What to say to Disney World bashers?


Active Member
I get picked on all the time about it but its usually people that never go or they do something similar just a different place., meaning go to the same place every year.

Its something I have grown to love and my family has as well. Me and my fiance go every year, my sister, her husband and his parnets go every year, it has just become something we do yearly.


Active Member
If they do not understand..it is a loss for them, and they will not be in our way in any line! Or for that matter, complaining about things! Ha ha!

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I start by telling them that their kids are ugly. If they have no kids I begin to question their manhood/womanhood. After that the subject of "Why do you like that kiddie park so much?" tends to be forgotten about.:lookaroun:lol:


Well-Known Member
I live in Dothan Al, its about an hour and a half from Panama City Beach. A lot of the people who always wonder why I go to WDW year after year go to the beach 4 to 5 times in one year. I'll ask them why they keep going to the beach and they tell me cause they love it and I say "well there you go" and that shuts them up.

Walt Disney1955

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
But when someone says it's a kid park, I say "Well duh! we are kids!" because we're like 16-17 yrs old haha=]

But see that's the thing, I think it's far from a kids park. Yes a kid can and will enjoy it. But I loved it when I was 10 but love it even more now that I am 29. I certainly have matured in 19 years but the park hasn't changed a whole lot since then. So the conclusion is this is a park where an adult and a child can enjoy it equally which was Walt's vision (genius idea).

I have a guy at work say: "The commercial on TV has a promo of Dumbo the flying elephant". I tell him that is only the tip of the iceberg there is so much more to see. You either listen or you don't


Active Member
We go almost every year. In 2006, we took my sister & her 2 boys. She was also 4 months pregnant. She is now wanting to go back with us this May. Her mother in law doesn't understand why she wants to go back, why she needs $xxxx.xx, and why we need to go for 8 days. She says "When we went tickets didn't cost by $x.xx." When she went and took my brother in law, he was 4 then, and is now 32. Duh. Things have changed "JUST A LITTLE BIT" since then. My sister told her mother in law that you just don't comprehend how much there is to do now, and it's a whole other world different than anything else you can think of.

My personal opinion is that she just wants 8 days away from the mom in law. :brick:


Active Member
Well, I just tell them they are totally wrong! :ROFLOL:

Seriously, though, I have never run into a Disney World basher so I have no idea how I would react.


Active Member
I say the same thing I do to people who bash Universal Studios. If you don't like it don't go. I love Universal Studios, but I also love Disney World because they are different and I am able to have different experiences. My favorite park which in my opinion beats both Disney & Universal has been considered the most beautiful park for the last 19 years and it is of course Busch Gardens Williamsburg.

The problem I have are people who try to compare parks that have nothing in common and why their park is better. Here in Virginia we have two different theme parks which are Busch Gardens & Kings Dominion. I love Busch Gardens, but am not a fan of Kings Dominion as much. When I was younger I loved Kings Dominion, but as I got older that changed. I have coworkers who kid me about going to Florida to Disney & Universal, but when I went in December two of my coworkers were also there that same week. I also have coworkers that hate Busch Gardens, but love Kings Dominion.

Every theme park is a different experience and cannot be compared to another, even though people try to. I just tell people that I enjoyed the parks even though I go by myself and they should try it before they bash it.


Active Member
Oh, I just make fun of them. For example, this particular exchange took place not long ago:

Friend: Are you going to Disney World again?

Me: Yes, next June.

Friend: *makes a face* I didn't really like that place, and I only went there once. I don't get why you keep going back.

Me: Because I like to do things that you hate. The less I can be like you, the better.

Friend: Oh, ha ha.

Me: Your opinions are always wrong. I measure my rightness by your wrongness.

Friend: Very funny.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that was approximately the actual conversation. I think he knew I was almost joking. Insulting friends and acquaintances is the key here. It's fun for the whole family. :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Oh, I just make fun of them. For example, this particular exchange took place not long ago:

Friend: Are you going to Disney World again?

Me: Yes, next June.

Friend: *makes a face* I didn't really like that place, and I only went there once. I don't get why you keep going back.

Me: Because I like to do things that you hate. The less I can be like you, the better.

Friend: Oh, ha ha.

Me: Your opinions are always wrong. I measure my rightness by your wrongness.

Friend: Very funny.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that was approximately the actual conversation. I think he knew I was almost joking. Insulting friends and acquaintances is the key here. It's fun for the whole family. :sohappy:


Brilliant. True. And also a Great post.


I've been in this situation before. I'm 21 so my five other friends I hang out with are around my age, they don't really question but seem to have an understanding about my obsession. :lol: Though two of them in particular sort of poke fun at it, making WDW sound like nothing BUT a place to spend a lot of money. Complete with the Mickey Mouse impersonation "the real magic's in your wallet!" Though neither them or myself take it seriously.

Then there's my uncle and two cousins who LIVE near WDW and the Orlando area, specifically in Lakeland. I think this is just a case that they don't "get it" like I do, they say it gets boring going multiple times. I think they are the more "commando" style park-goers, where they just run through as fast as they can, hit the E-tickets, then head out. My sister and (to a lesser extent) my dad are sort of the same. Not the way to see the full WDW experience. I would give ANYTHING to live where my uncle does, being that much closer to the magic. :)

I've tried explaining that WDW is so much more than what they believe, but it doesn't seem to get through to them. Oh well, you can't please everyone, and I'm still a proud WDW geek. It could also be the teen mentality of "Disney's not cool, it's for babies!" scenario, which I think is rubbish anyway, as we all know it's not just for kids! :)
Those that go and get it.....No explanation is neccessary

Those who dont go, and wont go.......No explanation is possible

You said it all!!! I'm just glad that we get it... and that year after year we go back and we always have a great time. To me it's the feeling that you get when your there that I look forward to. :sohappy::sohappy::sohappy:


New Member
Most people that I know that bash me about Disney either are Sports Fans or Alcohol Fans(usually the two go hand in hand).

I am sorry they aren't enjoying life more.

They usually ask me things like "what are you like 6 years old?"
I say no four.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Most people that I know that bash me about Disney either are Sports Fans or Alcohol Fans(usually the two go hand in hand).

I am sorry they aren't enjoying life more.

They usually ask me things like "what are you like 6 years old?"
I say no four.

I'm actually both (especially of the latter), and I still manage to attend WDW roughly twice a year. Let's not categorize anyone who doesn't like WDW any more than categorizing someone who does....


New Member
But see that's the thing, I think it's far from a kids park. Yes a kid can and will enjoy it. But I loved it when I was 10 but love it even more now that I am 29. I certainly have matured in 19 years but the park hasn't changed a whole lot since then. So the conclusion is this is a park where an adult and a child can enjoy it equally which was Walt's vision (genius idea).

I have a guy at work say: "The commercial on TV has a promo of Dumbo the flying elephant". I tell him that is only the tip of the iceberg there is so much more to see. You either listen or you don't

You're absolutely right. There are so many things to do for adults and kids. I would ride on Dumbo any day.

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