What bugs you most when at WDW


New Member
Most definetly when your standing in line for a parade and 1 or 2 people are standing there and then right before the parade starts, when it's too late for you to go elsewhere, 5 more people from their group shows up and expects you to make room for them. Can't the people that are already there say something so you have time to find another spot? From now on I'm going to ask. We've gone at least once a year for the last 6 years so I try to be courteous and move back if ther's room. It seems this has gotten a lot worse in the last couple of years.


Well-Known Member
I think that more people are getting their curb spots earlier, making it harder to get good spots in peak seasons. I also think that many people have one or two people stake claim for larger groups and if its not done properly will not work. If I have to leave to take the girls to the restroom, then I make sure our spots are saved with the stroller, camera bag and my husband. We spread this out in large enough area so that it is clearly visible that people are going to be right back. Of course we don't do this for 1-2 hours, more like 10-15 minutes. We do try to make sure we have what we need before we grab our spot, but with kids, anything is possible, and often times we have to do a last minute restroom run. ;)


New Member
We go during off season. Some people don't think to do what you do and let people know others are coming that's all they need to do. I know things come up especially with small children ( I sometimes teach preschool classes at church with 20+ kids and that's just half of the 4 year olds!!so know abit sbout small kids) that's ok but the groups I'm talking about don't include small kids.


New Member
1. People who wear absolutely innapropriate clothing to the parks. This includes but is not limited to shirts with swear/cuss words on them, shirts with blatant sexual language or pictures on them, including half naked biker women, people who wear short short SHORT shorts that they really shouldn't wear ( I don't need to see your cheeks, thanks) , people who wear bikini tops instead of shirts, and really large women in hoochie mama clothes. I am a large woman. I know what looks okay on me. The stuff you picked up at Rave for teens does not.

2. Fighters. People who feel that WDW is THE place to have that special argument with their spouse or kid. I love the kid beaters. Really. Kicking your kid in line for Soarin. That's class.

3. Worse than the fighters are the lovers. People who really need to get a room. Whoop dee doo for you, you got engaged at WDW. That's nice. Can you celebrate in your room and not in line for Philharmagic?

4. Line cutters. No, it's not okay to hold a place in line for your 47 member extended family while they all go to the restroom and then have them cut in front of me to catch up with you.

5. Child worshippers. WDW is a family place. And that means every member of the family. I have just as much a right to stand in line for character meets, or hold a reservation for the coveted Princess breakfast as your 6 year old does. I have the right to have an "adult" beverage at Epcot and if you can't have your child seeing that, don't come to WDW. And please, leave the toddlers home from Pleasure Island.

6. Price complainers. For the love of Walt, you knew how much it was going to cost when you left home. It's not like you got there and they sprung on your the surprise of how much your room would be. Besides, you think WDW is costly? Try a long weekend at a nice B&B in the White Mountains during fall foliage. Yikes. Vacations cost money. Food in theme parks is overpriced. Get over it before you get to WDW.

7. People who take 7 years to figure out what they want at fast food places where there are 6 meals on the menu.

8. Cell phone yappers on rides/in shows/restaurants. Don't give me "but I may need to take a business call" or "there might be a family emergency" . Did your business fail when you went away prior to the advent of cell phones? Can you honestly conduct business or solve a family emergency in the middle of Pirates of the Carribean? No. You can't. Not to be rude but if you have a deathly ill family member, and you are waiting for the final call, I'm sorry for your loss, but learning about it right after the ride ends is not going to change anything. Learning about it during the ride is not going to change anything either, but it will annoy the heck out of everyone on the boat with you. If I had a deathly ill family memeber, honestly, I would rebook my trip. And if your business will fail if you call someone back after the ride/show ends, then I shudder to think what kind of condition your business is in. Sorry, I've just heard these two as an excuse for cell yappers sooo many times and it baffles me. I really hate cell yappers.

