What Was/Is your defining Disney Moment.


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Original Poster
What is it (or was it if its been removed) that really made you feel like you're at Walt Disney World?

Some people its the Castle. For me, its Adventureland. Seeing Pirates, the Tikihouse and Jungle cruise drive home that yes, I'm home.

So what is it for you?


New Member
For me, it is the "WOO". What is the "WOO" you ask???

Well, you know the arches that say "Walt Disney World" that you drive under to enter the area? Those are the "WOO's". LOL!
Whenever we drive under it, we say "WOO" and laugh. It is then that we know we are there! :)

I think it stems from the fact that we drive from Michigan straight through and are so tired and excited to finally be there! There are some ways in that you don't drive under the "WOO" and I make my dh go back so I can go under it. LOL!!

The castle also does it for me. LOL!

kamy :)


New Member
YoHo, you're gonna shoot me for responding with this but...

Since we go so frequently, for us it's the arrival at the resort. And YoHo, you know where that is. It's pulling up to the guardhouse and saying "checking into Movies!" or "checking into Music!". Then the drive up to the lobby and walking in. For us it really is like a second home. We sleep there about 12% of the nights in a year.

My greatest memory (and what I'd have on my CM badge) is the Main Street Electrical Parade. Seeing it for the first time as a kiddo back in the mid 70's was so awe inspiring. That tune stuck with me for the entire school year (even though I had no way of hearing anymore) until I rushed back to WDW the next summer. That's why it was so unbelievably special to share it with my daughter during the Millennium Celebration. Still, we throw in the CD and have an MSEP around the living room a couple of times a week. So we are Disney Nerds, what can I tell ya?

Brer Bear

Active Member
I have a few moments:

1. The moment I walk on to Main Street and see the castle for the first time. Gives me a good feeling:D

2. For some reason the smell of the Great Ceremonia House at the Polynesian. I can't explain it, when I smell that unique smell it just signifies that I am at Disney and ready to have a great time.:king:


New Member
These kind of questions always throw me for a loop! I have so many 'defining' moments that it's almost pointless to think about it. Should I go back to the summer between my grammar school and high school years (1968) when I visited Disneyland for the very first time? But what moment? They whole day is a haze of great memories, melded together. So, as typical for me, I let others do the hard work and then jump on their bandwagon.

I can honestly say that I would have never thought of this on my own, but after reading it, I couldn't think of a more personally fitting "defining moment'. Thank you Brer Bear.
For some reason the smell of the Great Ceremonial House at the Polynesian. I can't explain it, when I smell that unique smell it just signifies that I am at Disney and ready to have a great time.

And can you believe that there are some in the world that claim that can't smell it!?!? And worse yet, some that are aware of that smell and don't like it! UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!

Thanks again.


Active Member
For me, it's gotta be riding that bus to MK , turning into the drop off area and seeing the castle again. It always me a kid again.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Like Kamgen its driving through the entrance to the World gates and the road signs change colour, thats when the excitement builds to un told heights.
Then theres the two ultimate bliss moments,
1. as i start up inside Spaceship Earth and hear that naration
2. Seeing Micky on top of the Mountain in Fantasmic, the colour the lights the just out of reach! so remains magical.

The Mom

Premium Member
My defining moment is the sound of the train engine, and the conductor yelling "All Aboard" as I walk through the turnstiles (if I'm lucky enough to time my entrance for it.) I always consider it a good omen for a magical visit.


New Member
For me, any time I get on the monorail is a big thrill... Nowhere else in the world (and i mean the world, not the World :) ) can you get that same feeling. Especially when it passes through the fourth concourse at the Contemporary.

Spaceship Earth and Space Mountain also do it for me, and here's one I don't think anyone else will pick up on.... Standing next to the Partners statue always gets me for some reason.


Brer Bear

Active Member
I'm glad you agree with me Land Baron about the GCH smell. My friends tell me I'm crazy about that place having a certain smell to it. Now at least I know I'm not crazy :sohappy:


Active Member
For me, it's walking into the lobby of the Contemporary and then riding the two escalators to the concourse, one of my first memories as a child was the Contemporary concourse, so i always get that feeling when I am in it.


New Member
For me there are two things, one that very blantantly tells me i'm there and another that signifies it:
The Thing that signifies it is hearing the Entrance Music at any Park, Nothing Beats It
The Thing that Blatantly tells me are, well... the lines:lol:


New Member
Since I'm a Cali girl it was always seeing the Flower Mickey in front of the park... and then when I was old enough to recongize Walt, seeing the Walt and Mickey Statue...



My family and I LOVE DISNEY SMELLS we always sy they should bottlethem and sell them. some smells we love are:

1. The air condition. Any disney air condition has a unique smell.
2. The smell of the water i.e. seven seas lagoon has t's own water smell.
3. The haunted mansion(might be the AC smell but if you blindfolded me andblocked my ears I would know I am there)
4. The burning scene in ROME in SE(epcot)
5. The orage smell at horizons(RIP)
6. And yes the LOBBY at the POLYNESIAN has it's very own unique smell.

If and when I smell these things I KNOW I am at disney.

coming in a close second is noticing pink pavement under your feet inthe M.



As they say in radio, long-time listener, first time caller. I don't know about anyone else, but as a child (and still today) driving to WDW, it was/is the sight of the first Disney roadside billboard sign that also made us feel we were there. Of course we really had some driving left, but that was and is a biggie.


New Member
I can hardly describe my joy at reading your posts! I am sooooooo happy to be in the company of other people who understand mine and my family's Disney obsessions!!!! You guys are awesome!!!! Okay, here are my defining moments (as there are several!)

1.Yes, I agree with the driving people. We drive down from NY and when we see the signs change to purple I cannot describe how it makes us all feel. We get so excited! There is a lot of screaming and clapping, LOL! Poor DH can hardly drive with all of us in the back seats!
2. Pulling into the All-Stars to check in. Walking under the All-Star sign and going up to the front desk cast member and saying "We have reservations today!"
3. Getting to MK and walking down Main Street. Main Street has a smell too, like cookies baking and the soap they use to wash the floors and some other stuff I can't describe, but I'm sure you know. And seeing the castle. Even if we get to Disney and go to another park first, as we have done the last two times, we don't feel we are really there until the day we walk down Main Street.
4. And lastly, (and this is going to sound weird to you) the little details. For instance, the brown napkins with Jimminy Cricket's "Environmentality" on them. The popcorn cubes with Mickey's faces all over them. The powdered blue and pink soap they have in the dispensers at MK restrooms. The soap in the resort with Mickey's face on it, and the shampoo that says "Everybody clean and pretty?" The receipts imprinted with Disney characters after you make a purchase. And our resort IDs. They better never change any of that stuff, cuz we all love it, and it tells us "Yes, we really are here!"

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