What happened to people?

John park hopper

Well-Known Member
For the first time in the 40 years I had made a visit to WDW, in 2019 I was forced to use a scooter. I can walk but only short distances before my back starts to scream at me. Likewise, I cannot stand either walking or standstill for over 15 minutes without massive pains in my lower back.

I dreaded using a scooter, but without it I would have had to stay home. To the credit of the guests, I heard no disparaging words and I was pleasantly happy and surprised about that. When I got more paranoid was, since the scooter fit in all the queues I could sit and ride it all the way to just before load. What worried me was that I could get off the scooter and walk relatively normally to board the ride. Since my problem had made me pretty much home bound for a year or so, I had also put on a little weight as well. But, to everyone's credit, either no one said anything or I didn't hear them, either way it worked for me. I had a great time and I know if it hadn't been for the scooter, it would have either been a very painful experience or it just wouldn't have happened at all.

BTW, just to insert a little reality into this... for those that choose to be judgmental about someone needing mobility assistance, up until one day, when I was 64 I never had a back problem at all and on that day I went from very mobile to my knees in pain in just one click of a second. This stuff can happen to anyone at any time, so keep that in mind the next time you decide to be judgmental or suspicious of another's, not always obvious, physical problems think about what it would be like if it happened to you.
It will happen to all of us as we get older. Thanks to Uncle Sam and agent orange exposure I had an acoustic neuroma (non malignant tumor brain) removed my right side hearing nerve (deaf in my right ear) and balance nerve. I can't stand for long periods of time and walk long distances due to dizziness. So if I visit WDW I would more than likely need a scooter or just not walk a lot without resting. Standing in long lines would be impossible. Scooters at WDW never bothered me what did though is those SUV strollers.

UK Disney

Active Member
The final pre-show bit in Guardians really brings out the worst in people. Next year, we plan to stand on the left-hand side and laugh at everyone trying to save 3 minutes getting on ride. They need to address this situation, as it can be quite dangerous. Last week, we witnessed a woman in a wheelchair almost being knocked over by people trying to push past. It seems that this behaviour is most common among those who join from the Virtual Queue merge point.

Having said that, in general, as a Brit, I find that Americans in the parks are really courteous and friendly, which is one of the reasons we enjoy visiting them.
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Well-Known Member
I think there's always been 'those people' in theme parks. Whilst society is always evolving and there does seem to be a sense of entitlement and rudeness increasing, I think technology has magnified it somewhat.

Back in the day before mobile phones or the internet, if somebody decided they were going to get in somebody's face over line cutting it would remain between those in that area. Nowadays we're so used to seeing videos online of 'Karens' demanding service from a closed McDonalds and having a meltdown that I believe some people see this behaviour and thinking it's the norm, copy it. If somebody plays up in Disney World you can pretty much guarantee somebody will film it and when somebody sees it, the more stupid amongst them will probably copy it thinking it's acceptable somehow.
agree 100%, but 1 can argue that society is devolving vs evolving nowadays


Well-Known Member
I think there's always been 'those people' in theme parks. Whilst society is always evolving and there does seem to be a sense of entitlement and rudeness increasing, I think technology has magnified it somewhat.

Back in the day before mobile phones or the internet, if somebody decided they were going to get in somebody's face over line cutting it would remain between those in that area. Nowadays we're so used to seeing videos online of 'Karens' demanding service from a closed McDonalds and having a meltdown that I believe some people see this behaviour and thinking it's the norm, copy it. If somebody plays up in Disney World you can pretty much guarantee somebody will film it and when somebody sees it, the more stupid amongst them will probably copy it thinking it's acceptable somehow.
I remember 12-13 years ago in my area where some bystanders were filming a police activity down the street. 2 cops came over grabbed the devices and smashed them to the ground. Nowadays one can film usually without that happening.


Well-Known Member
People just seem miserable these past years. They say anything they want to or about anyone with no thought to the person they are speaking to and usually with no consequence either.

Cowards behind their computers and phones who spew dangerous rhetoric veiled behind ride or movie "critiques".

It's sad that I've come to this conclusion mostly based on Disney social media sites frequented by adults. 😄


Well-Known Member
I think there's always been 'those people' in theme parks. Whilst society is always evolving and there does seem to be a sense of entitlement and rudeness increasing, I think technology has magnified it somewhat.

