up and on the other side of him is also in an isle seat is a kind of large, loud, funny lady. As the ride starts she informs us that she has never been on TOT and starts asking what happens on this ride and is it scary. When she finds out what is about to happen she starts in saying "Oh Lord! Oh Lord" Can you guess what happens next? Well as you know isle seats only have a " O Crap" handle on one side, so what does she grab hold of during the drops? My father-in-law. The picture was the funniest thing ever. This ladies arm is stretched across the isle and she has a hold of my father-in -law by the front of his shirt. Her mouth wide open, with him looking over at her with the what the heck are you doing face !! We laughed till we cried!:lol:


New Member
My father-in-law and I are the only ones who will ride Tower of Terror. It's our bonding time! We are seated on the ride with my father-in-law on the isle seat about middle ways up and on the other side of him is also in an isle seat is a kind of large, loud, funny lady. As the ride starts she informs us that she has never been on TOT and starts asking what happens on this ride and is it scary. When she finds out what is about to happen she starts in saying "Oh Lord! Oh Lord" Can you guess what happens next? Well as you know isle seats only have a " O Crap" handle on one side, so what does she grab hold of during the drops? My father-in-law. The picture was the funniest thing ever. This ladies arm is stretched across the isle and she has a hold of my father-in -law by the front of his shirt. Her mouth wide open, with him looking over at her with the what the heck are you doing face !! We laughed till we cried!:lol:

I hope you got a copy of that one!


Active Member
I remember one time I was with a few of my co-workers and security was surrounding us to escort us through the park and of course a crowd was following along. Somehow a little boy managed to get passed the security and to a co-workers feet. At first we thought he wanted an autograph cause he held up that little character autograph book. But, when the co-worker took a hold of the book, the little boy kicked him right in the shin and yelled "Meanie!" It was funny but sad as the boy was escorted to his mother and didn't get the autograph.


We were at the Animal Kingdom Lodge pool and we wanted to go in the jacuzzi round the back. Some poor woman was relaxing there, obviously getting 5 minutes peace away from the kids. My Dad switched the bubbles back on and speedily walked over to the jacuzzi, went to get in, completely missed the steps and fell into the deep water, almost drowning this poor woman!! Me and my mum laughed hysterically, but to this day, my dad still doesn't see the funny side - which is probably what makes us laugh so much about it!


Also, not at WDW, but at Discovery Cove, my mum was swimming along, making fun of how silly I apparently look with a snorkle on...she turns around (still laughing out loud to herself) and carries on swimming just in time go straight under the big waterfall, which pushed her under the water. All I saw were these flipper feet flapping around all over the place. I then hear "Grab onto this Ma'am" as the lifeguard is sticking a big pole in her face. Hahaha that'll teach her to laugh.

And lastly, at Blizzard Beach (see the recurring theme here?), my mum was, once again, having a good old laugh at my expense, as she bobbed around the lazy river in her little rubber ring. So I swam underneath her and pushed upwards, so it flipped over, her legs went up in the air, she went head over heels and splashed into the river. When she came up for air, everyone around was clapping an laughing! Haha!

Susan Savia

Well-Known Member
My husband, son and I plopped down on the curb on main street to await the 3:00 parade and do some people watching. Across the street also sitting on the curb was a family and the father had just returned from Casey's getting hotdogs, etc. He got situated on the curb and picked up his hotdog and a seagull swooped down and snatched the entire thing from his hand and was gone. The look on the guys face was great. :eek:

Master Gracey 5

Active Member
My mother, younger brother and I were visiting and went to the character breakfast at Tusker House. My brother and I were walking back from the buffet when this young kid, probably 2 or 3 yrs old pops out of nowhere and steps right in front of my (then) 18 yr old brother as he's walking. In slow motion, the kid trips on my brother's feet, goes down as my brother steps on him and his face reacts in shock realizing he stepped on a kid. Before we can say a word, the kid picks himself up and moves on like nothing happened, just as quickly as he appeared.

We had a good laugh at the experience while we ate, but then when we went up for seconds we see the kid a second time. This time he walked in front of Mickey, only to be stepped on again!


I was watching the street performers on Sunset Blvd (the scene was set up to look like they were working in an office) and the dreaded Brazilian tour group walked right through the middle of the set oblivious to the fact that they had interrupted a performance. The actors stopped until the group had passed and then one said, "Don't you just hate it when you're working away in your office and a group of Brazilians walk in". :lol:

Little Princess

New Member
Weeellll, my first trip to WDW, I was about 5ish and very excited/nervous to go on the TOT. I sat in between my mom and step-dad (this was their honeymoon and my step dad, Brad WANTED to take me there! Isn't that sweet?!) and I really enjoyed the ride. Especially the drop. I knew what was going to happen, so I wrapped myself around Brad's arm and felt my body lift off of the seat a bit. Later, at the picture kiosk thing, we decided to buy a very nice photo featuring me grippinmg his arm like a python, gritting my teeth, and squinting, all the while being suspended in mid air. I looked straight up at the CM selling the pictures and practically screamed, "My butt flew up!". Everyone in the room burst into laughter.

I have a few more, but I'll save 'em for later :)


Well-Known Member
when its 50 out at night..

you wear a poncho on the Kali rapids.. like we did a couple of weeks ago..

