What is one thing you think WDW could use that it does not have?


Well-Known Member
brertigger said:
I think a bowling alley would be a good idea. Maybe in the DTD area?

I don't know where a ferris wheel would fit best, but it would be cool to have the amazing view from it. If it was like DCA's, then they would still have at least some stationary gondolas.


How about DTD or the Boardwalk? Also, wouldnt you think it would be cool if they added like a skycoaster type of thing either in DTD or the BW, I could see it at DTD and the ferris wheel more at the BW. What do you guys think?

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Someone earlier mentioned the Main Street Electrical Parade is what the place needs...

I second that!!!

MSEP all the way!

No matter how many glitzy high-tech gizmos "SpectroMagic" has...it can't hold a candle to the original. MSEP RULES SUPREME!! I will never be able to understand why Disney wanted to kill it off in 96'. And for what?? "Light Magic" of all things! LOL!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
:wave: Hi....I thought the pet resort and the bowling alleys were great ideas...it should be noted that you can have a dog or cat stay at the Fort Wilderness kennel while you stay at Fort wilderness as there are areas there for you to walk the animals and such.

I especially like the bowling alley idea as the problem with some alleys is they are smoke infested and not the greatest places for families SOMETIMES, at least where I live. Disney however would do it so it's family oriented and safe ;)...BUT I know the perfect place for one that would even fit in with the surroundings and there is space around......POP CENTURY RESORT:sohappy: . The 50's area has giant bowling pins and when you went inside it could be kinda like the lobby at pop century is with time capsules and all that ;) I thought it was a good idea as far as a place as Pop Century is kinda out by itself.


Well-Known Member
A dance club that is themed to different decades. Not like 8TRAX exactly. Instead, from 8-9pm would be 50s music, from 9-10pm would be 60s music, etc. Somehow, they could have different images and CM costumes change with the music (think the Disney Cruise's Animator's Pallette restaurant).


Well-Known Member
Party Elevator said:
How about letting annual passholders skip the regular lines and use the fastpass line. :sohappy:
All though I am a Anual Passholder, I wouldn't like to be able to do that. I enjoy going through the lines, you get to meet and talk to new people. Yes I do get fastpasses when lines are extreme but I wouldn't want to be able to skip all of the lines when ever I like.

I would like to see the return of Anual Passholder lounges though, that would be a nice addition to have again.


New Member
yoda_5729 said:
:wave: Hi....I thought the pet resort and the bowling alleys were great ideas...it should be noted that you can have a dog or cat stay at the Fort Wilderness kennel while you stay at Fort wilderness as there are areas there for you to walk the animals and such.

I especially like the bowling alley idea as the problem with some alleys is they are smoke infested and not the greatest places for families SOMETIMES, at least where I live. Disney however would do it so it's family oriented and safe ;)...BUT I know the perfect place for one that would even fit in with the surroundings and there is space around......POP CENTURY RESORT:sohappy: . The 50's area has giant bowling pins and when you went inside it could be kinda like the lobby at pop century is with time capsules and all that ;) I thought it was a good idea as far as a place as Pop Century is kinda out by itself.

Why dont u just ask for it to become a moderate resort?

Party Elevator

New Member
jddjcfc said:
All though I am a Anual Passholder, I wouldn't like to be able to do that. I enjoy going through the lines, you get to meet and talk to new people. Yes I do get fastpasses when lines are extreme but I wouldn't want to be able to skip all of the lines when ever I like.

The funny thing is i found my current girlfriend in the fastpass line at RnRc.:king: So you dont have to wait the regular line to meet new people. Personally and i dont think im the only one , I would love the option not to wait in line. Especailly after spending all the money on the pass.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Area specific merchandise (instead of every-store-being-a-Wal*Mart type mentality)

A magic shop in the Magic Kingdom.


New Member
dumboflyer said:
A dance club that is themed to different decades. Not like 8TRAX exactly. Instead, from 8-9pm would be 50s music, from 9-10pm would be 60s music, etc. Somehow, they could have different images and CM costumes change with the music (think the Disney Cruise's Animator's Pallette restaurant).

I like that idea! I hate that the only choice of dancing I have as a college-age woman is constant no-talent-required bump and grind music. I think I was born in the wrong decade. :(

I would also like a personal apartment in the castle...when I am the Queen of Disney, I shall be able to observe my subjects from above. :D


the-reason14 said:
How about DTD or the Boardwalk? Also, wouldnt you think it would be cool if they added like a skycoaster type of thing either in DTD or the BW, I could see it at DTD and the ferris wheel more at the BW. What do you guys think?
I didn't think about the Boardwalk! A Ferris Wheel would fit perfectly there.
Great idea!


Active Member
retroeric said:
Off the top of my head:

- - A dollar store for all things Disney (wouldn't that be cool!)
- A character restaurant designed soley for birthday parties that you can schedule
- It's own daily newspaper)

OMG great ideas
i love my local dollar store it would be awsome to have one in disney my kids would go crazy they love the little stuff a dollar store has

a character birthday restaurant would be great to as we always go at one of there birthdays

and a newspaper at our hotel room or one we could buy that would tell us whats up, where and when would be great too you could take it with you to the parks to remind you whats up :D

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