9. People who ride rides to make fun of them. Maybe you don't care about Figment or El Rio De Tiempo, but there are other people who might and who may never have been on them before. Keep your snide comments to yourself.

and lastly...

10. smokers who don't stick to designated areas and the cms who don't confront them.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Neverwhere said:
1. People who wear absolutely innapropriate clothing to the parks. This includes but is not limited to shirts with swear/cuss words on them, shirts with blatant sexual language or pictures on them, including half naked biker women, people who wear short short SHORT shorts that they really shouldn't wear ( I don't need to see your cheeks, thanks) , people who wear bikini tops instead of shirts, and really large women in hoochie mama clothes. I am a large woman. I know what looks okay on me. The stuff you picked up at Rave for teens does not.

2. Fighters. People who feel that WDW is THE place to have that special argument with their spouse or kid. I love the kid beaters. Really. Kicking your kid in line for Soarin. That's class.

3. Worse than the fighters are the lovers. People who really need to get a room. Whoop dee doo for you, you got engaged at WDW. That's nice. Can you celebrate in your room and not in line for Philharmagic?

4. Line cutters. No, it's not okay to hold a place in line for your 47 member extended family while they all go to the restroom and then have them cut in front of me to catch up with you.

5. Child worshippers. WDW is a family place. And that means every member of the family. I have just as much a right to stand in line for character meets, or hold a reservation for the coveted Princess breakfast as your 6 year old does. I have the right to have an "adult" beverage at Epcot and if you can't have your child seeing that, don't come to WDW. And please, leave the toddlers home from Pleasure Island.

6. Price complainers. For the love of Walt, you knew how much it was going to cost when you left home. It's not like you got there and they sprung on your the surprise of how much your room would be. Besides, you think WDW is costly? Try a long weekend at a nice B&B in the White Mountains during fall foliage. Yikes. Vacations cost money. Food in theme parks is overpriced. Get over it before you get to WDW.

7. People who take 7 years to figure out what they want at fast food places where there are 6 meals on the menu.

8. Cell phone yappers on rides/in shows/restaurants. Don't give me "but I may need to take a business call" or "there might be a family emergency" . Did your business fail when you went away prior to the advent of cell phones? Can you honestly conduct business or solve a family emergency in the middle of Pirates of the Carribean? No. You can't. Not to be rude but if you have a deathly ill family member, and you are waiting for the final call, I'm sorry for your loss, but learning about it right after the ride ends is not going to change anything. Learning about it during the ride is not going to change anything either, but it will annoy the heck out of everyone on the boat with you. If I had a deathly ill family memeber, honestly, I would rebook my trip. And if your business will fail if you call someone back after the ride/show ends, then I shudder to think what kind of condition your business is in. Sorry, I've just heard these two as an excuse for cell yappers sooo many times and it baffles me. I really hate cell yappers.

9. People who ride rides to make fun of them. Maybe you don't care about Figment or El Rio De Tiempo, but there are other people who might and who may never have been on them before. Keep your snide comments to yourself.

and lastly...

10. smokers who don't stick to designated areas and the cms who don't confront them.

Is it actually worth a visit with all that misery you have to endure?


New Member
I hope that I am not repeating anything, but this has become quite a long thread. There are few things I would like to state in regards to my family.
On the smoking subject, while I get a little ticked when you don't go to your area, I become very upset when the smoker blows the smoke in my childs face. There is no reason for this, and I just can't find it in my heart to be nice. What is even worse is when a cm sees this going on and they do nothing. Come on here, what type of manners have these people been taught?
On the parade watching subject, there was seven of us including 4 small children waiting on a parade to start when this man just sat down right in front of the stroller. Since I hate strollers being in the way, we had made sure that we had left plenty of walking room, but obviously he didn't seem to care. Come on that just wasn't nice.
I also don't like being in line with the parents who tell their children that the characters are not real. I love the fact that my kids think they can escape reality, please don't ruin that for them.
With all that said, when we go we always meet plenty of wonderful people who are just as happy as we are to be there.

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