what EXACTLY is a preffered room at a value resort?


New Member
do i get fluffier pillows?
better toilet roll?extra shamoos?i see there is a standard room
and for a bit more,,,,,preffered
i know its east to nickel and dime anything to death,,,,BUT is it worth it?
its not MUCH more,,,but over a 7 day stay,,,,does one need thatt?
with limited funds,,,thats shopping money,,,dining,,,extra ticket....etc
if you have stayed in both,,,,please help
and NO to me there is no such thing as too minute a detail
Im not asking anyone to type till they are tired
but anything will help
blue carpet vs orange...one room stinks,,,has better lighting


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oh raspberries thats IT?
i thought that may be it,,,,i dont think i would wanna pony up the difference to just be closer.IN FACT,,,that may be worse,,,,more foot traffic by the rooms....louder,,,etc
im not trying to be a total cheapskate....BUT i can take that moeny and spend it elsewhere
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if you're staying at an All Star, I consider a preferred room to be 100% worth it.

I've stayed at ASMusic 4x. 3x were in a preferred room. We were in Calypso. First building next to the lobby, short walk for buses morning and night, easy to quickly run down to the food court for a refill in my mug, etc etc.

The one time we did not stay preferred we were in Rock n' Roll, which was the total other end of the resort. I know we lost the lottery on this one, but it was a 15 minute walk from the buses to our room. It made it difficult to run down for that evening cup of tea, etc, and some nights that walk back to the room was just HECK on my tired feet. I think I actually cried a few times. ASfter waiting 45 min for the bus, probably standing the whole way, having to make that last walk always seemed to do me in at night.

Well worth an extra $10 a night IMO.

At Pop instead of a T shape, it's more of a cluster, so it's just not as far from the furthest rooms to the lobby, though we were in 70's when we were there, which was not the furthest building. It's not as necessary IMO.
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Well-Known Member
if you're staying at an All Star, I consider a preferred room to be 100% worth it.

I've stayed at ASMusic 4x. 3x were in a preferred room. We were in Calypso. First building next to the lobby, short walk for buses morning and night, easy to quickly run down to the food court for a refill in my mug, etc etc.

The one time we did not stay preferred we were in Rock n' Roll, which was the total other end of the resort. I know we lost the lottery on this one, but it was a 15 minute walk from the buses to our room. It made it difficult to run down for that evening cup of tea, etc, and some nights that walk back to the room was just HECK on my tired feet. I think I actually cried a few times. ASfter waiting 45 min for the bus, probably standing the whole way, having to make that last walk always seemed to do me in at night.

Well worth an extra $10 a night IMO.

At Pop instead of a T shape, it's more of a cluster, so it's just not as far from the furthest rooms to the lobby, though we were in 70's when we were there, which was not the furthest building. It's not as necessary IMO.

Me...I would not pay for the preffered room and just opt for a cab instead of waiting and standing for a bus late at night. Then only time we stayed at value is the year we learned about cabs and how GREAT they are. Saves you on time and stress. But this is only my opinion!!!!
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if you're staying at an All Star, I consider a preferred room to be 100% worth it.

I've stayed at ASMusic 4x. 3x were in a preferred room. We were in Calypso. First building next to the lobby, short walk for buses morning and night, easy to quickly run down to the food court for a refill in my mug, etc etc.

The one time we did not stay preferred we were in Rock n' Roll, which was the total other end of the resort. I know we lost the lottery on this one, but it was a 15 minute walk from the buses to our room. It made it difficult to run down for that evening cup of tea, etc, and some nights that walk back to the room was just HECK on my tired feet. I think I actually cried a few times. ASfter waiting 45 min for the bus, probably standing the whole way, having to make that last walk always seemed to do me in at night.

Well worth an extra $10 a night IMO.

