Been a while so I'll catch you up...bear with me.
As you may recall after last years Dopey it took me months to recover. I started working on my weight before summer and got back down under 200lbs sporting some improved times. I have always been a "heavier" runner but over the last few years I had kept my weight below 180 till this past year.
So in the Spring I started the chore of getting it back under control, and it worked till...
Summer is my busy season where I am at camps, and the weight came back quickly. Alongside this heat in Tennessee my times have been dreadful, I mean like career lows.Stumbling through 10-12 minute miles at best at times.
On the bright side, camps are in the rear view mirror for this year and I have a month to get ready for Dumbo.
Been an improved past few days,
I did 6 in 51 minutes on a treadmill Saturday
Stumbled through 8 on Sunday in the 98 degree heat, finishing in like 90 minutes
But tonight I waited till 9;00 pm to run and ran a respectable 6 miles in 55 minutes.