I have to tell you that the snake story was one of the best ones that I have ever read on this site..

one of the absolute best..

Little Princess

New Member
I recently thought of another that is at my mom's expense (She doesn't have an account, fortunately!) My mom, sister, and stepdad were in Epcot sitting on a curb, watching the people around American Adventure pavillion. From what I can remember, my sister and mother had gone to check something out after they came out of the bathroom. Brad, my stepdad, and I were people watching, America's favorite pastime, and, of course, commenting on the ridiculous things they would do. My sis came back and sat down with us, when she realized she had lost her backpack (filled with the original kidcot mask/tags from all of the countries, a pin lanyard, souvenirs, and money!) My sister, aged back then at 8, was warned several times not to bring anything she didn't intend on losing because she was pretty forgetful. We created a searching party and retraced her steps in the pavilion. We realized that mom was missing, and the search party gained another target. After 10 minutes of looking, we found her coming out of the bathroom. My sis, dad and I rushed over and bombarded her with questions; "Where is Luisa's backpack?", "What are you doing?", "Where were you?". She clenched her fists out of frustration and confusion and yelled "I was in the bathroom taking a (you know what)!", through gritted teeth. My step-dad and I exchanged looks when we suddenly became the subject of people watching, a role reversal for us. We ended up finding a CM who had my sisters backpack and to this day we have not let my mom forget what happened that fateful day.
(There are no tensions between any of us, and many of the park guests thought it was funny.)


Well-Known Member
The first time we went to Disney World with our children, our son(Max) was 6 and our daughter(Melissa) was 3. Melissa had just turned three and although she had mastered potty training for at least a month, Disney is very exciting and the last thing on her mnd was asking to go to the bathroom. From day one she fell in love with Spectro magic and needed to see every show. So my husbnd took my son on a few more rides and I took Melissa to see the parade again one night. A super nice family let me squeeze in to get a better view and I had Melissa up on my shoulders. It was July so you can imagine how hot it was. Well for a minute I thought maybe I was just really sweating when I quietly asked Melissa if she had an accident. All she could say was "sorry mommy, oh here comes the parade!". The family next to me was hysterical and at that point I figured what was 20 more minutes soaked in urine. But aside from her peeing on my shoulders, that was the greatest trip we ever had! The magic was so real for them.
That's awful!


New Member
Last year on our Disney Trip my boyfriend and I decided to invite my mother and her new husband to join us for a day at one of the parks. My mom had recently gotten married to a man she met while vacationing in the Dominican Republic. He comes from a very poor back ground and was never able to experienced any rides or had never even been to a Theme park. My mom's boyfriend was in his late 20's so we knew he would be able to handle a rollercaoster or two. The first ride he ever experienced was ToT at DHS. We explained what the ride did and a little bit of the background of the twilight zone theme. When we finally got on the elevator I went in first to show I wasn't scared. This made my new step father sit next to my boyfriend. He seemed fine till the elevator started dropping. thats when my step dad was holding on to my arm while biting my boyfriends shoulder!!!!! He was screaming and biting and clawing at us the whole time. I felt really bad but I could'nt stop laughing the entire time. .. Well the end scene where the voice comes on and you think that the ride is over so I kept telling him you are ok!! It's over you are fine!!! So he let go and apologized to my boyfriend who is feeling akward about him biting him when all of a sudden the elevator lurches up one more time and my step father latches on again to me and my boyfriend and the biting continues!!! :lol: The picture is awesome. We laugh about it all the time!!!!!:sohappy:


New Member
One of the funniest things was on my recent trip when someone thought I never knew RnR went 0-60 in 2.8 seconds and she tried to sound all smart until I crushed her knowledge of telling her, "Yes, I know. Did you know the launch is powered by LIMs which means Linear Induction Motors? The peoplemover is also powered by the same stuff. Magnetism is involved in both you know." I shut her up the rest of the time in line.
In 09, at MK my wife takes my youngest daughter-5 at the time, in to go to the restroom together. A few minutes later, my youngest screams out... Mom!! That Looks Like CHICKEN!!!!! :ROFLOL:

Granted she had had a week of chicken strips and fries from the kids plan, but I've never seen my wife more embarrassed.


New Member
In 09, at MK my wife takes my youngest daughter-5 at the time, in to go to the restroom together. A few minutes later, my youngest screams out... Mom!! That Looks Like CHICKEN!!!!! :ROFLOL:

Granted she had had a week of chicken strips and fries from the kids plan, but I've never seen my wife more embarrassed.



Active Member
I would not call it funny, but it was kind of weird.

When I went the summer of 2008, I saw an Argentina soccer Jersey that I liked at Epcot, so I bought it. The next time we went back their during the same trip I wore that same jersey. When I was walking around World Showcase I saw that a lot of the people from a Brazilian tour group were in the same place. I thought nothing of it until I noticed them staring at me. At first I was confused, but then I realized that they were upset about my jersey.


Well-Known Member
While we were there competing in the Panasonic Academic Challenge National Championship in 2008, one of our players (Joe) took a coloring contest entry at the Contemporary and scribbled all over it in red and blue crayon. He put another player's (Dan) name on it and turned it in. When I got up the next morning, it was framed with a tag that said "Artist of the Day." Not only did we get a huge laugh out of it, we made Dan go ask at the end of that day if he could have it back to take with him to Princeton in the fall.

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