At Pop instead of a T shape, it's more of a cluster, so it's just not as far from the furthest rooms to the lobby, though we were in 70's when we were there, which was not the furthest building. It's not as necessary IMO.

well you do bring up a valid point
i guess i didnt realise the resorts are THAT massive
and for DH when he gets the grumpies:goodnevil
it mayyyy be worth it for my sanity to NOT be accused of being"the cheapest woman the world has ever known"
we would PROLLLYYY stay at POP if we go value
he is pushing for AK lodge or the POLY(if we win the lottery,,,surreee)
and I have Fibromyalgia,,,so,,,,my knees will thank my pocketbook
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Me...I would not pay for the preffered room and just opt for a cab instead of waiting and standing for a bus late at night. Then only time we stayed at value is the year we learned about cabs and how GREAT they are. Saves you on time and stress. But this is only my opinion!!!!

But would the cab drop you at say, the parking lot behind your building, or only at the lobby? if it's the lobby the problem remains. Also, a cab would be more than $10 a night
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well you do bring up a valid point
i guess i didnt realise the resorts are THAT massive
and for DH when he gets the grumpies:goodnevil
it mayyyy be worth it for my sanity to NOT be accused of being"the cheapest woman the world has ever known"
we would PROLLLYYY stay at POP if we go value
he is pushing for AK lodge or the POLY(if we win the lottery,,,surreee)
and I have Fibromyalgia,,,so,,,,my knees will thank my pocketbook

The All Stars are HUGE. Look at a map if you can. It's just a long, straight walk from the lobby to the end. You may be in the 2nd building with a standard room, no big deal, or you could be all the way at the end. I have fibromyalgia too, and 5 herniated discs. I think that's why that extra walk just puts me over the edge. Once I get off that bus, I want to be "home"
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The All Stars are HUGE. Look at a map if you can. It's just a long, straight walk from the lobby to the end. You may be in the 2nd building with a standard room, no big deal, or you could be all the way at the end. I have fibromyalgia too, and 5 herniated discs. I think that's why that extra walk just puts me over the edge. Once I get off that bus, I want to be "home"

darn girl...you should sell for Disney,,,,
you just convinced a cheapskate to pay more,,,LOL
with Fibro and a grouchy honey,,,,that may be a good deal
coming "home" we would prolly be stinky,,,tired and hungry'
a quick shower and a easy walk to the food court would be a good idea
he has to have his HOT tea or the word ends,,,,lol
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Me...I would not pay for the preffered room and just opt for a cab instead of waiting and standing for a bus late at night. Then only time we stayed at value is the year we learned about cabs and how GREAT they are. Saves you on time and stress. But this is only my opinion!!!!

would the cab be cheaper than the room rate diff?
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Well-Known Member
But would the cab drop you at say, the parking lot behind your building, or only at the lobby? if it's the lobby the problem remains. Also, a cab would be more than $10 a night

Yes they drop you at the lobby but you have been standing and waiting for the bus for 45 mintues...you would get back to the resort and to your room before you would even have gotten on the bus at the park. Yes the cab could cost closer to $20 depending on where you start..but for us it is well worth it. This was just another point of view and suggestion for OP to weight for what would work best for them!!!! :wave:
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Yes they drop you at the lobby but you have been standing and waiting for the bus for 45 mintues...you would get back to the resort and to your room before you would even have gotten on the bus at the park. Yes the cab could cost closer to $20 depending on where you start..but for us it is well worth it. This was just another point of view and suggestion for OP to weight for what would work best for them!!!! :wave:

Thanks! I've never taken a cab, so I was curious about this, too!
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Me...I would not pay for the preffered room and just opt for a cab instead of waiting and standing for a bus late at night. Then only time we stayed at value is the year we learned about cabs and how GREAT they are. Saves you on time and stress. But this is only my opinion!!!!

im gonna remember this
i take public transport all the time and Im used to it
BUT,,,ease in and out of the parks and no "herding" mentality sounds nice
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Well-Known Member
im gonna remember this
i take public transport all the time and Im used to it
BUT,,,ease in and out of the parks and no "herding" mentality sounds nice

