I do believe that many of these accidents were preventable and in the past would not have occurred. There have been many cutbacks. The monorail accident would never have happened few years ago because they had some other procedures in place that would have prevented it. But according to monorail drivers from that era, the procedures were changed to speed things up. We now have cast members who don't pay as close attention to what is needed. It only takes a few bad apples to cause multiple disasters. We live in a society where people barely do what they are expected to do. There is an lousy attitude, of "they don't pay me enough" or "that's not in my contract". WDW used to be different. I loved coming to WDW because the cast members went so far above and beyond my expectations. The last few years I see far fewer of those cast members, and far more of the same types of workers you might find at the local WalMart. It's sad, because there are still MANY, MANY fantastic cast members. But as I said, it only takes one mistake by someone not properly trained, or who isn't taking it seriously enough to cause a disaster.