What's one of the worst things that has happened to you at WDW


New Member
Originally posted by SpongeScott
Dude, you have a lot of guts to be able to share that story.....and, I'll crown you the winner right now!:king: You must be able to laugh at it yourself and I was having a good laugh myself. Glad to see that you must be over it.

Does anyone else think this sounds like a potential Malcolm in the Middle episode or something like that?

the only thing i can think of that can top that is a messy number 2 in public somewhere inside disney world.... anybody? anybody? there has to be at least one....


New Member
Originally posted by davemb127
the only thing i can think of that can top that is a messy number 2 in public somewhere inside disney world.... anybody? anybody? there has to be at least one....

Close but not quite... I didn't see this one, but I was working this day heard it straight from someone who did...

This lady was up getting onto the AstroOrbiter with her kid, and her kid had to go to the bathroom, so instead of getting off the ride and going to the bathroom, she actually had her kid stand up and go, right out the side of the rocket! :hurl:



New Member
The #2 story is a classic, and very well illustrated. I am at work, so I had to stifle my laughter.

My sister had a horrible experience at WDW that I have to share. We still haven't let her live it down to this day. We had had a full, magical day in the park and were returning to the Contemporary via monorail at the end of the night. It was closing time, so the monorails were pretty packed. Well, sis wasn't feeling so great and we were happy to finally get to the hotel.

As we are exiting the monorail and heading to the escalator to go down, she made the signal to my Mom that she wasn't going to make it and she was going to be sick. Being the All-star parent that our Mom is, she conveniently had a plastic bag on hand for my sister to use. Just as the monorail takes off, my sister is doubled over the railing (monorail side) and is puking into the bag! (I'm sure many people on that monorail would say their worst WDW experience was the time they saw some poor girl hurling over the monorail gates at the CR.) Well, of course I felt bad, but being the great sister that I am, I got a big huge laugh out of it and to this day my sister is notorious for getting sick on every vacation we go on!


New Member
Honest Truth

We were at the minature golf (the one with the Snow and Christmas wonderland theming) by Blizzard Beach. It was me, my wife, and our two friends. We were getting ready to putt when a little frog jumps out onto the green area.

#1 bad thing: My wife is terrified of frogs.

What was worse is the #2 bad thing.

#2 bad thing: The frog was running away from a snake, which grabbed the frog on the putting green and ran away with it.

At that time I am on top of a snowman screaming like a little school girl. I hate snakes more than a trailer park hates a tornado. I do not blame Disney because I know this is nature and nothing really could be done about it, but it was pretty darn shocking.



New Member
Okay, I've held it back as long as possible, and now here it comes, the worst/funniest thing to ever happened to me at WDW, simply titled "Goldfish."

PLEASE NOTE: I was 6 at the time so please don't laugh.

It was my first time ever at WDW and we went to eat dinner at the Coral Reef Restaurant. My mom picked up the kids menu and I still remember what I ordered: "Hot Dog with Goldfish." I started a fit thinking they killed actual goldfish and served them. I later found out that it was the Goldfish snack crackers, which I still enjoy today.

But on a better side, this past February I dragged my family to see Food Rocks and while they hated it, I was in awe. Needless to say it was my final viewing of the show and I miss it.


Leaving my younger sister's pass inside the PhilarMagic FastPass machine definitely....I was like oh no when I realized it was gone, but thankfully City Hall replaced it. I also got seperated from my family after exiting Legend of the Lion King way back when, like early 90's or something, whenever it opened...that was scary too.

That's probably the only scary things that have ever happened to me at the World.


Well-Known Member
Re: Honest Truth

Originally posted by NashvilleMouse
We were at the minature golf (the one with the Snow and Christmas wonderland theming) by Blizzard Beach. It was me, my wife, and our two friends. We were getting ready to putt when a little frog jumps out onto the green area.

#1 bad thing: My wife is terrified of frogs.

What was worse is the #2 bad thing.

#2 bad thing: The frog was running away from a snake, which grabbed the frog on the putting green and ran away with it.

At that time I am on top of a snowman screaming like a little school girl. I hate snakes more than a trailer park hates a tornado. I do not blame Disney because I know this is nature and nothing really could be done about it, but it was pretty darn shocking.