The night we took our first cab was 1999 in October. We were at Epcot and the fireworks just ended. We walk all the way out to the bus stops and when we got to the front of the line we figured out that line of peopel we just passed was the back of the line for the All Stars....boy was the DH ed and then he turned he saw the all the cabs just sitting there. $15 and 20 minutes and we were back to the All Stars Music, walked to our room, kids went swimming while I did laundry and at 12:00pm people where still come back from Ecpot off the Disney busses. You could tell by the hurds of people all together and the kids were carry the masks. We were back and in the pool by 10pm.....those folks stood in line for close to 2 hours. From that point on we budget for cabs in our spending cash and take cabs alot at mostly at night when tired or when you have transfer buses to get back home. to us its money well spent and much less stress. But everyone is differnet!!
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Well-Known Member
Allow me to add a different view regarding the preferred room issue. I have stayed at the All-Stars with a Florida resident discount. The discount means that you get a room at the farthest end of the hotel, just before the drop-off of Christopher Columbus' edge of the Earth.

One would think this to be a bad thing, but it is has always been a benefit to me. Morning- no noise from people excited to start another day. Evening- no noise from unsupervised kids running amok. Midnight-no noise from the pool and late night revelers. Are you catching my drift? The rooms are located in a nice, quiet section that is virtually free of the noise and turmoil associated with the pools and main building.

The "extra walk" at night is not that big of an issue for me. By that point in the day I have already walked for miles, and an extra quarter of a mile does not ruin the day. I know it's just a relatively small amount of money for the upgrade, but money is not the issue for me. It's serenity.
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I mean one thing about the preferred rooms is that they are right off the pool.

I have to say though that in my experience the noise was WORSE when I had the faraway room. i had cheerleaders practicing day and night int he courtyard outside of rock and roll. I didn't really find that there were a lot of kids in the pool early and late at night.

For me, I am now thinking on the most miserable nights maybe I can convince DH to take a cab, but I'd still overall spend the money on the preferred room given the choice because, yes, at night, when it's the worst, the cab will definitely save you time on your feet and make up for the walk, but what about the morning? What about the times when you come back to the hotel in the afternoon? What about when you want to get something to drink before bed or after waking? With a preferred room, you're closer to the buses and lobby for ALL of those times. Also, the extra 10-15 minute walk adds up to an hour a day if you think about leaving for your morning park, coming back in the afternoon, leaving in the afternoon and coming home at night. Time is money.

I'm a TOTAL cheapskate, and that's how I justify it.

However, I'm rolling the dice with our room at Pop again. It's not as spread out so it can't be as bad as the All Stars.

You can always request a closer room. I'm always there on an AP discount though, so I'm pretty sure no closer rooms will be available (I did request a closer room once I saw they put us in RnR..no dice), though when we stayed at POFQ on the AP once I was having a lot of back issues (I almost ended up renting a wheelchair for the trip :-( ) and I requested a closer room due to my back and they gave me an accessible room in the first building. However, that may or may not have been what is considered a "desirable" room at that resort, so it may have been easier for them to do.
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We just got back from a stay at CSR, and were very thankful we paid extra for the preferred room. It was still quite a walk from our room, but we weren't on the far side of the complex which would have been MUCH worse. It is all about the location of your room to the food, bus stops, etc. We've also spent the extra $ at All-Star Sports. Well worth it IMO.
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Well-Known Member
would the cab be cheaper than the room rate diff?

That would depend on how may times you took a cab..once or twice over a weeks stay then yes the cab would be cheaper. But if you took a cab home every night than paying for location would save you. I would figure with tip an average of $15 per cab ride..that a good ave. to help you weight the cost to the room. For us the walk will not kill us as much as standing and waiting. But for those with you with medical issue and grumpy DH then I might think about paying for the location. And maybe even using a cab or 2. We just feel like our time is worth the cab fairs....we are no good at waiting. We also like to eat a other resorts that would require a bus from the resort to a park or Downtown and transfer to a bus back to home resort and late at night when tired cab is so much faster.
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I stayed at Pop several time always getting a prefered room Then 1 time I didn't remember to order the preffered. The room I got was was quiter and had a better view,You do have to walk a little farther but well worth the walk ,never have gotten or will get preffered again.
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