Just for fun, What would you give up/ sacrifice to be physically at walt disney world right now????
For example:
*your right arm
*your first born
*your granny/grandmother
*a million dollars/euro/pound etc ( technically if thats true, you could just pay to go there and while your at it you can pay for me too)
Right now i'd give anything you ask, but if you insist on pinning me down,
i'd give up eating mc donalds forever
(wow, thats huge for me, i cant believe i'd go to them lengths just too see a castle and a mouse :animwink: )
For example:
*your right arm
*your first born
*your granny/grandmother
*a million dollars/euro/pound etc ( technically if thats true, you could just pay to go there and while your at it you can pay for me too)
Right now i'd give anything you ask, but if you insist on pinning me down,
i'd give up eating mc donalds forever
(wow, thats huge for me, i cant believe i'd go to them lengths just too see a castle and a mouse :animwink: )