Not to be pessimistic, but I'll give my negative comments first. I saw a few typos and I noticed that on the games section, it said that the answers were on page 71 when, in reality, they ended up being on page 69 or something like that. And on the word search, in addition to the "bonus" word (Ariel), in the answer section, it showed that "Eyeore" was one of the words, but it wasn't listed in the list of words to look for. This all may sound nitpicky, and I'll be the first to admit that, all in all, they are insignificant errors. But I just wanted to bring it to Tim's attention so he can correct it in the future.
Overall, though, I was very impressed with the magazine. Much better than its predecessor, "The Disney Magazine". I liked the idea of featuring a resort hotel and an attraction, and I'm hoping that the write up about the Chef's Table at V&A's will be the start of a "featured restaraunts" column. Despite the little glitches that I pointed out, it was a very well done magazine and I enjoyed reading through it and look forward to my next copy. I hope that they do some features on the waterparks and the mini-golf places as well. I liked the different articles that they wrote about, such as pin trading, AdventureLand, etc. I liked that in this issue, they featured the Halloween season at WDW and hope that they will feature the current season whenever possible, such as Christmas in next month's issue, the Flower and Garden festival in the March or May issue, etc. Another thing that I would like to see in future issues (like they did in this one with Mr Toad) is an article or two taking us back in time to the WDW of the 70s or 80s, and perhaps even an occasional trip report by the staff, whenever one of them visits WDW.
All in all, a very good magazine and I am well pleased. Keep up the good work.