:eek: wow I hate frogs too and just seeing the frog would have had me yelling and crying :lol: ...but man the snake thing just put it over the top...how freaky


Well-Known Member
The worst thing that has happened to my family is losing my little brother...I remember freaking out because my brother tends to get lost...his attention span is like 2 seconds so he just likes to wander but man...he got lost somewhere in the entrance of EPCOT and 20 LONG minutes we found him sitting somewhere crying so yeah that sucked...ah the cell phones what wonders they work now :lol: now we all have one for this reason and they are lifesavers...and pains in the "patuki" too


New Member
Originally posted by jodez21
im havin a great day at the parks!! sun's shining, blue skies, happy faces... then all of a sudden an overpassing bird drops... well u can figure the rest of the story for urself!!! haha oh well in some places thats concidered lucky!!:lol::lookaroun

We were standing at the show times board near ToT at MGM in July and I watched some white stuff smear down the back of the guy standing next to me.. I just kinda walked away slowly. Didn't want him thinking it was me, after all. :lookaroun


New Member
2 years ago, I was in EPCOT with a large group of people wearing the same shirts. Somehow, I got lost in that Mouse Works store and started looking for the frantically. Luckily, as I wandered around near the far left side of the park, someone guided me to the Electric Umbrella, where everyone was eating lunch. :)


New Member
The worst (and scariest) thing that happened to me when i was at Walt Disney World happened when i went with my marching band in January 2003. I was 15 years old then and it was my first time there. We were at MGM and it was about 45 minutes before fantasmic started and my group of friends and i were in line for food. I was last in line and my friends forgot that i was still in line! I thought that they would wait at a table for me or something but they forgot. I got out of line, and i didnt see them. The problem was that i didnt know where fantasmic actually was, it was getting dark, my hands were full with my food and drink, and there were swarms of people around the area. (In fact i was very close to the enterance of Fantasmic, i just didnt know it) After a few minutes of searching, i started to panick and it was one of the most scariest moments of my life. But then, a savior came!! It was one of my friends from the group, and he was running toward me and apologized that they had forgot about me! He felt really bad. The rest of the group had saved us very good, middle-center seats and the show was awsome. I don't know what i would of done if it wasnt for my one friend who came back. I thanked god that i made it through that event when i walked with my friend to our saved seats!


Well-Known Member
I was by the McDonalds French Fry Stand between Frontierland and Adventure land.

The birds were everywhere dive-bombing down on the park guests trying to get their french Fries.:(

My wife went to get in line for some fries and I sat back at a near by table and watched all the people freaking out as the birds attacked.

After my wife got her fries and was walking away after paying for them ,I noticed a big blackbird heading right at her so I ran to warn her.

As it divebombed at her I instictively swung my fist and hit the blackbird and it went flying into a Park Bench right near the french fry cart where it hit the bench and died instantly.

Luckily a Custodial Castmember happend to be right there and disposed of the carcass right away.

Some people around me started applauding but a few hissed and booed at me.

I felt terrible for what I had done so my wife and I got out of the area really fast.

I was scared to go back to that area for awhile. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Well, not the worst, but the stupidest.
I was at the AKL, and there was a lobby place where you could walk out on a public balcony and look out at the animals. I was walking towards it and there was a glass door. I couldn't tell that there was a glass door there, so I sorta... umm.... crashed into the door :lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Scooter
I was by the McDonalds French Fry Stand between Frontierland and Adventure land.

The birds were everywhere dive-bombing down on the park guests trying to get their french Fries.:(

My wife went to get in line for some fries and I sat back at a near by table and watched all the people freaking out as the birds attacked.

After my wife got her fries and was walking away after paying for them ,I noticed a big blackbird heading right at her so I ran to warn her.

As it divebombed at her I instictively swung my fist and hit the blackbird and it went flying into a Park Bench right near the french fry cart where it hit the bench and died instantly.

Luckily a Custodial Castmember happend to be right there and disposed of the carcass right away.

Some people around me started applauding but a few hissed and booed at me.

I felt terrible for what I had done so my wife and I got out of the area really fast.

I was scared to go back to that area for awhile. :lookaroun
Ooh... that sorta happened to me, but I didn't kill anything :lol: (just playing with you, Scooter)
Anyways, my cousin Jack, my sister Amy, and I were walking in Fronteirland. There were birds EVERYWHERE that day, it was really annoying. Well, a big white bird just flew out of nowhere and almost hit Jack in the face. It was pretty scary, but funny at the same time (we didn't do anything but laugh at it) and then some guy sitting on a bench who saw us said "The bathroom's that way!" :lol:


New Member
Originally posted by Scooter
I was by the McDonalds French Fry Stand between Frontierland and Adventure land.

