Just old? Explains everything. NOT. It's a major gap that shouldn't be so confounding.Your nitpicks are nonsensical. It's not pre-OT, Hondo is just old And coaxium, though it was introduced in "Solo", is obviously a very valuable item that would still exist decades later. It's literally "hyperfuel" and would always be a needed resource by everyone in the SW universe. If you haven't seen "Solo", it doesn't matter. Hondo could just easily have said, "We're after precious Slkdjlad rods!" But why not use something that's been established if you can? Why not dip into the lore?
Which is why they used Hondo. Hondo is clearly new to most people, but you obviously don't have to have seen Clone Wars to "get" the ride. You don't need any pre-knowledge of Hondo to understand his role and his character, it's all in the ride. If you happen to be a super fan, it's an easter egg. If not, no problem.
Original Trilogy will rescue Star Wars Land. It's one of those cases whether Disney still likes money or not. If they don't like money, keep trying this mess.Yes, but the Original Trilogy is barely relevant anymore and will only continue to be more irrelevant. As for Hondo, he was in the Clone Wars show. He's an alien. How long do Aliens live? Well, considering Chewy has been around since the Clone Wars as well, I'd say it depends upon the Alien. No issue with the timeline.
Nothing is wrong with using characters that might have died if you're doing a ghost-based attraction. Pretty sure it'd be weird to have Uncle Ben be our main character in a Spider Man attraction.
Lovely to keep stretching the age of characters. Chewbacca was the oldest character along with the C3PO and R2D2. That was intent of George Lucas, but I hardly have to expect an incidental character like Hondo should get the same treatment.
Maleficent died in original cartoon. We're up to Maleficent 2 in live action movie.
As for Uncle Ben, how many times has he died in each Spiderman origin movie? Plenty of times. Before long, he will get his own trilogy. We'll know everything he did when he raised Peter Parker. Then he'll do it again at another reboot.