What do you usually Skip or Avoid during your Trip?


New Member
Originally posted by misskat
but thats most of the things on many people's "must do" lists, do you ever feel cheated by number of dropping "thrill" rides compared to less intense ones? i know my mum (who has back, neck and eye problems! and so cant ride many of the more intense rides) wishes she didnt have to pay full park entry to wait while the rest of us go on things that would give her a migraine!

Not really, I know people love them and thats good enough for me. besides thats what is sogreat about disney ther is a ton of other thinsg to do as well, I can actually stand the drop on pirates, it's only one so i go through it, there the haunted mansion, my favorite is it's a small world. anything in fantasy land, country bears, Buzz lightyear, speedway, tiki room, jungle cruise, Test track dosn't bother me either, pretty much anything in epcott, and mission space sounds cool, because it spins it dosn't drop. Dinosour in AK is another favorite. not to mention the ambiance the shops, the food, the charecters, just everything. disney has it's coasters but has other things that everyone can ride. i probubly would never rider everest but I know it will draw crowds, so disney will build other thins around it . unlike IOA where almost EVERY ride has a drop. the ambiance is good, but I sware there was only 3 maybe 4 rides i could ride. not so at disney. and did I mention the food.


New Member
Sherm00 - oh the Disney magic :) and yes...the food! that's the great thing, that it caters for everyone, not like many theme parks designed for twisting,dropping,spinning and hurling you around at high speeds and nothing else!

and if you can go on pirates and haunted mansion, what more do you need ;-)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Sherm00
we skip,

Alien Enounter
Space mountain
Big thundar mt RR
SPlash mountain
Rovck and Roller coaster
Tower of Terror

and most everything in island of adventure.

i don't like drops. spin me twist me, explore my senses but don't drop me I pass out. as for alien encounter, I think it's terrible and the harnesses hurt. they definitly need to replace it.
Sherm, both Rock 'n' Roller Coaster and Big Thunder Mountain contain no "drops." As I read in your previous post, you were able to do DINOSAUR correct? If you can handle that then you can probably do those two. My sister has the same problem with that "dropping" feeling but neither of those rides give you a dropping feeling at all. BTM especially is just a mine train that twists and turns around the mountain. I say, give it a try and try not to assume that coasters contain drops. RNR is mostly just a knot of track in a building and there is simply no room for a drop anyway.


New Member
Originally posted by AndyMagic
Sherm, both Rock 'n' Roller Coaster and Big Thunder Mountain contain no "drops." As I read in your previous post, you were able to do DINOSAUR correct? If you can handle that then you can probably do those two. My sister has the same problem with that "dropping" feeling but neither of those rides give you a dropping feeling at all. BTM especially is just a mine train that twists and turns around the mountain. I say, give it a try and try not to assume that coasters contain drops. RNR is mostly just a knot of track in a building and there is simply no room for a drop anyway.

i'll try it worst then it could do is let me toss my turky leg.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Sherm00
we skip,

Alien Enounter
Space mountain
Big thundar mt RR
SPlash mountain
Rovck and Roller coaster
Tower of Terror

and most everything in island of adventure.

i don't like drops. spin me twist me, explore my senses but don't drop me I pass out. as for alien encounter, I think it's terrible and the harnesses hurt. they definitly need to replace it.

Wow these are my favorite rides by far. :lol:
I also have no idea why you said the harnesses hurt at Alien Encounter. That makes no sense to me. The harnesses only press on your shoulders for like 5 seconds and then they pop up off of your shoulders. They shouldn't hurt any at all. The Haunted Mansion's lowering of the safety bar hurts me alot more than that. I have long legs so it always bangs against my knees. If I get any taller I won't be able to ride it anymore. I can live without the Haunted Mansion though. The stretch room is my favorite part by far.
Well, being that our recent trip was the first for my wife, and the second for me (with the first being 10 years ago), we really wished we would have SKIPPED It's A Small World. I really hope I don't offend anyone on here, but (in our honest opinion) that ride really sucks! A was so bored that I started paying more attention to the water than I did to the actually little "attraction" people. Again, just my opinion.


Originally posted by WDW1971
I totally disagree. I like the treehouse. It's a slow-paced attraction. For those of us that are older and have a fondness for the movie (a Disney classic), the treehouse is a way to step back to a simpler time. Incidentally, every time I've been, the treehouse has been crowded. It's a relatively cheap attraction that doesn't really take up much space. I don't think it will be going away anytime...

We went out and rented the movie before we went so that our kids would know what the tree was about. Its now one of their favorite movies and they enjoyed the tree alot when we went. I know that Disney has to keep up with the times but somethings need to stay to keep the "original" feel that anybody gets when they went when they were kids or in the '70s and '80s.


Basically what we did was skip those things that our 2 girls (ages 7 and 5 at the time) eithier couldnt do or didnt really interest them yet. We didnt have time to do much of Epcot and decided to save that for our next trip.:D Problem is we will have a toddler by then and will have to do things totally different. Just means a longer stay I guess.:lol:

Don L Duck

New Member
I feel really sad for all of you that skip so many wonderful things that Disney has to offer.
I can understand not going on some of the rides due to lack of space and being uncomfortable.
Instead of skipping the ride Try this next time you come to a ride you don't like .
Just stand there and watch the little kids on that ride, just to see the excitement and happiness on their little faces and remember what it was like your first time.
I guarantee you will not look at that ride the same way again. :)


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Original Poster
One of the main resons that i skip many of these attractions is because of saving time. If i want to go on a very popular ride, lets say space mountain, but before i do that i wait on line for lets say its a small world, i feel like i am wasting my whole day waiting on a long line for something i really dont like.

Btw, thanx for all of the responses it was very interseting for me to read about the attractions that people skip.

I also have another question for you guys, if you are staying at disney for a long time, will you still skip these attractions, or will you do them becuase you have enough time to do them.

Post your thoughts.


There are definatly things that I would steer my kids away from like the World Showcase in Epcot. They are too young yet to really enjoy it and I would rather they got their fill of those things that they are more interested in. Although I go for more than just my kids, the fun I have watching them experience the same things I started experiencing 26 years ago is an unbelievable high for me. Even though somethings have changed the thrill is still there for me and watching my kids eyes light up is well worth skipping some of "my favorites" so that they can enjoy what they want. I work too much as it is now and miss too many other things to go down there and dictate what they are going to do. Its why I work so hard so that they can enjoy this wonderful place. As they get older they will enjoy the areas that we skipped when they can appreciate it more. Right now they just want to see a Nemo ride happen. Flavor of the month and all.:lol:

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