What order do you go through the MK lands?


Original Poster
My family and I will be going to WDW in September and will be going to the MK one of the days. :sohappy: I don't know why, but we usually seem to go to Tomorrrowland 1st then make our way around the hub to Fantasyland, Mickey's Toontown Fair, Liberty Square, Adventureland, then Fontierland last. I assume that’s probably the way MK is laid out for the general public to naturally flow and it seems to work for us. Is this the way most people go and is there a better way to possibly avoid long lines on the popular attractions?

Mr Bill

Well-Known Member
We're disorganized and bounce all over the place. It's usually Fronteirland to Tomorrowland to Adventureland to Liberty Square to Fantasyland.


Active Member
I've always found going the opposite way (first ride being the jungle cruise, last ride being space mountain) to actually work out better because most people go the way you had originally listed.

My family isn't big into the mountains, only splash mountain, so the lines work out for us on going on the rides we like, so I'm not sure whether or not this way would be any help for rides like space mountain or BTMRR


Well-Known Member
We have had great success following the suggested plan in the Unofficial Guide to WDW book. In the past five trips, the longest we waited in line was 45 minutes for Peter Pan, but it was because we deviated from the plan.

We do quite a bit of crisscrossing, but we feel it's worth it: we'd rather walk than stand in line.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
The first time I went I started in Tommorrowland and went counter-clockwise.
The next time I went I started in Adventureland and went clockwise.
Now- I just go where I want to go next.

I do agree with no2apprentice on the Unofficial Guide to WDW book. Its definately worth the investment!!


Well-Known Member
We usually start at Tomorrowland but lately we've been starting in Adventureland. I'm not sure if starting at any land will help with wait times since every land has great attractions. Have Fun!!


Well-Known Member
We like to ride The Haunted Mansion, then ride Fantasyland, Tomorrowland, lunch, Frontierland, Adventureland, DInner, go back to hit anything that we missed, Wishes.


Active Member
lawyergirl's First Day at MK Itinerary:

1) Walk onto Main Street.
2) Realize I'm in the MK.
3) Get misty-eyed.
4) Walk into middle of Street to stare at Castle.
5) Get misty-eyed.
6) Get tempted to run towards the Castle.
7) Realize that I am acting like a dope.
8) Don't care. RUN TO CASTLE!!!!
9) Stop in front of Partners statue
10) Get misty-eyed. Again.
11) Snap the same (feels like) thousand pictures of the Castle that I take every vacation.
12) Look left at Adventureland/Frontierland/Liberty Square.
13) Look right at Tomorrowland.
14) Realize it's no contest, and run through Castle like a little kid.
15) Run straight onto Cinderella's Carrousel.
16) Get misty eyed.

However, if I'm with people who, you know, want to see stuff, (*sigh* killjoys!) then I usually start over in Tomorrowland, then I cut back to Frontierland, and go clockwise from there!


Well-Known Member
We criss-cross the park as need be. There's never a time we hit one area and then move on to the next. You just end up waiting in longer lines that way. Through a combination of FastPass and a lot of walking (admitedly, we do A LOT of walking), we never wait in any length of line for rides. We might hit PoTC, then over to TTA, then back to HM - just depends on flow, line length and such. If it's long, come back. It'll be shorter later and you can catch a lull then.


FantasyLand First!

If we get into the park within the first hour of it being opened, we had straight to fantasyland to be the kiddie rush. After that, it is usually over to Tomorrowland to be the adult rush. From there it is pretty random. Usually, we will make a return trip back threw tomorrowland for another Space Ranger Spin :)


Well-Known Member
Used to go to Tomorrowland first, now we take a hard left at the end of Main Street and follow the drums into Adventureland.


Active Member
I used to start in adventureland and work my way back across the park, but for some reason the last few times i've started in tomorrowland and worked my way counter-clockwise around the park.

For some reason i have to ride Space Mountain first.


Well-Known Member
When we've gotten there at park opening, we normally did Tomorrowland first. However, this past trip we were at MK on Memorial Day mind you and this is what we did. Some may be repeated because we rode more than once.

Thunder Mt.
Splash (w/FP)
Winnie the Pooh
Space (w/FP)

By this time we were done and it wasn't even 1:30 yet! So, we ate lunch, my brother went to the Indy Speedway, while my sister and I saw Philarmagic again. Of course you noticed that we skipped a lot of attractions. Since you will probably do Adventureland (unlike us), I say go that way first. Or go to Frontierland first and then backtrack a little to Adventureland. You should have less of a hassle with lines this way. Of course, you should also remember to use FP whenever you can. They make a big difference, especially in Splash and Space.

Have fun :wave:


Android-XS said:
My family and I will be going to WDW in September and will be going to the MK one of the days. :sohappy: I don't know why, but we usually seem to go to Tomorrrowland 1st then make our way around the hub to Fantasyland, Mickey's Toontown Fair, Liberty Square, Adventureland, then Fontierland last. I assume that’s probably the way MK is laid out for the general public to naturally flow and it seems to work for us. Is this the way most people go and is there a better way to possibly avoid long lines on the popular attractions?
Thats exactly what i do as well.. That way you can just naturally walk around and as long as you get there early enough there are no major que times.



New Member
Can't get out of the habit started in the days of the Space Mountain Mini-Marathon :D

Tips wise, if you are there for opening, head to your favourite attraction that normally has long queues later in the day. Fantasyland first thing is often a good bet to cut down on the long lines that form there.

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