What Was/Is your defining Disney Moment.


It's always the first time I see the castle....I love the feeling as we ride along in the bus and see it for the first time. I always make sure to take one last look as we drive away, knowing I'll be seeing it again someday soon. :)


I can't think of anything more wonderful than walking down Main Street early in the morning when the park opens, going through Cinderella's castle and seeing Dumbo and the Carousel in action as you enter Fantasyland.:)


New Member
Re: Wow!

Originally posted by AdLibSean
I know it sounds pathetic but, thats part of the reason I love the place so much. It's my home, a happy home where the evils of the world seem to be shut out; and for that brief week, nothing else matters at ALL! You're happiness soars, as does your spirit and its truely magical.

Thanks for your time, even though no one will probably read this. I always seem to be the last person to reply to a post. Oh well. Take care and wish upon a star.... it can't hurt...

I cut some of your post but I hope everyone reads the orignial. I just had to say if anyone thinks its sounds pathetic then boy I must be really really even more pathetic. My non-Disney friends and family tease me. But I do understand how you feel and I have to admit it still surprises me how many people feel the same way ..its home. My granddaughter said when she was smaller that we should move to WDW and visit Texas once a year.
I just want to say I have chill bumps from reading these posts.

My best moment was Easter week 2000 when my whole family went to WDW (son, grandmother, Mom, sister, brother-in-law, and neice). It was a great trip. The best part was my son and I lying in the grass on the Tomorrowland side of the castle and watching the start of the fireworks. then we ran to Buzz Lightyear and had a ball there.

I am going bck in October with my girlfriend who hasn't been since she was 6 (1972) so I can't wait to share the magic with her.


Active Member
definining moments

I have 2 defining moments.

1. When the road signs have mouse ears and symbols on them, i know i'm at wdw.

2. the first time i see the monorail. it's just an amazing feeling to know i'm finally there.:king:


New Member
this year its going to be the look on my granddaughters faces when they find out that instead of CBR we are staying at the AKL :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: We arent going to tell them we changed over to the AKL so right up till we pull up to the AKL they wont know !!!


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm glad so many of y'all picked my Monorail! :sohappy: Kinda makes me wonder... how many of y'all have I driven? Or if any of you have ridden in my front cab? (if so I hope I was in a good mood... lol)

Y'all might think I'm crazy for this... but for me... it's the Parking Tram... it's that feeling of, "OMG... I'm really here."


New Member
Hey Tyler,
I was thinking about that. We will be trying to see if my son can ride up in the front of the monorail when we go down. I will have to check the pilots name tag and see if it's you!!!!


New Member
OO,what a great question! i have a couple of moments:

1.seeing the tower of terror from the parking lot of MGM
2.the scene around me...The disney people work so hard to make everything feel so special,and it works!! I love it so much!


Well-Known Member
It never fails for me...I step on board the ferry headed to the Magic Kingdom, and I know I'm REALLY THERE. Oddly enough, at EPCOT I get that very same feeling the second I step off the Disney bus and hear the EPCOT main theme music, before the park's really even in sight!


Active Member
Wow. Great question! It's also hard to answer given all the options...LOL.

I have three things that let me know I'm "home" again.

1. Turning on the hotel TV and hearing "Zip-a-dee-do-dah...Tip for Today!"
2. The ever so popular Under the railroad entrance onto Main Street then rounding the corner and seeing the castle in all its splendor.
3. Seeing Mickey perched atop that mountain at the end of Fantasmic! directing all of the fireworks and water fountains. (This one's a new one to me...just discovered it on our last trip and will try to always see it on our first night as a sort of "celebration", if you will. Literally gave me goosebumps the first time I experienced it.)

P.S. AdLibSean - You're not pathetic at all! I've always considered WDW my true "home". To me, home is a place where you can go to forget about all of your troubles and worries. A place where you can go to be happy and be yourself with total disregard for what others may think. To me, Walt Disney World personifies that definition.


New Member
Spaceship Earth, did anyone else think of it as a great big golfball when you were young? I always thought Paul Bunyon would walk up to it some time and hit it with a great big golf club!!


New Member
Eating a heaping ice cream cone with mickey ears on it on a hot day with ice cream all over me!!! I just feel like such a kid again. I even got a stain on my shoe last time and everytime I look at it it reminds me of the happiest place on earth!!! :animwink:


New Member
This one's not easy. Could it be when I got engaged on the beach at the Grand Floridian? How about the first or last time I rode Horizons? Maybe it could be any one of the 60-some times I have been to Disney World in my 21 years. I'm going to have to keep going so I can figrue this one out...
Eeek! I don't think I have just one -- Disney has been so central to our lives. I'll name some of my favorites:

5. The beginning of the Lion King broadway musical. Was anyone else balling -- cried like a baby!
4. Going into NY City with no tickets to see Pocahontas in Central Park -- we were ready to pay a scalper when two very sweet families each offered us a free ticket. Reaffirmed my faith in mankind -- and we found our friends once we were inside. Walt was shining on us that day (well, except while it was raining).
3. Being cast as juggler clown in the Herules Electrical Parade in NY City. A totally different kind of magic when YOUR the one making it happen. I could believe how exhausted, yet energized I was.
2. Getting engaged on the Beach at the Y&B Club while the Epcot fireworks shown over the hotel.

And my #1 is EASY!

1. Saying "I Do" in the Italy Pavilion at Epcot.


New Member
Originally posted by Married@WDW

3. Being cast as juggler clown in the Herules Electrical Parade in NY City. A totally different kind of magic when YOUR the one making it happen. I could believe how exhausted, yet energized I was.

Hi! I was in the Hercules Electrical Parade in NYC too!!! Were you a Disney Store CM? What store did you work at? I was at Fifth Ave. Might we know each other?????

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