I stopped going about 5 years back. I was an APer for about a 10-year stretch. Often I would stay on site and my general procedure was to pick a nice restaurant either in the parks or at one of the resorts for each evening's meal.
To understand my expectations:
- Yes it was expensive but they're nice parks
- Yes, I could probably get better food elsewhere cheaper but, generally speaking, the food was very good and the treatment by the employees was always nice.
- Overall it was: "A very nice experience at an elevated price." <- I could live with that.
Over the years leading up to the last time I went I noticed little things that were being cut:
- paper napkin replacing cloth napkins at the upscale restaurants
- things not being fixed
- re-occurring problems ( it was at the point where: If you want to make sure you don't miss your reservation then don't take the Monorail - you may be stuck on it).
- EMH dropping from 3 to 2 hours in the evening
- the quality of the food / meals was degrading
- trimming down street performers / shows
- no new attractions (I think Mission: Space was, at the time, the last one added and it was past 10 years - their attitude seems to be: why add attractions? People are lining up anyway!)
...basically, anywhere they could save a buck they'd try to save a buck.
At the same time the cost was going up on tickets, food, etc. Why not? People are still lining up at the gate.
I remember thinking, and I think I was at Le Cellier when this happened, "This is stupid expensive for the (degraded) quality of food and experience I'm getting. It's no longer "a nice experience at an elevated price" but a sub-par experience and a stupid price. I feel stupid paying for this. I'm not coming back." And I haven't.
I really think that they are just burning through nostalgia now. 10 years ago I was excited that the 50th was coming up and fully planned to be there. Now? I have no desire to pay a ridiculous amount of money for a sub-par experience. I think there are a good number of, "I love Disney!"-folks here that will, eventually, succumb to, "ok.. Now I feel stupid paying for this."
As someone else said, it's not that I can't afford it. I just no longer see the value in it. Over the last year or two I've seen some of the Disney bloggers start to choke on this, too. They seem to really love the parks and all that but will mention something close to, "This is getting stupid to pay based on what you're getting." It's usually very quick as to not upset the Disney gods who give them access but, yeah, you can see it happening.