What would you like to see changed if Fantasmic! goes on a refurb?


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I've seen Fantasmic three times. June/December 2003,May 2008. And well since F! has been on a schedule trim this past year, everyone's saying a refurb is gonna happen. Well Since F! in DLR's been running for about 17 years, it recently got washed and freshened (washing the old stuff and freshening it with a touch of *new*) But since Disney probably doesn't have enough money to freshen F! at DHS up, what would you like to see changed/freshened up if Fantasmic! will be going on a refurb soon?

Here's my list (yeah a list.)

-Complete reinvention on the Opening sequence (light towers, fountains, etc.) and bringing back the little sparks of pyro that come out while the Sorcerer's Apprentice is shown on the screen.
-Pocohantas, the most boring part of the show, needs a makeover. At least put some of the characters on a barge or something, and change some things around.
-Hmm the part of the transitioning Evil Queen > Hag from Snow White should have a little more smoke and a little less obvious of how it's done.
-Change the dragon scene a little bit. New fountain sequences, how the fire appears, new and longer way of how the dragon gets destroyed.
-Complete remodeling of the finale. Let's face it, Steamboat Willie should either change to the Liberty Belle from Magic Kingdom *lol that's never going to happen* or at least get a paint job and bring the spinning fireworks that were igniting from the side of it.The Sorcerer Mickey sequence should be a-la Disneyland, but a little more exciting and a little less copy-catting. And the green flash at the end please.
-HD Projectors, new lights, new lasers, and more crowd-pleasing.

If this happens:
-More people will visit DHS if it gets alot of advertising
-Bringing it back to at least 5- 6 days a week, with at least double showing
-The economy should be a little bit better by this time *uncertain*

So that's my opinion, what's yours? *Yes, Im new to this, so hi! :)*


Well-Known Member
I would be happy with digital projectors and a new dragon. I really doubt we'll see any major changes to the show ever.


New Member
I would like to get everything new that DLR got in their refurb on DHS's version. Mostly the new dragon though.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
I know they wouldn't do this, but I'd prefer a whole overhaul with more clever special effects and less reliance on the mist screens and reused Disney film footage.

At any rate, I hope they just drop the Pocaboring segment. Its so pointless...


A new full-bodied dragon animatronic would be extremely welcomed. The head on the stick we have now is nice, but it's old and just isn't as good as it really could be. Once Disneyland gets theirs up and working, I'm sure that our dragon will be needing a replacement (but most likely, won't get one. DX)

We need all the new enhancements Disneyland got - new lighting and projectors.

Replace Pocahontas! It really isn't ALL that bad but it honestly is boring after the first few times, especially when something better and more exciting could take its place. Besides, Pocahontas really isn't the most famous of the Animated Classics.

I'd also say bring in more live villains and not have all but two be on the water screens.
Maybe Hades? He'd be a fun guy to bring in, especially with a flaming head. :shrug:

Whatever they do, if anything, do NOT replace the Animated Classics from the show. Do not bring any live action movies or etc into the show. The overall plot of the show is perfect. Just needs some tweaks to make the entire presentation perfect.

Maybe most importantly though, is the previous schedule Fantasmic had. Bring back atleast once every night.. and two performances on busier nights. Like everyone has said, DHS needs Fantasmic.

Honestly, I'd be perfectly happy with the new dragon and technical advancements to be brought to DHS.


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Hmm, probably during the bubbles they can add some ToyStory or Monster's Inc, but they might have to re-do the soundtrack. And yeah, a AA dragon would be rather amazing.


Active Member
1. More live action, less water screen. Keep it to the classics for the whole show. After a few times, the water screens become annoying as they seem to make up about 70% of the show, in my eyes the screens should take up no more than 30-40% of the show and should only be used as a cover for the scene changes.

2. Digital projection. I am not sure how plausible it is to project an HD image onto a water screen, but at the very least make it digital film, this would also make it much easier to update the video sequences in the future.

3. New dragon, enough said.

4. Do a little bit of work to the steamboat, it looks like a white metal box with metal railings on it, oh wait, it is...but dress it up a little bit, they don't need to overhaul it, just update the boat with some coloring and decorations.

5. Lighting, I have worked with a lot of lighting instruments in the past few years, and this show could definitely use some updating of the lighting instruments and the lighting effects in the show.

6. New pre-show music please, the current playlist is fun the first time, but quickly becomes annoying.

7. Change out the Pocahontas scene, redo it with a classic movie scene acted out.

8. Nightly shows, or at the very least, 1 down-day a week (like Monday, to give the cast a break).

9. New pyrotechnics and fountain effects, steal a few effects like the ones that are supposed to be in WOC.

Don't copy the scenes/effects in CA, come up with some new and original stuff, it is fine to maybe steal a new scene or something from CA, but these two shows should be almost completely different.


New Member
I would mainly like to see the new AA dragon, which I hear will be appearing on Aug. 16 in DL.

And the Peter Pan segement, or something else besides the Poch. scene it just seems very random.


Well-Known Member
1. More realistically fluid Audio-Animatronic dragon!
2. Update/remove the Pocahontas segment.
3. Improved projections (though I never saw a difference when Mickey's Philharmagic had its screen converted to digital)...
4. Perhaps even add the giant Flotsam/Jetsam eels to the show...
5. Nightly shows please. :)


Well-Known Member
More days that it is produced! Trying to come down for a few days makes it difficult to plan, and if you have rain, you are sunk.
A updated dragon would be my second vote.


Active Member
Okay first of all i think i must add that i have seen the show over 200 times (the bliss of working up there.)

Complete reinvention on the Opening sequence (light towers, fountains, etc.) and bringing back the little sparks of pyro that come out while the Sorcerer's Apprentice is shown on the screen.

Totally agree, they need to update the technology.

Pocohantas, the most boring part of the show, needs a makeover. At least put some of the characters on a barge or something, and change some things around.

I agree that this part needs a makeover, maybe to include some of the more recent disney classics such as treasure planet, lilo and stitch, the princess and the frog, brother bear...

Hmm the part of the transitioning Evil Queen > Hag from Snow White should have a little more smoke and a little less obvious of how it's done.

again agreed unless you are sat bang smack in the middle you can see though i think the need to add two smoke machines at the sides of the cauldron rather than pumping more smoke out of the one thats there already.

Change the dragon scene a little bit. New fountain sequences, how the fire appears, new and longer way of how the dragon gets destroyed.

the dragon had a major rehab in Jan 08. (mostly to deal with the fact she kept refusing to go back into the mountain during the show.)

Complete remodeling of the finale. Let's face it, Steamboat Willie should either change to the Liberty Belle from Magic Kingdom *lol that's never going to happen* or at least get a paint job and bring the spinning fireworks that were igniting from the side of it.The Sorcerer Mickey sequence should be a-la Disneyland, but a little more exciting and a little less copy-catting. And the green flash at the end please.

you will never see the liberty bell at dhs, the moat is both to narrow and to shallow (its only a few feet deep.)

The spining firework are also gone for good, they were discontinued for safety reasons after one spun off the boat and narrowly missed the audience. They have been replaced by the waterfall fireworks.

With the green laser, i'd love to see the end of them, but i purely think they are there incase the fireworks fail. (which i have seen happen a number of times.)

HD Projectors, new lights, new lasers, and more crowd-pleasing.
They have just updated the sound system so would not be suprised if this happens soon.

I also agree with you that fantasmic needs to come back daily, there are people who are being turned away at the moment because it is at capacity. Plus the fact that the not so smart tourists who don't plan like we do are being denyed seeing one of DHS top attractions, a decision that could affect future park attendance.

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