OK, I saw the DL version at the end of June and the beginning of July.
I saw it 4 times and I have the audio memorized besides, thanks to mp3 files.
I just saw the posted video here on WDW Magic, but will be lucky enough to see it in person thanks to a business trip coming up next month.
My eyes even welled up briefly.
The audio edits seem jarring. They also seem obvious, at least in the video.
If they really do sound like that in person, I could have done better with the free audio editor app on my droid phone.
I miss the sing along. Every time I saw it in DL, the majority of people were indeed singing along., and it only ads a minute or so to the whole thing.
It seems/reeks of cheap to take it away.
Adding the individual tiki gods to the preshow would have been nice, and a fuller waterfall would be better, making more sense to hide the obvious circular door in the pre-show.
Don't get me started on the fountain not being there.
I hope they will add it, but somehow I think what they have now is all they will be doing.
Don't get me wrong.
On the one day I have there, I will be running to go see it, CoP, HoP, PoTC,HM, Splash and Space Mtns, and then likely Tiki Room again, but unless the audio is better than I think it is, this shorter show, while appreciated that it is not UNM or simply shuttered, is indeed just short of justifying a trip with the family.
If they add the fountain and sing along back, I'll bring the family prior to the FLE being finished. Until then, the choice would be DLP and DCA, and/or wait until all of FLE is finished for a family trip.
I am sure TDO is waiting on my judgement:ROFLOL::kiss:, but to go through all of the effort and then have it come up short upon opening, just seems a little disappointing.