Back in the day before mobile phones or the internet, if somebody decided they were going to get in somebody's face over line cutting it would remain between those in that area. Nowadays we're so used to seeing videos online of 'Karens' demanding service from a closed McDonalds and having a meltdown that I believe some people see this behaviour and thinking it's the norm, copy it. If somebody plays up in Disney World you can pretty much guarantee somebody will film it and when somebody sees it, the more stupid amongst them will probably copy it thinking it's acceptable somehow.
I agree it has. I will say I see these problems happen more are Disney and Universal than many regional parks. Rarely do I see guests pushing past people at King's Island or Cedar Point ever since they implemented the chaperone policy.


Well-Known Member
I agree it has. I will say I see these problems happen more are Disney and Universal than many regional parks. Rarely do I see guests pushing past people at King's Island or Cedar Point ever since they implemented the chaperone policy.
This post is further from the truth. Regional parks have instituted chaperone policies due to issues including violence shootings to include killings. Universal City walk Orlando now has a no one under 18 allowed in City walk on weekend nights with exceptions to to the local riff raff creating incidents at Citywalk.


Well-Known Member
This post is further from the truth. Regional parks have instituted chaperone policies due to issues including violence shootings to include killings. Universal City walk Orlando now has a no one under 18 allowed in City walk on weekend nights with exceptions to to the local riff raff creating incidents at Citywalk.
I said since they implemented those policies those things don't happen now. Not all regional parks are the same. Cedar Point, Kings Island, Dollywood and Silver Dollar City rarely see those incidents that happen at Disney and Universal with people pushing past people.


Active Member
One thing to keep in mind is that the riffraff has always existed. I listened to an interview with a woman who was a character cast member in the 70s and 80s, and she said that she had to quit because of the the injuries from guests assaulting her with punches and whatever else. I think people are less patient than ever, and Disney exacerbated the issue with their pricing and so forth, but I haven’t heard that people today are violent enough to drive someone into retirement.


Well-Known Member
One thing to keep in mind is that the riffraff has always existed. I listened to an interview with a woman who was a character cast member in the 70s and 80s, and she said that she had to quit because of the the injuries from guests assaulting her with punches and whatever else. I think people are less patient than ever, and Disney exacerbated the issue with their pricing and so forth, but I haven’t heard that people today are violent enough to drive someone into retirement.
There have been quite a number of CP's who have voluntarily left the program early due to the aggressiveness and verbal abuse they have had to tolerate with guests. They reach a point where it isnt worth it.


Well-Known Member
I said since they implemented those policies those things don't happen now. Not all regional parks are the same. Cedar Point, Kings Island, Dollywood and Silver Dollar City rarely see those incidents that happen at Disney and Universal with people pushing past people.
I've seen issues at regional parks too, namely those operated by Six Flags.

Chef Mickey

Well-Known Member
People just seem miserable these past years. They say anything they want to or about anyone with no thought to the person they are speaking to and usually with no consequence either.

Cowards behind their computers and phones who spew dangerous rhetoric veiled behind ride or movie "critiques".

It's sad that I've come to this conclusion mostly based on Disney social media sites frequented by adults. 😄
I mean, I don't disagree that people act hard on the Internet, but it doesn't change the fact Disney has been horribly managed for years and have made many stupid decisions. How else are people supposed to communicate that than over the internet? I can say it in person if you want, but I don't know you LOL.

That said, it should never be personal. I'm simply critiquing Disney's awful management and decision making process.


Well-Known Member
I mean, I don't disagree that people act hard on the Internet, but it doesn't change the fact Disney has been horribly managed for years and have made many stupid decisions. How else are people supposed to communicate that than over the internet? I can say it in person if you want, but I don't know you LOL.

That said, it should never be personal. I'm simply critiquing Disney's awful management and decision making process.
All your feedback is similar to what some have shared but in your previous posts why do you continue to go to the parks and resorts and eat in several of the fine dining locations?


Active Member
There have been quite a number of CP's who have voluntarily left the program early due to the aggressiveness and verbal abuse they have had to tolerate with guests. They reach a point where it isnt worth it.
Right, but injuries? It seems to me that people might be less prone to physical violence, and more towards verbal hostility. And I’m sure the verbal animosity is more prevalent than the violence ever was, but still. In the 80s there were people who had to quit because of the injuries.


Well-Known Member
There have been quite a number of CP's who have voluntarily left the program early due to the aggressiveness and verbal abuse they have had to tolerate with guests. They reach a point where it isnt worth it.
Those who left would probably not last in a customer service role like in airports.

Chef Mickey

Well-Known Member
All your feedback is similar to what some have shared but in your previous posts why do you continue to go to the parks and resorts and eat in several of the fine dining locations?
I don't. Didn't renew my annual pass and the only Disney resort I've been to in almost 2 years is Tokyo Disney.

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