The birds were everywhere dive-bombing down on the park guests trying to get their french Fries.:(

My wife went to get in line for some fries and I sat back at a near by table and watched all the people freaking out as the birds attacked.

After my wife got her fries and was walking away after paying for them ,I noticed a big blackbird heading right at her so I ran to warn her.

As it divebombed at her I instictively swung my fist and hit the blackbird and it went flying into a Park Bench right near the french fry cart where it hit the bench and died instantly.

Luckily a Custodial Castmember happend to be right there and disposed of the carcass right away.

Some people around me started applauding but a few hissed and booed at me.

I felt terrible for what I had done so my wife and I got out of the area really fast.

I was scared to go back to that area for awhile. :lookaroun

LOL! Someone call PETA! :lol: j/k

The really sad thing is that park guests caused this behavior. People think it's cute or funny to feed the birds, despite the signs saying not to. The birds get used to being fed, then they get aggressive and dive bomb like that. When I worked in wildlife rehab, we got soooo many cases of birds and other anmals severely injured and often killed because they got too used to humans like that. I know of a Frontierland gator that was killed for that, too.

My parents and I were at MK one summer. I was young and had just finished up a week at Girl Scout camp. We were waiting on a curb for the parade, and I was playing with my hair. All of a sudden, I noticed a little bump way up in my hairline (I had LONG hair at the time). I got my mom to look, and it was a tick!! We decided to wait and see the rest of the parade, then we had to search out the first aid. A very nice doctor or nurse (I was little and can't remember now) removed the tick with tweezers and let me watch her squish it. But I had to carry an ice pack on my head for the rest of the day to get rid of the swelling. It was very hot (as summertime in Orlando tends to be). I was a miserable, drippy mess. But at least I didn't have the tick anymore!


New Member
Originally posted by Little Mermaid
My parents and I were at MK one summer. I was young and had just finished up a week at Girl Scout camp. We were waiting on a curb for the parade, and I was playing with my hair. All of a sudden, I noticed a little bump way up in my hairline (I had LONG hair at the time). I got my mom to look, and it was a tick!! We decided to wait and see the rest of the parade, then we had to search out the first aid. A very nice doctor or nurse (I was little and can't remember now) removed the tick with tweezers and let me watch her squish it. But I had to carry an ice pack on my head for the rest of the day to get rid of the swelling. It was very hot (as summertime in Orlando tends to be). I was a miserable, drippy mess. But at least I didn't have the tick anymore!

Oh, that sucks. :(


Well-Known Member
Well, this isn't what happened to me but when my dh and I went to MK and we saw this huge pile of puke on the bridge, and on our corner was a kid covered in puke and a CM talking to the kid saying that it's okay and that happens to everyone. Couldn't have been older than eight.

What happened to us though was we were waiting for the bus to go to DTD and when the bus doors opened instead of going through the front of the bus, we went through the second doors (the back of the bus). The bus driver gave us an attitude about how we had to go through the front of the bus. Which bothered us because throughout our trip anyone could enter at the back of the bus as well. So we got off the bus and the bus was too crowded for us, so we waited another twenty minutes for a bus and when we arrived there were people that were entering from the back of the bus and they weren't lectured at!!! What bothered us that we missed our reservations and had to wait for fifty minutes for a seat, plus they were no real set rules on if you can enter at the front and/or back of the bus. It just bothered us because the bus driver made us feel like we were being rude when we weren't.


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Last year, my parents came up from the Tampa area to spend the day at Epcot with us. My Dad is a retired GM employee, so he was very interested in Test Track and wanted to ride it. I tried to talk him out of it, but he insisted on riding and wanted to do things with the grandkids. He did great on the ride until we hit the speed section. He was so sick, he couldn't even walk out of the building. I ran back to Guest Services and rented a wheelchair, ran back to TT and got him in it and after about 30 minutes I had to take him back to our room at POR because he was so sick. On the way back to the room, he puked in the Epcot parking lot, barely getting the door open to avoid ralphing in our brand new car. Of course, our room was on the second floor and I had to get him up the stairs by myself (rest of the family stayed in the park). I got him in the room and he started shaking uncontrollably. When I told him I was going to call 9-1-1, he smacked his arm on the bed and his shaking stopped. After sleeping for 4 hours, he was fine and re-joined us for the rest of the day. He did fine, but we only let him ride El Rio del Tiempo after that.

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