Well-Known Member
I love Futurama so much haha!Futurama is the perfect IP for a Star Tours retheme and it makes me kinda sad that they're so committed to keeping it on life support right now. These next few years I think will be the final window of relevance for Futurama to get any theme park development and I just don't think the circumstances are right for anything to come of it. Maybe a Slurm stand if they went with a "screw it, Fox animation land" theme for Animation Courtyard.
But that's what I'm saying! If Disney is hell-bent on getting Simpsons to a park.. which is a dying brand but has fans.. why not also bring over the stuff in that similar category that is still relevant. I think Family Guy and Bob's Burgers fits that. And Futurama would just be something SO EASY to make a ride out of. That space is so big and shouldn't be just one IP. A Fox Animation Courtyard is such a no brainer for young adults that are into that stuff, and that would be such an easier pill for me to swallow if it HAS to happen.
...Just to be clear other people reading this.. I don't want this, but if it has to happen at least give us all the Simpsons-like animation franchises that you own in that space.